Let Us Prey

Did you delete your post about 90% European population because you realized that they didn’t count black people as part of the population back then or was it for some other reason?
I deleted it because I quoted the wrong part and was trying to edit it.

Roughly 90% of the population had a European background as late as the 80’s. Aka, the height of USA’s power and success.

Then we let millions of Mexicans in to undercut the wages of blue collar workers (hurt blue collar black and white people).

Then we started trading full tilt with China to further hurt blue collar workers and drive up debt.

Then we started allowing folks from India in to take the white collar jobs of Americans, as well as offshore the rest of the jobs.

Then we started letting complete 3rd world people in who have no skills and no education in for God knows what reasons.

I have no issue with Mexicans and some of my best buds are Indians. But things have gotten worse for America from a social cohesion and income inequality perspective because of stuff like this.

You two are too stupid to realize it.
I deleted it because I quoted the wrong part and was trying to edit it.

Roughly 90% of the population had a European background as late as the 80’s. Aka, the height of USA’s power and success.

Then we let millions of Mexicans in to undercut the wages of blue collar workers (hurt blue collar black and white people).

Then we started trading full tilt with China to further hurt blue collar workers and drive up debt.

Then we started allowing folks from India in to take the white collar jobs of Americans, as well as offshore the rest of the jobs.

Then we started letting complete 3rd world people in who have no skills and no education in for God knows what reasons.

I have no issue with Mexicans and some of my best buds are Indians. But things have gotten worse for America from a social cohesion and income inequality perspective because of stuff like this.

You two are too stupid to realize it.
At least we don’t make up stats and lie about it.
It’s interesting I never hear Trump say close the border because of the economy. He might have at some point in passing. What he feeds you guys is they are criminals and not white to get your votes.
It’s interesting I never hear Trump say close the border because of the economy. He might have at some point in passing. What he feeds you guys is they are criminals and not white to get your votes.
The Mayor of Boston just threw a no whites allowed Christmas Party.
No need, I googled it myself (caveat: I googled your last link as well and it didn’t exist). Anyway, the context was to highlight minority officials. And I think that’s wrong the way she did it (she’s Asian if that matters). Is that why you support Trump? By finding random events that offend you? If so, how do you ignore he’s an admired and judicially proven sexual
So you know enough about the personal lives of both Trump and Biden to judge which is the better human being? I don't know either. Both seem pretty shitty to me. I have no basis for judging the piety of people I don't really know. Even then, it's probably a stretch. I choose politicians based on policy, not perceived piety. The fact that you think in those terms tells me you aren't very self reflective.
I base my opinions on Trump and Biden based on known facts and voting/legislative actions, combined with personal, but publicly available investments.
Blacks THINK Democrats look after their best interests.

Evangelicals THINK Trump looks after THEIR best interests.

Jesus, you're thick as a brick....
I deleted it because I quoted the wrong part and was trying to edit it.

Roughly 90% of the population had a European background as late as the 80’s. Aka, the height of USA’s power and success.

Then we let millions of Mexicans in to undercut the wages of blue collar workers (hurt blue collar black and white people).

Then we started trading full tilt with China to further hurt blue collar workers and drive up debt.

Then we started allowing folks from India in to take the white collar jobs of Americans, as well as offshore the rest of the jobs.

Then we started letting complete 3rd world people in who have no skills and no education in for God knows what reasons.

I have no issue with Mexicans and some of my best buds are Indians. But things have gotten worse for America from a social cohesion and income inequality perspective because of stuff like this.

You two are too stupid to realize it.
And who was president during the 80s? I’d say Reagan’s laissez-faire approach to government regulation of businesses is one of the key factors in having so much job outsourcing to foreign markets. Also, complaining about Mexicans and then saying you have no issue with them is also quite rich.

