These guys have my seal of approval. They have the guts to say things others won't.
Quoting myself to point out that Tommy B is Thomas Bennett, a former UK infielder from Frankfort, Western Hills High School that redshirted at UK in 2018. He is warning recruits to stay away from UK.
Crosby Bringhurst is another former UK player that has at least re-tweeted posts critical of Mingione and the program.
Edit to point out some more I have found that are/were connected to the program and at least agreeing with what these guys say:
Aaron McGeorge - former pitcher for UK
Josh Smith - Former pitcher for UK now in MiLB with the Rangers.
Alex Rodriguez - Former starting SS for UK.
The father of Alex Margot, a former UK pitcher at least liked a negative one.
Gunnar McNeill - Former 1B
Austin Keen - Former UK pitcher (just said it was no longer fun, essentially)
The post from Loney that says, 'They are leaving for one real reason and it's not hard to figure out what that reason is.' was liked by Tristian Pompey and seemingly a relative of Braxton Cottongame.
Grant Macciocchi - Former UK pitcher.
Houston King - Was on UK roster this year, now in portal.
JP Bitzenhofer - Former UK pitcher on the roster in 2017 as a fresh.
Whew... there is a lot.