Making it harder for kids to damage themselves with porn makes a difference. It made pornhub block Kentucky. Kentucky didn't block pornhub.
I think it's telling that they blocked KY rather than make it harder for young people to access their site illegally. Just as telling as sites like Fb and the US gov not really going after porn and abuse on social media and elsewhere, while targeting posts about "patriotism" and religious morality or even Bible quotes. I just use it less. They make less money as a result.
I don't see it as gov overreach to try to keep people who already aren't legally able to buy something from accessing it. Enforcing existing rules is the job of govt.
Pornhub blocking Kentucky is pornhub deciding to lose money, right? Wgaf? It's like Disney deciding to double down on trashing the Star Wars franchise. Money saved. Lives unaffected. (THE difference is that fewer kids will commit suicide, fewer people will abuse and be abused, and fewer people will be damaged the longer these businesses ban Kentuckians access. Three cheers for the stupidity of executives at this company.)
When asked wgaf - certainly not me. As i posted before, porn is extremely damaging content especially as the age of the viewer decreases. Morally we're all better off if they all went out of business.
The value to me is in the discussion because the same concept can apply to other matters as well.
When considering state action, i consider
1) is this something where the state should even be involved? Thats easy here, because its the protection of minors who are yet of age to legally make poor decisions.
2) does the action create an unfair burden on another party? This creates no extra burden because it simply makes them do what they are supposed to be doing. Speaks volumes that pornhub sees the better financial decision to just block ips instead of take steps to verify age.
3) does the state action achieve it's stated goals? This is where imo it fails. Kids are very tech savvy. They literally had phones etc in their hands since they were toddlers. Any such attempts to make this harder makes it only marginally so. Plus ok pornhub blocked access but there are literally hundreds of other sites now kids can access anyway.
So imo yes its a worthy effort, no it doesn't unduly burden pornhub, but it is a waste of time because it ultimately will accomplish nothing so it shouldn't be done.