Masks at Rupp Arena

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I get where you’re coming from but business also require shirts, shoes and don’t provide them. I don’t have a problem wearing a mask if I happen to have one I also don’t have a problem not shopping somewhere if they require it and I don’t have one.

Those two things are not the same. For one thing where I was visiting a federally owned entity. A private business, sure I agree. Not something operated by the govt.
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Clinton was good. Wait, Trump wanted to strip rights away and limit access to info? You’re gonna have to be more specific.
Yea, I mean I kind of just gave you the instances with the Patriot acts provisions. He also used the CRA act to overturn the broadband privacy act when he took office, repealed net neutrality laws, specifically the open internet order of 2015 and worked to limit access or impose regulations on social media apps.
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Political BS is on another forum buddy
So I guess is Free Speech.

Right there in the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
I get where you’re coming from but business also require shirts, shoes and don’t provide them. I don’t have a problem wearing a mask if I happen to have one I also don’t have a problem not shopping somewhere if they require it and I don’t have one.

We are being socially conditioned to wear masks as a society. Like we are lab rats, it isn't ok.

I take a flu vaccine every year, never walked around with a mask after. I took the COVID vaccine so I could have peace of mind in being at less risk from COVID (understand some disagree- fine by me), shouldn't have to walk around with a mask on thereafter and haven't.
The vaccines don’t stop virus transmission, but neither do the masks. So any of these rules for public venues are pointless.

If you’re sick stay home. If you’re worried about getting sick, also stay home. Don’t fall for the propaganda that anyone’s mask is going to save you from catching Covid.
I agree. It does seem a bit silly that if you go to Rupp Arena tonight and you show them a vaccination card, that you should still have to wear a mask.

I think they are doing that tho to take the easy way out.

If you allow people to not wear masks who are vaccinated, most unvaccinated people will just take their masks off once they get into the building. Maybe UK just thought it wasn't worth the hassle to monitor it all. I dunno.
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What a bunch of babies, whaa, I can't wear a mask. Think that you are at a Halloween party then.
What a bunch of babies, whaa, I can't wear a mask. Think that you are at a Halloween party then.

You are totally missing the big picture here...straight over your head. Conditioning an entire generation of youth to think it is normal to wear a diaper over their face so they don't get sick is a form of child abuse. What other countries pre-COVID found it normal to wear a mask over their face as daily ritual? I'll hang up and listen.
I agree. It does seem a bit silly that if you go to Rupp Arena tonight and you show them a vaccination card, that you should still have to wear a mask.

I think they are doing that tho to take the easy way out.

If you allow people to not wear masks who are vaccinated, most unvaccinated people will just take their masks off once they get into the building. Maybe UK just thought it wasn't worth the hassle to monitor it all. I dunno.
IF a "vaccine" card is required then I want to see the following vaccine/disease status on the card as well:

Hep C
Any psychiatric meds
Mental health status
That number is totally off. Their numbers have been falsified from the start. The real number isn’t even in the same ballpark of 700 K.
I'd estimate the number of deaths solely from the wuhan flu to be around 250-300k.

My contact at the local hospital noted any death was noted as caused by wuhan even if the actual death was caused by old age, heart attack, etc.
You are totally missing the big picture here...straight over your head. Conditioning an entire generation of youth to think it is normal to wear a diaper over their face so they don't get sick is a form of child abuse. What other countries pre-COVID found it normal to wear a mask over their face as daily ritual? I'll hang up and listen.
Bingo. You get it.
I'd estimate the number of deaths solely from the wuhan flu to be around 250-300k.

My contact at the local hospital noted any death was noted as caused by wuhan even if the actual death was caused by old age, heart attack, etc.
This is exactly right. The hospitals get a kickback for every single “Covid death”.
Those two things are not the same. For one thing where I was visiting a federally owned entity. A private business, sure I agree. Not something operated by the govt.
I don’t see why either should be required to provide anything for you to enter the store. At this point we all know some places may require a mask so just keep one in your car.
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I just feel sorry for the blue jackets at Rupp who are going to have to put up with Leroy doing his protest against “the liberals”
IF a "vaccine" card is required then I want to see the following vaccine/disease status on the card as well:

Hep C
Any psychiatric meds
Mental health status
I think this is a good response to the “private businesses can do whatever they want” crowd.

Should the private business be able to single out one disease to target? I’m having trouble understanding how that’s not discriminatory, though the courts seem allergic to all these cases.

On the other hand, I think the government may well take you up on your vax pass which lists every disease or ailment you’ve ever suffered, every medication you’ve ever taken. Every gun you’ve ever owned. Every church you’ve ever attended. Every inappropriate word you uttered on Twitter when you were 12.
I don’t see why either should be required to provide anything for you to enter the store. At this point we all know some places may require a mask so just keep one in your car.

Well if they want business for one. It is their requirement.

Every place I have been to that requires a mask has provided one. Masks break, get lost, etc. That is the first place I have been to that requires a mask and couldn't provide one to enter.

