Mass shooting at Old National Bank in Downtown Louisville

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Ok, let’s compromise at 22? Deal? Great, we met in the middle to try and save lives. Great job!
21 would make sense and coincide with other age restricted things. Wouldn't bother me.

Unfortunately, I don't think it'd have the impact expected.

7 of 10 school shooters are under 18 (not supposed to have guns anyways). Quite a few others are older than this threshold or got guns illegally/took from family.

I'd rather add protection to the targets rather than add more laws that aren't exactly followed to begin with. This proposal (elevated age limit) could've stopped Uvalde - wouldnt have impacted Columbine, Sandy Hook, Covenent or the non school version in Louisville.
So raise the following to age 22:

- Vote

Eliminating virtually every college aged American the opportunity to have a say in our political system is ridiculous. Despite my stand against the left and how their party has infected the minds of that age group, they still have a say. They are involved in entirely too many issues to have to sit decisions, personal welfare, national security, to name a few. 18 may not be perfect, but it is decidedly better than anything much older.
21 would make sense and coincide with other age restricted things. Wouldn't bother me.

Unfortunately, I don't think it'd have the impact expected.

7 of 10 school shooters are under 18 (not supposed to have guns anyways). Quite a few others are older than this threshold or got guns illegally/took from family.

I'd rather add protection to the targets rather than add more laws that aren't exactly followed to begin with. This proposal (elevated age limit) could've stopped Uvalde - wouldnt have impacted Columbine, Sandy Hook, Covenent or the non school version in Louisville.

I’m good with 21. It’s at least something. There has to be some damn effort.
Another reason why you’re going to see heavy resistance to “do something” is because we all know the “something” is going to be a massive power grab, eviscerating the rights of law abiding Americans.

The recent “TikTok ban” is a perfect example. The politicians had show trials with TikTok executives, went on all the news stations talking about banning TikTok, then put forth a bill that is a sweeping power grab completely unrelated to TikTok.

So we know the “something” is going to be another massive government overstep obliterating our rights, which happens to be the exact reason the founders put the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights in the first place.
-off the top of my head >25 would've also stopped parkland, the Illinois parade shooting as well as the guy that shot up the batman movie some years back. Again...not a panacea, but progress.

-21 would've stopped Uvalde and parkland... can't recall parade/batman ages. It's a start.

-getting govt to begin enforce existing laws/red flag laws would help as well. Many of these shooters are "known" by law enforcement types before they act.
-getting govt to begin enforce existing laws/red flag laws would help as well. Many of these shooters are "known" by law enforcement types before they act.

Yet another reason you’ll see resistance to “do something.”

If the FBI would stop LARPing as governor kidnappers and “insurrectionists” and focus on solving/preventing crimes instead of inventing them, it’d be a different story.
getting govt to begin enforce existing laws/red flag laws would help as well. Many of these shooters are "known" by law enforcement types before they act.
This is one of the reasons why I'd like to see compulsory military / civil service for 18-20ish year olds. That would get kids in a structured system where they are provided mental health services, as well as a structure that teaches accountability, discipline, etc.

By necessity, the military appears to be really good at spotting troublemakers and either getting them some help or punishing them.
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This is one of the reasons why I'd like to see compulsory military / civil service for 18-20ish year olds. That would get kids in a structured system where they are provided mental health services, as well as a structure that teaches accountability, discipline, etc.

By necessity, the military appears to be really good at spotting troublemakers and either getting them some help or punishing them.
I can see what you mean about how the military teaches accountability and discipline but the military is not a place that I would look towards as a beacon of excellent mental health services. The suicide rate among our veterans is one of the saddest things about our country.
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While I'm a supporter of the 2A, I'd prefer we take weapons like the AR-15 that keep popping up in some of the worst shootings out of the public sphere. Could murderers use something else? Sure. But those options won't be as efficient as this weapon.

At the very least could we not make this particular style of gun REALLY hard to obtain? That doesn't infringe on anything. It's hard for me to go get a freakin' pseudofed. This asshole got his AR-15 a week before carrying the act out. No long background check. No training of any kind. Just, here, enjoy your killing machine.

We make these kind of nuanced decisions on many things in life. Why is this so difficult?
I was discussing with friends yesterday some possible deterrents. Investigating family, and possibly friends after something like this might help. Showing the shooters dead body with their brains hanging out was another suggestion. I think they should put the dead, naked corpse on public display. I know that won't happen, but I bet it would keep some of these tiny dicked, self-loathing assholes from doing things like this.
I think most of them intend to die during their act.
While I'm a supporter of the 2A, I'd prefer we take weapons like the AR-15 that keep popping up in some of the worst shootings out of the public sphere. Could murderers use something else? Sure. But those options won't be as efficient as this weapon.

At the very least could we not make this particular style of gun REALLY hard to obtain? That doesn't infringe on anything. It's hard for me to go get a freakin' pseudofed. This asshole got his AR-15 a week before carrying the act out. No long background check. No training of any kind. Just, here, enjoy your killing machine.

