Kentucky-Louisville Game Thread

That play at the plate was garbage.. This four run lead is more like 10 runs considering we can't string any hits together
Feel terrible for Salow, the kid played the game of his career (so far) but wasn't given a chance to finish it.
Originally posted by Mike-D:
Take out the guy that gave up 1 run in 6 innings. I don't care how long he's pitched. Laughable. Now we're going home. What does the new pitcher do? Walks the lead-off hitter. That's on coaching. Ride out your the guy that got you there.
Plus the guy brought in had an ERA of 8.2. Our pitching wasn't broke so why try and fix it.
Coach needed to go with his gut (this guy is on his game) and not with what the pitcher has done in the past but what he was doing tonight.
Originally posted by Comebakatz3:
Strecker better hit someone next inning... don't take that shit.
If it wasn't the tournament, I'd agree, but we can't afford giving them baserunners already down 4.
Originally posted by Comebakatz3:
Strecker better hit someone next inning... don't take that shit.
Unfortunately we're down 4-0 or I'd agree with you. Someone should take out a UL player on a slide instead
Hit a ground ball and dive at the first basemen's knees. If he ever walks again then he does, if he doesn't it's his mother's fault for raising him that way.
Originally posted by BlueFromBirth:
So whyd we bring mahar in exactly? If you're going to make a Change, why him ?
My only guess is maybe they had ideas of trying to hold Strecker to start tomorrow.
Originally posted by UK_Is_Good:

Originally posted by BlueFromBirth:
So whyd we bring mahar in exactly? If you're going to make a Change, why him ?
My only guess is maybe they had ideas of trying to hold Strecker to start tomorrow.
We have already seen how planning for the future has worked out for us this weekend. Not good.

In terms of hitting someone... I agree... shouldn't do it unless there is a perfect situation to do so. Like us having a huge inning.
Originally posted by Comebakatz3:
Originally posted by UK_Is_Good:

Originally posted by BlueFromBirth:
So whyd we bring mahar in exactly? If you're going to make a Change, why him ?
My only guess is maybe they had ideas of trying to hold Strecker to start tomorrow.
We have already seen how planning for the future has worked out for us this weekend. Not good.

I agree. We're at the point now though if we somehow win this, we'll probably have to go back to Cody.
I'll never get why we took out the starting pitcher. He was getting stronger with more confidence if anything. I don't care about his stats. Go with the feel of the game.
Originally posted by TCPUKChamps:

Originally posted by Comebakatz3:
Strecker better hit someone next inning... don't take that shit.
Unfortunately we're down 4-0 or I'd agree with you. Someone should take out a UL player on a slide instead
Wouldn't that require getting on base? Just saying. Pitiful performance tonight by our bats so far.
Well... we are to the pen now. Set up man... this needs to be the inning otherwise Nick Burdi will come in and his ERA is amazingly low. Don't want to face him.
I'm going to be extremely pissed if they let him take some practice throws on this after doctoring the mound.
Chittenden's at 3rd right?

I'd send the guy to steal and have him take him out no matter what.
Wow... Louisville is lucky as hell. That was a terrible throw up the line.
Originally posted by Comebakatz3:
Wow... Louisville is lucky as hell. That was a terrible throw up the line.
No kidding horrible throw. But sometimes better to be lucky, they have had some luck tonight.
What the hell?! They ejected Bernal... that is bull!! He had a right to the baseline!
Originally posted by Comebakatz3:
Wow... Louisville is lucky as hell. That was a terrible throw up the line.
Yeah, it was bad - I presume the runner is just that slow? If so, why send him.....
I guess Bernal should have just slid at his knees with his shoulder first. Freaking retarded rule.
Rule in college baseball. You have to go low. The slam into the knees is okay, the slam into the head isn't. Sort of stupid, but that's the rules. He should have slide into his legs.
It's illegal to slam-collide high in college. Hence the ejection.

This post was edited on 6/1 11:23 PM by rod_card
Originally posted by RUPPsRevenge1:
Rule in college baseball. You have to go low. The slam into the knees is okay, the slam into the head isn't. Sort of stupid, but that's the rules. He should have slide into his legs.
Yeah. And he would've looked pretty stupid laying on the ground 8 feet away from the plate. What a stupid call.
Originally posted by Mojocat:

Originally posted by Comebakatz3:
Wow... Louisville is lucky as hell. That was a terrible throw up the line.
Yeah, it was bad - I presume the runner is just that slow? If so, why send him.....
You'd have to be one-legged for this 3rd base coach to not send you.