Let Us Prey

No one was bashing religion, The point was about rampant child abuse in Protestant churches. No on said gay people could start a club and have rampant physical sexual abuse of children and that would be ok. Who said that would be ok?
I'm making a statement about my own observations. Can I not do that or are you the only one allowed?
I'm making a statement about my own observations. Can I not do that or are you the only one allowed?
Sure, but your logic in your “observation” is flawed. You implied it was hypocritical to criticize sexual abuse in churches while at the same time saying gay people should have rights. No one said gay people shouldn’t be criticized if they are caught abusing children.
This is off the top of my head.

Count them up, and let me know how many more I need to add, chief. (to satisfy your irrational grudge)

The Catholic church
Bolsheviks under Stalin
Nazis under Hitler
Khmer Rouge
Chinese Communist Party
Al-Jamaat Nusrat
Al Shabaab
Khorasan Province
Sinai Province (IS-SP)
Islamic State West Africa (ISWA)
The IRA (I don't consider them a legitimate arm of the Catholic church)
Sinaloa Cartel
Medellin Cartel
Gulf Cartel
Los Zetas
Aryan Brotherhood
Hells Angels
Golden Triangle
Cosa Nostra (as a whole)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Where does Genghis Khan fall on this list?
Sure, but your logic in your “observation” is flawed. You implied it was hypocritical to criticize sexual abuse in churches while at the same time saying gay people should have rights. No one said gay people shouldn’t be criticized if they are caught abusing children.
I'm not sure why you keep trying to say I said anything about sexual abuse. Nothing in any of my statements reference that and it's just a little creepy that you are so obsessed with it. I implied that people do the very thing they criticize others of doing and either don't realize it or feel they are entitled to do it. You proved my point by stating your opinions and observations while still trying to insinuate that my observations are "flawed" so I am not entitled to state my opinions. In your feeble attempt to prove me wrong you just proved me correct.
I'm not sure why you keep trying to say I said anything about sexual abuse. Nothing in any of my statements reference that and it's just a little creepy that you are so obsessed with it. I implied that people do the very thing they criticize others of doing and either don't realize it or feel they are entitled to do it. You proved my point by stating your opinions and observations while still trying to insinuate that my observations are "flawed" so I am not entitled to state my opinions. In your feeble attempt to prove me wrong you just proved me correct.
Ok. So it was it was just a random opinion unrelated to the thread. Weird but whatever.
Here's the framework for leftwing documentaries:
  1. Find a Christian-based organization that's wildly popular and has millions and millions of members
  2. Identify cases of misconduct in that organization. Doesn't matter that the overall rate of misconduct is the same as in the general population (or usually much lower).
  3. Use those few cases to paint everybody in that organization in a bad light.
  4. Pressure businesses to shun that organization so that it becomes a shell of its formal self
  5. Have scumbag lawyer sue the organization for billions of dollars; impacting all the good work said organization does.
  6. Rinse and repeat.
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Here's the framework for leftwing documentaries:
  1. Find a Christian-based organization that's wildly popular and has millions and millions of members
  2. Identify cases of misconduct in that organization. Doesn't matter that the overall rate of misconduct is the same as in the general population (or usually much lower).
  3. Use those few cases to paint everybody in that organization in a bad light.
  4. Pressure businesses to shun that organization so that it becomes a shell of its formal self
  5. Have scumbag lawyer sue the organization for billions of dollars; impacting all the good work said organization does.
  6. Rinse and repeat.
Number 2 is wildly inaccurate.
May I ask a question? Why do atheists jump up and down, do summersaults and scream "look at me!!" to let everyone know they are atheists. To a man, atheists do that. Creepy beyond comprehension IMO.
I don’t know. I’m not an atheist. I see more religious groups protesting or knocking on doors than atheists, maybe just coincidence. Maybe the Jesus signs on Gamedsy are accompanied by another guy holding a sign that says “be atheist” and I’m just not seeing it for some reason.
I don’t know. I’m not an atheist. I see more religious groups protesting or knocking on doors than atheists, maybe just coincidence. Maybe the Jesus signs on Gamedsy are accompanied by another guy holding a sign that says “be atheist” and I’m just not seeing it for some reason.

I never see religious people aggresively getting in people's faces, but do atheists.

Anyway, bless your heart. I hope thing get better for you.
A much better question is why the very Liberal Dick Durbin is protecting the Epstein flight logs like a dog protects a rib bone.
Kind of random. I thank you though. I now get to look for those “be atheist” signs on game day since atheists jump up and down about it and religious people don’t. I’ve also learned that religious groups don’t yell at people.
A very disconcerting look into organized Protestant churches on HBO Max.
Watched episode 1 after this recommendation and it was a bit stale. Not to sound harsh but once you've seen one of these kinds of docuseries, you've seen them all. Churches know how to manipulate people, what else is new? I think the Keepers on Netflix was the best one if you could call something like that "the best."
This is off the top of my head.

Count them up, and let me know how many more I need to add, chief. (to satisfy your irrational grudge)

The Catholic church
Bolsheviks under Stalin
Nazis under Hitler
Khmer Rouge
Chinese Communist Party
Al-Jamaat Nusrat
Al Shabaab
Khorasan Province
Sinai Province (IS-SP)
Islamic State West Africa (ISWA)
The IRA (I don't consider them a legitimate arm of the Catholic church)
Sinaloa Cartel
Medellin Cartel
Gulf Cartel
Los Zetas
Aryan Brotherhood
Hells Angels
Golden Triangle
Cosa Nostra (as a whole)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

You forgot Hollywood
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Watched episode 1 after this recommendation and it was a bit stale. Not to sound harsh but once you've seen one of these kinds of docuseries, you've seen them all. Churches know how to manipulate people, what else is new? I think the Keepers on Netflix was the best one if you could call something like that "the best."
Agreed on the been there done that. The Keepers was certainly alarming. Shiny Happy People is probably a bit more interesting take on the epidemic.
You made the statement. Burden is on you. I’ll wait. Or maybe you would rather just STFU.