Why are you mad at the people trying to make an honest living and not the millionaires and billionaires who took advantage of these loopholes to give immigrants the jobs in the first place?
Insert your daughter m’s or mother’s or sister’s name into the video where he admits assaulting women by grabbing their crotches. You either wouldn’t vote for him or k care about your own.
NAFTA, and not Reagan's corporate friendly tax policies had the biggest impact on outsourced factory jobs.
Insert your daughter m’s or mother’s or sister’s name into the video where he admits assaulting women by grabbing their crotches. You either wouldn’t vote for him or k care about your own.
Well, I voted for Clinton, twice, so...
sobe - no offense, but I'm not sure you EVER "get" what the point is. LOL

You're scrappy though, and I like that.

You should consider posting on the Political thread. Your side could use the help. (meant genuinely)
sobe - no offense, but I'm not sure you EVER "get" what the point is. LOL

You're scrappy though, and I like that.

You should consider posting on the Political thread. Your side could use the help. (meant genuinely)
Yeah, I’m guessing your education level is too much for me to handle.
It’s interesting I never hear Trump say close the border because of the economy. He might have at some point in passing. What he feeds you guys is they are criminals and not white to get your votes.
I live in a county heavily populated by illegal Hispanics. Most I have encountered seem to be good people. That being said, by definition, they are all criminals. I can also say that drug trafficking has increased dramatically with the influx of illegal Hispanics.
I live in a county heavily populated by illegal Hispanics. Most I have encountered seem to be good people. That being said, by definition, they are all criminals. I can also say that drug trafficking has increased dramatically with the influx of
Curious what information you rely upon to conclude a seeming increase in drug trafficking.
You could vote for a third-0arty candidate or an independent. Truth is, you and your church like Trump. No?
I would consider a third party candidate if I liked their policies better than either of the main party candidates. In some states, it doesn't matter if you vote for a third party candidate because it will always vote either Republican or Democrat. However, in swing states, I would consider third party candidates as a viable options because they aren't going to win. Either the Republican or Democrat candidate will win the election, so the choice is really between those two candidates.
So which of Trump’s policies won you over? The Muslim ban? Giving tax cuts to the rich? His desire to end the ACA and take millions off health care? The wall? Jesus would’ve loved all of those, I’m certain of it…
Wow, you have really been brainwashed. I travel should be restricted from areas of the world that pose potential problems. It's not a right to be able to travel to this country or any other. The government's responsibility is to protect American citizens above all else. I support policies that support that goal. The "rich" pay a disproportionate share of Federal taxes. It wasn't really a tax cut for the rich, but the rich should pay less than they do. The ACA reduced liberty in country because the Government reduced health care insurance options and created mandatory subsidies. If you are a fan of liberty, I don't see how you can support the ACA. I don't care as much about the wall as I do about controlling illegal immigration over that boarder. Trump did a much better job of it than Biden.

I think your assumption about what Jesus would or wouldn't like is absurd. Show me where Jesus advocated that Government forcibly take money from one group to give to another group? Jesus advocated that we have a personal responsibility to care for our neighbor, not that Government should decide what is appropriate when it comes to charity.
You mind giving me the county. I can access the data.
Shelby County. I sat on a couple of Grand Juries over the years. The County Attorney had lengthy discussions with us about crime rates, particularly drug related crime rates before the influx of illegal immigration into Shelby County and after. Short summary. Before, there was almost zero drug related crime. After, there is a lot.
You mind giving me the county. I can access the data. Mexican immigrants don’t really have a reputation as drug dealers.