We make these kind of nuanced decisions on many things in life. Why is this so difficult?
This idea sounds like a no-brainer to someone not familiar with guns. To someone who is, it sounds ludicrous.
This idea sounds like a no-brainer to someone not familiar with guns. To someone who is, it sounds ludicrous.
"Let's make it harder for crazy people to get a gun that can kill dozens of people in seconds."

@Hank Camacho : "That's ludicrous!"

It's like you stopped after his first sentence and said "I agree with zero of this." I mean honestly, there's no point in even having a discussion with some people when it comes to guns.
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-there is no mechanical difference in an AR 15 and my old (still regret selling it) browning BAR safari 30-06 deer's all aesthetic. In fact most ar's use rounds that are much less potent than my old 30-06.

^ar's are black and scary... and my browning had beautiful engravings of stags/boars on the receiver and a beautiful wooden stock.
While I'm a supporter of the 2A, I'd prefer we take weapons like the AR-15 that keep popping up in some of the worst shootings out of the public sphere. Could murderers use something else? Sure. But those options won't be as efficient as this weapon.

At the very least could we not make this particular style of gun REALLY hard to obtain? That doesn't infringe on anything. It's hard for me to go get a freakin' pseudofed. This asshole got his AR-15 a week before carrying the act out. No long background check. No training of any kind. Just, here, enjoy your killing machine.

We make these kind of nuanced decisions on many things in life. Why is this so difficult?

This is where I am. I don’t want to take anyone’s guns. I don’t want to ban guns. I would like to make certain guns harder to obtain.

But, I wouldn’t mind of firearms capable of firing ____ rounds in ___ seconds be limited to those who can pass a written and demonstrated performance test similar to a driver’s test, undergo a psychiatric evaluation and a thorough nationwide background checks. Any convictions for crimes such as domestic violence or terroristic threatening disqualifies the individual for life.

I find it absurd that if I want to sell you a $500 beater car with 250K miles on it, we have to go to the courthouse with title in hand to transfer the vehicle from me to you, I have to pay the taxes for that year, etc. If you wanted to sell me a firearm for $500, we could meet up in a parking lot, I hand you the cash, you hand me the gun, end of transaction. You don’t know if I intend to use it to shoot beer cans or school children. Seems backwards.

I also think lengthy background checks/cool down periods would he a good idea. I understand a person needing a pistol same day for personal protection, but I can’t think of a single reason anyone needs an AR-15 same day.

To be clear, I’m not advocating banning this weapon. I just don’t think everyone with a pulse should be able to acquire one easily. For experienced hun owners it’s another tool im the toolbox. For inexperienced gun owners, it’s akin to buying a 16 year old a sports car - too much engine for the level of experience and ability.
-there is no mechanical difference in an AR 15 and my old (still regret selling it) browning BAR safari 30-06 deer's all aesthetic. In fact most ar's use rounds that are much less potent than my old 30-06.

^ar's are black and scary... and my browning had beautiful engravings of stags/boars on the receiver and a beautiful wooden stock.
Serious question - did your deer rifle hold ~30 rounds in a magazine?
Please elaborate...

1. ARs are probably the most ubiquitous firearm in America. There are millions and millions of them. Banning them would do nothing to stop the supply for at least a decade.

2. The VAST majority of gun murders (including mass shootings) are committed with handguns. Admittedly, ARs appear to being increasingly used in mass shootings that are designed to capture the public's attention. Even though those types of shootings seem incredibly common due to the media attention, they thankfully are not.

The vast majority of mass shootings are drug related and committed with a handgun. Banning ARs would just be window dressing and have almost no measurable effect to reduce gun violence.

It would be the same WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! mentality that led to all kinds of dumbass government abuse during COVID.

3. The AR platform is an incredibly versatile rifle. It has near limitless configurations. People use them for almost every conceivable use -- legal and illegal.

There are so many variations that defining what you mean by "AR" in order to ban that is basically impossible. (Google "featureless rifle California" if you want to see an example of the difficulty involved.)

4. As rudd said, most of what people object to about the AR are cosmetic details. It is a semi-automatic rifle that fires a relatively weak rifle round. Other than 22 long rifle, nearly every rifle is utterly devastating to mammals. In fact, that's the entire point.

By comparison, an AR is much more deadly than a handgun but much less deadly than many other rifles that no one believes should be banned.

Frankly, we should be glad that shotguns are not more popular with mass shooters because a generic pump action shotgun would cause much more carnage in your typical spree shooting at close quarters than an AR.

5. The federal assault weapons ban that was in effect in the 90s has caused many people (and many more people than will publicly admit it) to stockpile ARs, magazines, etc in case it is ever reinstated. That ban was also associated in many people's minds with the federal government tyranny in the 90s like Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Trying to reinstate the ban could cause much more bloodshed in this country than currently exists.
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Judged by your posts you are biased and nothing he does will change your opinion. The shutdowns were necessary sir, whether you want to believe it or not.
The shutdowns were a human travesty. There was zero benefit to them.
Did you lose anybody close to Covid?
Relevance? I did. It was still a horrendous fiction based political decision. A horrible thing that society will pay for for generations.
Another reason why you’re going to see heavy resistance to “do something” is because we all know the “something” is going to be a massive power grab, eviscerating the rights of law abiding Americans.