The only data available for the IFB finds that there were 400 instances of abuse across 168 churches over a 40 year period. Let's just assume there are 500 members at each of those churches. So 84,000 people, over a 40 year period, and there were 400 instances of abuse (not forcible rape).

So take 40 years X 84,000 people = 3,360,000 people years. 400 cases of abuse over that period means a percentage of 0.012%.

Each year in America, there are 40 instances of forcible rape (not sexual abuse), per 100K people. That means the percentage of people forcibly raped each year in America is 0.040%.

That means in overall society, you are 3X more likely to be forcibly raped than sexually assaulted at an IFB church. GFY.
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The only data available for the IFB finds that there were 400 instances of abuse across 168 churches over a 40 year period. Let's just assume there are 500 members at each of those churches. So 84,000 people, over a 40 year period, and there were 400 instances of abuse (not forcible rape).

So take 40 years X 84,000 people = 3,360,000 people years. 400 cases of abuse over that period means a percentage of 0.012%.

Each year in America, there are 40 instances of forcible rape (not sexual abuse), per 100K people. That means the percentage of people forcibly raped each year in America is 0.040%.

That means in overall society, you are 3X more likely to be forcibly raped than sexually assaulted at an IFB church. GFY.
Um, that’s reported cases from one sect. Also, do you have the stats of how many of the reported rapes are from church victims?
Agreed on the been there done that. The Keepers was certainly alarming. Shiny Happy People is probably a bit more interesting take on the epidemic.
I think the percentage of politicians that have sexual misconduct is more of an "epidemic" than the percentage of church goers.
I've provided my data. You provide yours.
No you didn’t. Not at all. You said there are more reported rapes in America (not necessarily children mind you) than there are reported child rspes in the in the IFP. Well of course lol. Surely you you can comprehend that this in no way shows non church members are more likely to commit sexual abuse than church members. In addition, you provided no data regarding how many of the adult and child rapes reported WERE church members.

Oh, and no sources not that it matters considering the what you presented.
Thus why I said percentage. Geez you don't comprehend what you read do you? It really explains a lot honestly.
Which is why it’s not an epidemic dummy. And we aren’t talking about “sexual misconduct” (whatever the hell that is).
No you didn’t. Not at all. You said there are more reported rapes in America (not necessarily children mind you) than there are reported child rspes in the in the IFP. Well of course lol. Surely you you can comprehend that this in no way shows non church members are more likely to commit sexual abuse than church members. In addition, you provided no data regarding how many of the adult and child rapes reported WERE church members.

I assumed you were not going to provide data. So let me add one more thing. Victims groups claim 1/10 children will be sexually abused over their childhood. If you say that happens over a 10 year period that means it’s 1% per year. The church, my data listed above, shows 0.012%. So let’s assume children make up half of the church members. That would be 0.024%. Still significantly lower.

Do you want me to continue? I can bust you up all day if you want.
I assumed you were not going to provide data. So let me add one more thing. Victims groups claim 1/10 children will be sexually abused over their childhood. If you say that happens over a 10 year period that means it’s 1% per year. The church, my data listed above, shows 0.012%. So let’s assume children make up half of the church members. That would be 0.024%. Still significantly lower.

Do you want me to continue? I can bust you up all day if you want.
No lol. You’re saying reported rapes of all ages across America is higher than the reported child rapes in a small sect of the Protestant religion and therefore non church goers are more likely to commit child rapes than church goers. As dumb as that is, I still have to point out that you present no information as to how many of the reported rapes across America ARE church members.
Let me play with your understanding (or complete lack thereof).

There were 3 churches in the documentary and 20 reported victims. Therefore, roughly 6.8 children are sexually abused per Protestant church. There were roughly 209 members per church. Therefore, almost 4 percent of Protestant church members sexually abuse children. That’s way higher than your unsourced numbers above for the general population.

This argument is only slight less stupid than yours.
Let me play with your understanding (or complete lack thereof).

There were 3 churches in the documentary and 20 reported victims. Therefore, roughly 6.8 children are sexually abused per Protestant church. There were roughly 209 members per church. Therefore, almost 4 percent of Protestant church members sexually abuse children.
So you’re extrapolating a non-randomized set of 4 churches to gain insights across all Protestant churches? Little boy, you lost. It’s over. Knock out punch delivered.
So you’re extrapolating a non-randomized set of 4 churches to gain insights across all Protestant churches? Little boy, you lost. It’s over. Knock out punch delivered.
Did you graduate high school? Forgetting the other 80 reasons your uneducated argument is idiotic and by not even sticking to the crime in question…. A riddle

8 people ate ice cream. Some were men. How many men ate ice cream?

Think about that for one of the 80 flaws in your unsourced argument.
Which is why it’s not an epidemic dummy. And we aren’t talking about “sexual misconduct” (whatever the hell that is).
You were the one who called it an epidemic. 😂😂😂

Gordon Ramsey Idiot GIF
So you’re extrapolating a non-randomized set of 4 churches to gain insights across all Protestant churches? Little boy, you lost. It’s over. Knock out punch delivered.
Also, I said my argument was stupid. It was intentionally stupid as it was mirroring the one you seem to believe isn’t flawed for some alarming reason.
Right. An epidemic requires large numbers. Which is why I was explaining to you “sexual misconduct” by oolitivians is not an epidemic.
Ahh another moving goal post. You know you should probably just stop. You have embarrassed yourself and your family enough in this thread.