Ivisic Update

Did pilgrim give any update on ivisic
he said it's been like a wwe match.Like a table and chairs match but expect big z here. Its no longer a tace but a Marathon is doing everything they can.

But he did say it would be cool to have big z as the y . I have thought for couple weeks this will happen.We shall see
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Seems pretty sure it happens and they are working day and night to get it done.
Yeah, comments were a bit of a roller coaster. Started with it being "up in the air" but he later said they think they get it done and he seemed optimistic. Sounded like we may not know for sure up until that mid-Oct. deadline. Also kinda seemed like he knew more than he could say right now.
Yeah, comments were a bit of a roller coaster. Started with it being "up in the air" but he later said they think they get it done and he seemed optimistic. Sounded like we may not know for sure up until that mid-Oct. deadline. Also kinda seemed like he knew more than he could say right now.

Yeah it definitely seemed like there was more that he knows which he didn't want to get into yet.

Have to get this done.
Yeah it definitely seemed like there was more that he knows which he didn't want to get into yet.

Have to get this done.
Completely agree with this. He is giving the impression UK is doing everything they can We need to silent and wait.
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Croatia is on UK's no waiver list. I'm not sure why, but .... they're more than enforcing it. Probably many countries that are not on that list.
he said it's been like a wwe match.Like a table and chairs match but expect big z here. Its no longer a tace but a Marathon is doing everything they can.

But he did say it would be cool to have big z as the y . I have thought for couple weeks this will happen.We shall see
It's just been wild that we are having so many issues getting this done.
That lineup looked great against international tomato cans, but put it up against a team with talented athletic big men and it will be eaten ALIVE. We have to have at least 2 of the 3 big men to get anything meaningful done

Just an FYI, Tre Mitchell has been playing center for his last two B-12 teams, Texas and West Virginia.
Yeah, comments were a bit of a roller coaster. Started with it being "up in the air" but he later said they think they get it done and he seemed optimistic. Sounded like we may not know for sure up until that mid-Oct. deadline. Also kinda seemed like he knew more than he could say right now.
The key to seeming like you are a good source is to always act like you know more than you are telling and if it goes south act like you knew it or if it goes as planned act like you knew it. Just be vague enough that you always are right. Inside sources are like weathermen, they can be vague in their predictions, they will always seem to be right and people will still trust them. 😂
Got to get at least one of the bigs ready. Mitchell can’t handle the 5 by himself.

If both Bradshaw and Onyenso can get and stay healthy, and we get Ivisic enrolled, we go from famine to feast at the 5 spot.

Would be nice to have three options at Center and be able to play Mitchell mainly at PF. That would be ideal.
Got to get at least one of the bigs ready. Mitchell can’t handle the 5 by himself.

If both Bradshaw and Onyenso can get and stay healthy, and we get Ivisic enrolled, we go from famine to feast at the 5 spot.

Would be nice to have three options at Center and be able to play Mitchell mainly at PF. That would be ideal.
Will be the deepest team we've had at UK in a loooong time. Plus having two very experienced and solid individuals like Mitchell and Reeves makes us very dangerous.
I saw someone saw something about the US having some type of ban with Croatia on visas or something like that, I have no idea it’s that the issue or if that is even true

Well, according to the State Dept that's not true:

The United States and Croatia marked 30 years of bilateral ties in 2022. Croatia is also a participant in CBP's Visa Waiver Program, which permits Croatian citizens to visit the United States for business or tourism for up to 90 days without a visa.
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I don't know all of the hurdles, but to get this done, things have to be done in order. The university must first allow admission once all prerequisites are accepted. (passing the test comes first). Then the student must apply for a student visa, the F1 type. The application is handled by the U.S. Dept. of State and issued by that entity. Upon arrival, a foreign student must meet with the Department of Homeland Security to grant entry into the country. These things can and will be done but they will take some time, not a lot, but it is the government ya know. It is my belief BigZ cannot apply for the student visa unless he is enrolled at an accredited school. There may be other things to conquer but I don't know what they would be.
Right. I think we are still stuck on Step 1 which is the most frustrating part.
My thoughts on a cpl of subjects within this thread: AKA Frosty Tips: At one point, he was an insider...this was during the BCG era ONLY. I went (met) to a Houston game with him (and several others) and my take was he was very full of himself a bit at the time, but he was still easy to talk to and not a complete ass. And yes, he was inside as most anyone could claim at the time. Obviously everything spiraled quickly downhill when BCG was fired and he lost all of his contacts. End of are done. The fact that he cheated many out of subscription plans is VERY SAD indeed. Personally, I have no use for a fraud and he deserves any and all comments.

As for Z. If coming up through HS, he would be a top 15-35 recruit. He gives us solid big man and will have floor time this year if cleared. I just don't see a game changer, but could have his moments. Improves our preseason ranking by like 5-10 spots. after play starts...who knows?
Brief summary from Pilgram on last night's podcast...

UK staff working hard and have asked the insiders to “shut up and let them get it done”. As of today, he believes BigZ will be at UK… was much more complicated to navigate, They ARE new developments, UK in a good spot, but asking stuff not to be shared.

As others have mentioned, the insiders know more than they are sharing. Privacy is one. Pilgrim said last week they "got too close to the sun" a few weeks ago on some BigZ info. He also indicated last night that they are still "outside forces" at work, which is another reason for the silence.. (I took it to mean, other schools still try to poach him away.)
Brief summary from Pilgram on last night's podcast...

UK staff working hard and have asked the insiders to “shut up and let them get it done”. As of today, he believes BigZ will be at UK… was much more complicated to navigate, They ARE new developments, UK in a good spot, but asking stuff not to be shared.

As others have mentioned, the insiders know more than they are sharing. Privacy is one. Pilgrim said last week they "got too close to the sun" a few weeks ago on some BigZ info. He also indicated last night that they are still "outside forces" at work, which is another reason for the silence.. (I took it to mean, other schools still try to poach him away.)
Smh. You would think in the modern era, this wouldn't be so complicated.

I get the privacy aspect, and we don't need to know the daily details. But communication is the balm of bad dealings, so, just even a bit of update like Jack gave is good enough. I just think the fans don't want to hear at the end of this (if it doesn't work out) "Oh well, we tried" with no explanation.
Why not just have a manager take it for him haha. This is all so silly.

It is only silly if you don't believe the Univ. of Kentucky should have admission standards. Or if you believe the school should violate its own standards if the applicant is a 7' basketball player. People get fired for that. But who cares? Right? Let the guy in because he is a basketball player. Is that your position? Has it occurred to you that Cal could have prevented this PR mess by doing his job better and coordinating the scholarship offer with the admissions office?