The recent “TikTok ban” is a perfect example. The politicians had show trials with TikTok executives, went on all the news stations talking about banning TikTok, then put forth a bill that is a sweeping power grab completely unrelated to TikTok.

So we know the “something” is going to be another massive government overstep obliterating our rights, which happens to be the exact reason the founders put the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights in the first place.
This is the truth and the number one reason nothing ever gets done on gun issues. It's not right wingers stopping this stuff. Most gun owners I know and talk to are in favor of some common sense reforms like background checks. The problem is time and again the left has shown that if you give them an inch they will take a mile. Every. Damn. Time. They can't be trusted and so the right refuses to budge because they know exactly what will happen down the road if they do.
This is the truth and the number one reason nothing ever gets done on gun issues. It's not right wingers stopping this stuff. Most gun owners I know and talk to are in favor of some common sense reforms like background checks. The problem is time and again the left has shown that if you give them an inch they will take a mile. Every. Damn. Time. They can't be trusted and so the right refuses to budge because they know exactly what will happen down the road if they do.
We have a direct precedent that shows this statement is false. The 1994 assault weapons ban did not lead to liberals banning all guns. So no, it doesn't happen Every. Damn. Time. The issue is we have half of our politicians being spoon fed thousands of dollars by the NRA to block any and all gun reform because they know that more gun reform=less money spent on guns.
"Let's make it harder for crazy people to get a gun that can kill dozens of people in seconds."

@Hank Camacho : "That's ludicrous!"

It's like you stopped after his first sentence and said "I agree with zero of this." I mean honestly, there's no point in even having a discussion with some people when it comes to guns.
I mean honestly, there's no point in even having a discussion with some people when it comes to guns.


TBH, I don't find it particularly useful to discuss action steps to reduce gun violence with people who aren't at least familiar with guns and who, preferably, have at least some experience shooting.

Other than bolt action rifles, basically EVERY gun legally sold in America can kill dozens of people in seconds. There is no magic to an AR. It may look scarier to people without exposure to guns but it isn't some magically devastating unicorn of a firearm. It is a light, handy rifle that most people can shoot relatively well. That's why it is the most popular firearm platform in America.
While I'm a supporter of the 2A, I'd prefer we take weapons like the AR-15 that keep popping up in some of the worst shootings out of the public sphere. Could murderers use something else? Sure. But those options won't be as efficient as this weapon.

At the very least could we not make this particular style of gun REALLY hard to obtain? That doesn't infringe on anything. It's hard for me to go get a freakin' pseudofed. This asshole got his AR-15 a week before carrying the act out. No long background check. No training of any kind. Just, here, enjoy your killing machine.

We make these kind of nuanced decisions on many things in life. Why is this so difficult?
The ar-15 is vilified because it looks different. Handguns kill far more people per year. The ar-15 is no more of a "killing machine" than a 9mm or .38ACP. Do some reading up JD. People really need to educate themselves on guns and not just parrot mass media(on both sides).
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I mean honestly, there's no point in even having a discussion with some people when it comes to guns.


TBH, I don't find it particularly useful to discuss action steps to reduce gun violence with people who aren't at least familiar with guns and who, preferably, have at least some experience shooting.

Other than bolt action rifles, basically EVERY gun legally sold in America can kill dozens of people in seconds. There is no magic to an AR. It may look scarier to people without exposure to guns but it isn't some magically devastating unicorn of a firearm. It is a light, handy rifle that most people can shoot relatively well. That's why it is the most popular firearm platform in America.
Right so since basically every gun that is sold can kill dozens in seconds like you said, don’t you think we should make it harder for just ANYONE to be able to buy them?
Why not just target the insane people instead of targeting ANYONE?
These changes target those people. The extra steps will help show who those people are. Age restrictions also just make sense. There is already age restrictions in place for handguns.
I'm by no means a gun expert, but to me the ability to easily convert an AR-15 into something that can hold a high number of rounds is a bigger issue than the type of ammunition it actually uses.

I don't really understand why any civilian needs a firearm with a high capacity magazine, but I know many disagree.
I'm by no means a gun expert, but to me the ability to easily convert an AR-15 into something that can hold a high number of rounds is a bigger issue than the type of ammunition it actually uses.

I don't really understand why any civilian needs a firearm with a high capacity magazine, but I know many disagree.
I can swap out a magazine in 3-4 seconds. AR or handgun.
Make a bill that adds a waiting period or certain age limit but once you pass a NFA background check for a suppressor/SBR/SBS/Class 3 you don't have go through the process again(or for 5 years) and I may support it.
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Make a bill that adds a waiting period or certain age limit but once you pass a NFA background check for a suppressor/SBR/SBS/Class 3 you don't have go through the process again(or for 5 years) and I may support it.
A lot can happen in five years to one’s mental health.
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