this game isn't even as competitve as the score, we got a fluke return TD where we held and it wasn't called, MSU scores a TD whenever they don't shoot themselves in the foot with a penalty. what a ****ing embarrassment.
Turned the game off after that fumble. I'm not watching any more of this bullshit I've got better ways to waste time than watch this shit.
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What a fkn cluster. CRod hasn't been the same since he talked big before Georgia. We have not just stepped back. We have snapped back like a rubber band.

Where the fk has our DB coaching disappeared to? This is an embarrassment and now I understand why Stoops looked like he had lost this game during the bye week. We really aren't top 25 if we're still capable of playing THIS BADLY
Those that compared him to Benny Snell and said he was better 😂😂😂 Not in this universe Snell didn’t have butterfingers!
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Can we please end the team uses the disrespect as motivation BS. This team has sucked ass all night. They could still come back and win but unlikely. So tired of the disrespect talk, this is why, do you get it now?
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Well the halftime speech didn't do anything for them. I don't know where their heads are but they are not in the game. I believer I would have to sit C rod the rest of this game, he clearly can not hold on to the ball. Also why can't our secondary play better, they can't stop anybody or catch a ball thrown right to them, pathetic performance.
Afraid to throw it, and can’t run it. Defense can’t stop the run or the pass. Special teams doesn’t know when to fair catch or return a punt or kick off.
Man we’ve got a good team.
Stoops would’ve already been fired if the SEC looked like it used to.
He’s a product of Vince Marrows recruiting and a weakened, top heavy conference.