
Sounds like they cancelled the press conference this afternoon without explanation. This just going to fade away?
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Whether or not some of you are too dense to understand my sarcasm, this post is a good example of why mass shootings in this country have become a parody, especially on the internet. No discussion of victims. No discussion of actual root causes. Hell, in this case, we have almost zero information on motive or victims. So where does the attention go?

The first thing the pundits do is ask what the race of the shooter was or their political leanings. Not as an attempt to triage the problem, but to use it as political propaganda. Within a few posts of this thread, the attention was moved to illegal immigrants. How mad were some of you when the shooter turned out to be white?

Think about how ****ed up that question is.

You all want the truth about mass shootings? Nothing is ever going to be done. Our country is neutered from any type of pragmatic realism. I think it was JD Vance who said that mass shootings should be accepted in the same way natural disasters are accepted.

Sadly, I agree with him. It's never going to change. We just wait for the next sacrificial lambs to be slaughtered and that's the reality we have.
First thing people do is run and see if the shooter was ''maga'' or trans.
Sounds like they cancelled the press conference this afternoon without explanation. This just going to fade away?

They probably realized pulling the Calipari "haven't seen him" line out every day wasn't necessary.

Several surrounding schools have cancelled classes and all sports related activities until monday.
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