I get your point and generally I have something in the car, this was just a different circumstance.
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I think this is a good response to the “private businesses can do whatever they want” crowd.

Should the private business be able to single out one disease to target? I’m having trouble understanding how that’s not discriminatory, though the courts seem allergic to all these cases.

On the other hand, I think the government may well take you up on your vax pass which lists every disease or ailment you’ve ever suffered, every medication you’ve ever taken. Every gun you’ve ever owned. Every church you’ve ever attended. Every inappropriate word you uttered on Twitter when you were 12.
I have no doubt some in gubmint would like that.

My point is we've never asked to see if anyone has had the flu shot to get into Rupp or any other arena or business.

It's a Limbaugh tactic....illustrating the absurd with the absurd.
Nope. It makes perfect sense.

Someone is far more likely to have a STD than wuhan and yet none no it.

IF we're going to have to declare our "purity" from wuhan, I want to see the rest of the person's health record.
STD’s don’t spread through involuntary contact. Okay, chicken pox, if it was killing millions, you’d have a point.
I'd estimate the number of deaths solely from the wuhan flu to be around 250-300k.

My contact at the local hospital noted any death was noted as caused by wuhan even if the actual death was caused by old age, heart attack, etc.
This is exactly right. The hospitals get a kickback for every single “Covid death”.
Ohh, Lord.

First off, I work as an administrator for a hospital. We have never received any kind of "kickback" or payment for a death. That isn't a thing anywhere. We do get money for treating the uninsured/underinsured, Medicare and Medicaid recipients. That amount for covid is based on the current pay schedule for other respiratory diseases/illnesses set by the federal gov't. There was some pandemic funding available for covid diseases if the hospital or patient qualified.

The other problem is that is heavily regulated. I am not naive enough to believe some fraud doesn't exist, but the federal government is literally looking as hard as they can for it. If found of fraud, the hospital will lose all funding by the government and be forced to be out of pocket for all incurred expenses past, present and future as it is related. Not to mention, anyone committing a medical fraud violation would be stripped of their medical license, charged with a felony and held financially liable as well. And most doctors are paid hrly/salary. They aren't getting kickbacks. In short, this is not something that is happening very often.

Also, it seems odd we are still reporting heart attack deaths, cancer deaths, accidental deaths, natural cause related deaths and so on if everything is allegedly reported as covid.

Sounds like you all have been drinking the kool-aid, but you've yet to determine the flavor!
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I would laugh if people decided not to show up because of this mask nonsense. I actually hope they do
I have no doubt some in gubmint would like that.

My point is we've never asked to see if anyone has had the flu shot to get into Rupp or any other arena or business.

It's a Limbaugh tactic....illustrating the absurd with the absurd.
Yeah, I get where you’re coming from. Just pointing out that today’s absurd is tomorrow’s mandate.
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You all do understand this is UK trying to avoid a negligence lawsuit and any potential liablity, correct?

In fact, if there is still any kind of mandate for large venues in place, it could easily be argued as a prima facie negligence per se case if they didn't excercise the required duty to not breach your standard of care, which would likely then be used as proximate and actual causation of someone getting the illness, thus resulting in them being legally damaged. Which results in UK being held liable in civil court and paying a lot of money.
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You all do understand this is UK trying to avoid a negligence lawsuit and any potential liablity, correct?

In fact, if there is still any kind of mandate for large venues in place, it could easily be argued as a prima facie negligence per se case.
Don’t try to reason my man.

but you’re right
Natural Immunity - until this is factored into any decision or mandate our government makes their efforts are meaningless.

There are no standards for masks. Noses hanging out, loose fitting and made of a million different types of materials. Might as well be wearing panties over our faces.

At this point the virus 'emergency' has passed yet the executive branch is doing everything they can to hang on to emergency powers they should no longer have or wield. Moving forward, any decisions or mandates regarding the virus are a legislative prerogative and should be left to them and the courts.
Really? 700,000 people have been struck by lightning on Christmas?
COVID is incurable and will be with us the rest of our lives. No vaccine will cure it no mask wearing will cure it and even if you get it you have over a 90% chance of recovery.

If a person wants to wear a mask go ahead and do it but it should not be required to go to a basketball game. So go ahead and put on your mouth diaper and smile for the camera.

A nine win UK year will not keep me out of Rupp as much as wearing a very uncomfortable covering on my face required by a WOKE University of Kentucky. I live where they are not required so it is hard for me to related to those who do.

I am not saying don't wear one I am saying it should never be required at a sporting event.
My theory is that the opposition to masks is a tactic from people in the nose bleeds to kill the old blue hairs. Prove me wrong
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I don’t agree. There’s several right wing politicians fighting for our rights and liberties every single day. Now, RINOS, I agree. They’re sellouts.

I disagree but at one time agreed with you. Don’t be fooled by the politicians and the machine. They are ALL about self interests and their circle. They do not care about you. Do not trust anything they do or say, all politicians. Politics is its own industry, a money machine.
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