Let Us Prey

I don't find it any different than the juxtaposition of black Americans voting almost lockstep, since the Civil Rights Act, against their own best interests. American voters are the biggest obstacle that this country faces.

And grudge/single issue/bitter voters such as yourself, are the lead offenders.

Here's a newsflash. Everyone in Washington is corrupt, but some people focus on the cold, and not the cancer. Just as it was intended.

Donald Trump, for all of his absurdity, is the least of our "faux Democracy's" problems.

As evidence of the insanity: 36 states have filed Federal suits to remove Trump from the POTUS ballot, for violating the insurrection act. Trump hasn't even been CHARGED with violating the insurrection act. LOL

Are there fringe crazy Trump supporters, well of course. But a lot of reasonable people voted for him as well. There are just as many insane fringe leftists. I mean, how else can you explain Gavin Newsome LOL

I don't want to bog this thread down in politics. If you want to debate politics, stop on by the Political thread.

This thread has run it's course, and the only take away, for me, is that you're a terrible debater.

Enjoy your narrow-minded, and oddly specific resentment though.

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I don’t think he said there wasn’t a higher power. You can believe in a higher power and even the biblical god and still see what a sh@t show organized religion is.
I didn't say that organized religion isn't very often a sh*t-show. In fact, Jesus pretty much said the same thing.

Once again, you're changing MY argument, to suit yourself. I said that, in all of recorded history, Protestant Christianity ranks, at most, the 34th most evil organization. (Based on the ratio of good and bad) And I've provided evidence in support of that.

(And you're right, I misread the original post, and got his meaning incorrect, but the rest of my points stand)
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I didn't say that organized religion isn't very often a sh*t-show. In fact, Jesus pretty much said the same thing.

Once again, you're changing MY argument, to suit yourself. I said that, in all of recorded history, Protestant Christianity ranks, at most, the 34th most evil organization. (Based on the ratio of good and bad) And I've provided evidence in support of that.

(And you're right, I misread the original post, and got his meaning incorrect, but the rest of my points stand)
And I didn’t say you saiid it wasn’t a shut show. I didn’t change your argument because I wasn’t even responding to your argument. It was a totally different point.
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I don't find it any different than the juxtaposition of black Americans voting almost lockstep, since the Civil Rights Act, against their own best interests. American voters are the biggest obstacle that this country faces.

And grudge/single issue/bitter voters such as yourself, are the lead offenders.

Here's a newsflash. Everyone in Washington is corrupt, but some people focus on the cold, and not the cancer. Just as it was intended.

Donald Trump, for all of his absurdity, is the least of our "faux Democracy's" problems.

As evidence of the insanity: 36 states have filed Federal suits to remove Trump from the POTUS ballot, for violating the insurrection act. Trump hasn't even been CHARGED with violating the insurrection act. LOL

Are there fringe crazy Trump supporters, well of course. But a lot of reasonable people voted for him as well. There are just as many insane fringe leftists. I mean, how else can you explain Gavin Newsome LOL

I don't want to bog this thread down in politics. If you want to debate politics, stop on by the Political thread.

This thread has run it's course, and the only take away, for me, is that you're a terrible debater.

Enjoy your narrow-minded, and oddly specific resentment though.

Your juxtaposition doesn’t exist because black people don’t agree with your theory or they would vote consistently with it. That’s like saying it a juxtaposition that I eat vanilla ice cream when chocolate is better when I actually think vanilla is better.

Protestants vote Trump knowing exactly what he is. That’s the only good thing Trump has done. He has brightly highlighted what organized churches really are.
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I don't find it any different than the juxtaposition of black Americans voting almost lockstep, since the Civil Rights Act, against their own best interests. American voters are the biggest obstacle that this country faces.

And grudge/single issue/bitter voters such as yourself, are the lead offenders.

Here's a newsflash. Everyone in Washington is corrupt, but some people focus on the cold, and not the cancer. Just as it was intended.

Donald Trump, for all of his absurdity, is the least of our "faux Democracy's" problems.