Shelby County. I sat on a couple of Grand Juries over the years. The County Attorney had lengthy discussions with us about crime rates, particularly drug related crime rates before the influx of illegal immigration into Shelby County and after. Short summary. Before, there was almost zero drug related crime. After, there is a lot.
County attorneys in Ky have nothing to go with grand juries
When I prosecuted in Ky. Mexican immigrants, which there many, were virtually non-existent in drug trafficking. It was all black and white. Mexican immigrants were almost always charged with AI (I didn’t deal with) and a few burglaries here and there. As a whole, Mexican immigrants did not cause many problems criminally except drinking too much after work and getting in fights with their buddies.
When I prosecuted in Ky. Mexican immigrants, which there many, were virtually non-existent in drug trafficking. It was all black and white. Mexican immigrants were almost always charged with AI (I didn’t deal with) and a few burglaries here and there. As a whole, Mexican immigrants did not cause many problems criminally except drinking too much after work and getting in fights with their buddies.
Sounds anecdotal to me. Laura Witt who was, is the Commonwealth Attorney, had concrete statistics plus many anecdotal stories to back up those claims. As an aside, no one is saying most illegal immigrants are involved in drug trafficking. The point is the ones who are had a dramatic impact on Shelby County drug crime And drug crime in the county was virtually zero prior to the influx of illegal immigrants.
Sounds anecdotal to me. Laura Witt who was, is the Commonwealth Attorney, had concrete statistics plus many anecdotal stories to back up those claims. As an aside, no one is saying most illegal immigrants are involved in drug trafficking. The point is the ones who are had a dramatic impact on Shelby County drug crime And drug crime in the county was virtually zero prior to the influx of illegal immigrants.
Well, anecdotal from the person doing it. I can’t imagine a CA telling a grand jury Mexicans are causing drug trafgicking problems even if it were true.
Sounds anecdotal to me. Laura Witt who was, is the Commonwealth Attorney, had concrete statistics plus many anecdotal stories to back up those claims. As an aside, no one is saying most illegal immigrants are involved in drug trafficking. The point is the ones who are had a dramatic impact on Shelby County drug crime And drug crime in the county was virtually zero prior to the influx of illegal immigrants.
Well, anecdotal from the person doing it. I can’t imagine a CA telling a grand jury Mexicans are causing drug trafgicking probl even if it were true.
Whether you can imagine it or not is irrelevant as to whether it happened.
Does not compute.
Wow, you have really been brainwashed. I travel should be restricted from areas of the world that pose potential problems. It's not a right to be able to travel to this country or any other. The government's responsibility is to protect American citizens above all else. I support policies that support that goal. The "rich" pay a disproportionate share of Federal taxes. It wasn't really a tax cut for the rich, but the rich should pay less than they do. The ACA reduced liberty in country because the Government reduced health care insurance options and created mandatory subsidies. If you are a fan of liberty, I don't see how you can support the ACA. I don't care as much about the wall as I do about controlling illegal immigration over that boarder. Trump did a much better job of it than Biden.

I think your assumption about what Jesus would or wouldn't like is absurd. Show me where Jesus advocated that Government forcibly take money from one group to give to another group? Jesus advocated that we have a personal responsibility to care for our neighbor, not that Government should decide what is appropriate when it comes to charity.
The Christian calls me brainwashed, how fun. Read what Jesus said about rich people and helping the poor. Mark 10:21 if you want something specific.
See? We CAN agree on something.
I’m guessing undergrad or bible college close to small hometown. Moved back to hometown and married high school girlfriend. Mostly the same friends. Either non complex white collar work or maybe small business owner. Same church you grew up in.
You’re telling me that a CA stood up in front of a grand jury and said Mexican immigrants are causing an increase in drug trafficking? That is what you are saying happened?
I’m telling you that over the course of the existence of that grand jury we discussed drug cases and we had questions about illegal immigration in Shelby County and how it impacted crime and drug crime. She answered those questions with statistics and specific stories.
I’m telling you that over the course of the existence of that grand jury we discussed drug cases and we had questions about illegal immigration in Shelby County and how it impacted crime and drug crime. She answered those questions with statistics and specific stories.
What dates did you serve?
None of your business.
Well he we clearly had some people indicted illegally if a CA is telling grand juries they’ve compiled statistics specificcally on Mexicans and they have caused increased drug dealing. Not that I believe this happened.