As evidence of the insanity: 36 states have filed Federal suits to remove Trump from the POTUS ballot, for violating the insurrection act. Trump hasn't even been CHARGED with violating the insurrection act. LOL

Are there fringe crazy Trump supporters, well of course. But a lot of reasonable people voted for him as well. There are just as many insane fringe leftists. I mean, how else can you explain Gavin Newsome LOL

I don't want to bog this thread down in politics. If you want to debate politics, stop on by the Political thread.

This thread has run it's course, and the only take away, for me, is that you're a terrible debater.

Enjoy your narrow-minded, and oddly specific resentment though.

I’d say the man who talks about being a dictator for a day and has previously praised the biggest dictators around the world is a pretty big threat to democracy.

I’ll never understand the idea behind Christians who portray a character of moral superiority that then turn around and be Trump’s biggest supporters. Whatever happened to the idea of it being easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than a rich man making it to heaven?
You have to admit, the extreme juxtaposition between proclaimed religious purity and support of Trump is so glaring it’s difficult to just ignore.

Also, it does help explain the child sex abuse coverup epidemic in Protestant churches.
So you know enough about the personal lives of both Trump and Biden to judge which is the better human being? I don't know either. Both seem pretty shitty to me. I have no basis for judging the piety of people I don't really know. Even then, it's probably a stretch. I choose politicians based on policy, not perceived piety. The fact that you think in those terms tells me you aren't very self reflective.
So you know enough about the personal lives of both Trump and Biden to judge which is the better human being? I don't know either. Both seem pretty shitty to me. I have no basis for judging the piety of people I don't really know. Even then, it's probably a stretch. I choose politicians based on policy, not perceived piety. The fact that you think in those terms tells me you aren't very self reflective.
Yes, their personal lives are an open book as presidents. Trump
Is on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women. Our judicial system has found that he sexually assaulted a specific woman. It’s not rocket science.
I’d say the man who talks about being a dictator for a day and has previously praised the biggest dictators around the world is a pretty big threat to democracy.

I’ll never understand the idea behind Christians who portray a character of moral superiority that then turn around and be Trump’s biggest supporters. Whatever happened to the idea of it being easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than a rich man making it to heaven?
The majority couldn’t care less about religion in terms of doing the right thing. They want a president who will make the lives of everyone they hate (everyone but white people that attended church similar to theirs) as miserable as possible. That’s it.
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Yes, their personal lives are an open book as presidents. Trump
Is on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women. Our judicial system has found that he sexually assaulted a specific woman. It’s not rocket science.
No ones personal life is an open book. Even a lot of the people you know, you don't really know. It's impossible to judge a person's relative character if you don't know them really well. To base political decisions on perceived piety instead of known policy is moronic. That goes for the religious right as much as the woke left.
No ones personal life is an open book. Even a lot of the people you know, you don't really know. It's impossible to judge a person's relative character if you don't know them really well. To base political decisions on perceived piety instead of known policy is moronic. That goes for the religious right as much as the woke left.
Youre right. Biden could be a horrible human being in his personal life. We know as a fact that Trump is a horrible human being.
I’d say the man who talks about being a dictator for a day and has previously praised the biggest dictators around the world is a pretty big threat to democracy.

I’ll never understand the idea behind Christians who portray a character of moral superiority that then turn around and be Trump’s biggest supporters. Whatever happened to the idea of it being easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than a rich man making it to heaven?
What makes you think Biden is a more pious man than Trump? Christians have to support someone. I think both men are probably shitty human beings. I vote for the one who I think has policies that are more consistent with liberty and the intent of the Constitution. I can't, and shouldn't, judge the piety of someone I don't know. You probably can't really judge the piety of many people you do know. Why would that even come into play?
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What makes you think Biden is a more pious man than Trump? Christians have to support someone. I think both men are probably shitty human beings. I vote for the one who I think has policies that are more consistent with liberty and the intent of the Constitution. I can't, and shouldn't, judge the piety of someone I don't know. You probably can't really judge the piety of many people you do know. Why would that even come into play?
So we pick the guy who we know is a horrible person because we don’t know for sure the other guy isn’t horrible.? Some religion.
Youre right. Biden could be a horrible human being in his personal life. We know as a fact that Trump is a horrible human being.
From what we know of Biden's family and past things he has said, I think we can say with confidence he is a horrible human being. That being said, if I agreed with his policies, I would vote for him.
So we pick the guy who we know is a horrible person because we don’t know for sure the other guy isn’t horrible.? Some religion.
No, there is plenty of evidence that both are horrible humans. But in spite of that, you missing the point. All we know about either are the things that have been made public. Neither of us know their relative character. I don't even consider that because it's unknowable? Did you vote for Clinton?
From what we know of Biden's family and past things he has said, I think we can say with confidence he is a horrible human being. That being said, if I agreed with his policies, I would vote for him.
Ridiculous. His son might be a crook. TRUMP IS A PROVEN SEXUAL PREDATOR AND CROOK . You want to see Trump ddestroy everyone that not a whute fundamentalist so badly you are thinking irrationally.
Ridiculous. His son might be a crook. TRUMP IS A PROVEN SEXUAL PREDATOR AND CROOK . You want to see Trump ddestroy everyone that not a whute fundamentalist so badly you are thinking irrationally.
I don't want Trump to destroy anyone. Where are you getting that nonsense?
From what we know of Biden's family and past things he has said, I think we can say with confidence he is a horrible human being. That being said, if I agreed with his policies, I would vote for him.
Ridiculous. His son might be a crook. TRUMP IS A PROVEN SEXUAL PREDATOR. You want to see Trump ddestroy everyone that not awhute fundamentalist you are thinking irrationally.
I don't want Trump to destroy anyone. Where are you getting that nonsense?
its the only way to logically reconcile someone supporting an admitted and judicially proven rapist.
Ridiculous. His son might be a crook. TRUMP IS A PROVEN SEXUAL PREDATOR. You want to see Trump ddestroy everyone that not awhute fundamentalist you are thinking irrationally.

its the only way to logically reconcile someone supporting an admitted and judicially proven rapist.
Actually, it's not the only way. Maybe you just aren't intelligent enough to figure it out. From my perspective, I can't fathom why anyone would ever vote for Biden for President, or anything else for that matter. He may be most incompetent politician of my lifetime, and that's saying something. Bernie Sanders may be more incompetent, but it's close.
Actually, it's not the only way. Maybe you just aren't intelligent enough to figure it out. From my perspective, I can't fathom why anyone would ever vote for Biden for President, or anything else for that matter. He may be most incompetent politician of my lifetime, and that's saying something. Bernie Sanders may be more incompetent, but it's close.
Incompetent because he doesn’t hate you hate.
Incompetent that unemployment is low and my stock portfolio is booming (as pitiful as my stock portfolio might be).
Ridiculous. His son might be a crook. TRUMP IS A PROVEN SEXUAL PREDATOR. You want to see Trump ddestroy everyone that not awhute fundamentalist you are thinking irrationally.

its the only way to logically reconcile someone supporting an admitted and judicially proven rapist.
Your last sentence also shows how well you logically process information. Trump has never been convicted of rape. I know you probably worded that to skate around that fact, but it misrepresents the truth.
What makes you think Biden is a more pious man than Trump? Christians have to support someone. I think both men are probably shitty human beings. I vote for the one who I think has policies that are more consistent with liberty and the intent of the Constitution. I can't, and shouldn't, judge the piety of someone I don't know. You probably can't really judge the piety of many people you do know. Why would that even come into play?
I never said anything about Biden so, in your words, why would that even come into play? Christians don’t have to support someone, the option is always there to not vote if someone felt the need. But the fact that they support him so strongly despite all of his words and actions that clearly show that he’s not actually a man of faith, just someone cosplaying as one for votes, says a lot about where the minds of a majority of Christians are.

Although I’m no longer religious, I was raised in the church and it’s REALLY clear who prioritizes religion in their life and who doesn’t. There is an aspect of everyone has their own relationship with God or whatever but at the same time, your actions back up just how strong that relationship truly is. A man who has made a living through fraud and daddy’s money along with being a repeat adulterer and legally guilty of sexual violence doesn’t come off as a firm follower in a higher power and it’s just sad to see how many otherwise wonderful people, just completely drop all of their morals to idolize the man.
Your last sentence also shows how well you logically process information. Trump has never been convicted of rape. I know you probably worded that to skate around that fact, but it misrepresents the truth.
He’s been found liable by a jury of sexual assault. He’s admitted he sexually assaults women. But yeah, we don’t have video evidence that Biden doesn’t sexually assault women so it’s a toss up.
I never said anything about Biden so, in your words, why would that even come into play? Christians don’t have to support someone, the option is always there to not vote if someone felt the need. But the fact that they support him so strongly despite all of his words and actions that clearly show that he’s not actually a man of faith, just someone cosplaying as one for votes, says a lot about where the minds of a majority of Christians are.

Although I’m no longer religious, I was raised in the church and it’s REALLY clear who prioritizes religion in their life and who doesn’t. There is an aspect of everyone has their own relationship with God or whatever but at the same time, your actions back up just how strong that relationship truly is. A man who has made a living through fraud and daddy’s money along with being a repeat adulterer and legally guilty of sexual violence doesn’t come off as a firm follower in a higher power and it’s just sad to see how many otherwise wonderful people, just completely drop all of their morals to idolize the man.
Not voting is not an option for people who take their civic responsibilities seriously. That's just not a serious answer. The choice came down to Trump or Biden. Why would anyone base that decision on perceived relative piety? I don't know if one is more pious than the other. I do know what each one believes in terms of policy. I want a person running the country who's policies I agree with. I can't know that one is a better person than the other, so I don't really consider that. If you want to get technical, the Bible says we shouldn't judge others because only God knows the relationship a person has with him. So if you want to make it a religious argument, technically Christians aren't supposed to judge others. As a practical matter, we can't know that anyway, so why make a huge part of how you chose a candidate?
Not voting is not an option for people who take their civic responsibilities seriously. That's just not a serious answer. The choice came down to Trump or Biden. Why would anyone base that decision on perceived relative piety? I don't know if one is more pious than the other. I do know what each one believes in terms of policy. I want a person running the country whose policies I agree with. I can't know that one is a better person than the other, so I don't really consider that. If you want to get technical, the Bible says we shouldn't judge others because only God knows the relationship a person has with him. So if you want to make it a religious argument, technically Christians aren't supposed to judge others. As a practical matter, we can't know that anyway, so why make a huge part of how you chose a candidate?
You could vote for a third-0arty candidate or an independent. Truth is, you and your church like Trump. No?
Crazy logic.
Absolutely. Your logic is it doesn’t matter what Trump has done that has been proven or admitted because it’s possible other people might have done the same thing there’s just never been any evidence of it. We agree, crazy logic.
Not voting is not an option for people who take their civic responsibilities seriously. That's just not a serious answer. The choice came down to Trump or Biden. Why would anyone base that decision on perceived relative piety? I don't know if one is more pious than the other. I do know what each one believes in terms of policy. I want a person running the country who's policies I agree with. I can't know that one is a better person than the other, so I don't really consider that. If you want to get technical, the Bible says we shouldn't judge others because only God knows the relationship a person has with him. So if you want to make it a religious argument, technically Christians aren't supposed to judge others. As a practical matter, we can't know that anyway, so why make a huge part of how you chose a candidate?
So which of Trump’s policies won you over? The Muslim ban? Giving tax cuts to the rich? His desire to end the ACA and take millions off health care? The wall? Jesus would’ve loved all of those, I’m certain of it…
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So which of Trump’s policies won you over? The Muslim ban? Giving tax cuts to the rich? His desire to end the ACA and take millions off health care? The wall? Jesus would’ve loved all of those, I’m certain of it…
Libs big mad that the GOP doesn’t want to infiltrate our country with 3rd world citizens who add to the welfare state and hate Christianity.
Libs big mad that the GOP doesn’t want to infiltrate our country with 3rd world citizens who add to the welfare state and hate Christianity.
If that’s how you view immigration then that seems like a you problem. Considering you wouldn’t be in the country without immigration, I find your statement laughable.

As far as what Jesus would want, I suggest you simply open up the book that you seem to love so much and annotate the words he preached. You might have some trouble aligning them with what Trump says on a daily basis.
The country was successful and all on the same page when 90% of the population had a European background. That’s my view on immigration.
The country was fine before Western Europeans immigrated as well. Actually, it was much better.
Did you delete your post about 90% European population because you realized that they didn’t count black people as part of the population back then or was it for some other reason?
If he posts data as fact, don’t believe it. He lies about stats and claims there is a link when there isn’t.