Ivisic Update

We do not know that Cal knew for a fact Sharpe wasn't going to play. Please provide evidence to that fact. I will stand by patiently for the evidence.
Hold your breath. You are literally THE last person in this entire forum that deserves anyone to do any busywork for you. And if you really wanted to find the info you could easily search it. You're a fraud.
He def covered for Wheeler, and I kinda get why. Wheeler was already catching flak from the fanbase, so can you imagine how nuclear it would've gone if came out plainly he just quit? I mean, we've seen a culture shift in crazy in some people (the dude that hit Travis Hunter in the CSU-CO game was getting death threats for goodness sakes). I'm not saying that would've happened here, but I think Cal was just trying to protect Wheeler a bit from over the top responses. Which if that's the case, I'm mostly ok with it.

But yes, he def. put onus on Wheeler without directly exposing him to the backlash.
I think Cal might have been protecting himself a little bit there too.
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Any update on Z? Let’s try to get the thread back on topic.
Once again....
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I’m still waiting for the update that matters. Ivisic has been admitted to the University of Kentucky.
John Clay was on TV Saturday. I cannot stand the man, but he has stayed in the loop. Said Ivisic is still not in school but may slip in at the last moment. Not much news to that but probably as true as we will get.
Hold your breath. You are literally THE last person in this entire forum that deserves anyone to do any busywork for you. And if you really wanted to find the info you could easily search it. You're a fraud.
As usual. All talk and no substance. Just what I thought.
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John Clay was on TV Saturday. I cannot stand the man, but he has stayed in the loop. Said Ivisic is still not in school but may slip in at the last moment. Not much news to that but probably as true as we will get.
At this point, even if he gets in, he is getting further behind every day he isn't practicing with the team.
We do not know that Cal knew for a fact Sharpe wasn't going to play. Please provide evidence to that fact. I will stand by patiently for the evidence.
Oh, he absolutely "knew". Anyone paying attention could see that. I'll give you one thing: you're persistent in sticking around and spinning things in favor of Cal when you think no one's looking.
I'm beginning to think that Cal has no intention of him playing and this might be another Sharpe using the program fiasco.
That's what I'm thinking as well. Cal has so much disdain for the fanbase that he would do something like this (AGAIN) just to spite the fanbase. If anyone would do something like this for a second time, it would be Cal. He's so invested in 1AD after all these years that it's what he lives for. It's not changing unless it's publicly addressed by those who can actually do something about it, or he's forced out.
That's what I'm thinking as well. Cal has so much disdain for the fanbase that he would do something like this (AGAIN) just to spite the fanbase. If anyone would do something like this for a second time, it would be Cal. He's so invested in 1AD after all these years that it's what he lives for. It's not changing unless it's publicly addressed by those who can actually do something about it, or he's forced out.
Problem is Barnhart never addressed the Sharpe thing the first time, telling me that he is fine with this. So, it's going to happen again. It's just a matter of who and when. Not saying this is Ivisic's intent, but if he does make it to campus, I can see Cal saying he is too far behind in practice to play and maybe he will play next semester and suddenly its Groundhog Day all over again with Cal stringing us along.
I'm beginning to think that Cal has no intention of him playing and this might be another Sharpe using the program fiasco.
That doesn't even make sense.Sharpe was always a first round pick while Z is at best a second round pick and needs to play to improve his stock.
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I’m still waiting for the update that matters. Ivisic has been admitted to the University of Kentucky.
Classes started August 21. Last date to add a class was August 25. It’s now October. I think his ship has sailed for this semester.
Classes started August 21. Last date to add a class was August 25. It’s now October. I think his ship has sailed for this semester.

That’s not entirely true. There are partial (second half) of the semester courses that will begin later. General education classes usually are offered and they simply meet more often to make up time (so maybe 5 days a week instead of 2 or 3). He only needs 12 hours to be full time so that’s only four 3 hour courses.

So, it’s possible. I’ve never known anyone to exclusively take back half courses like that. Usually you might take some full semester courses plus one course that finishes at midterm and one that starts at midterm or something like that. Still, it’s possible they could work something like that out for him if he can enroll by October.

Possible, but I don’t personally hold out much hope for it at this point.
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Been a wonderful ride with Cal here.

Best coach in college basketball.

Great ambassador for UK basketball and the university as a whole.

His days here will end at some point because time marches on.

It will be a sad day for UK when it comes.

He will be be very hard to replace.

Hopefully we get a Joe B type to follow Cal.

Although Joe B would be crucified in the internet age.
Joe B. Hall was crucified before the internet!
It is only silly if you don't believe the Univ. of Kentucky should have admission standards. Or if you believe the school should violate its own standards if the applicant is a 7' basketball player. People get fired for that. But who cares? Right? Let the guy in because he is a basketball player. Is that your position? Has it occurred to you that Cal could have prevented this PR mess by doing his job better and coordinating the scholarship offer with the admissions office?
What is the ADs job in all this? Should he have been involved?
Hold your breath. You are literally THE last person in this entire forum that deserves anyone to do any busywork for you. And if you really wanted to find the info you could easily search it. You're a fraud.
Search it where?
That doesn't even make sense.Sharpe was always a first round pick while Z is at best a second round pick and needs to play to improve his stock.
Especially if UK doesn't let him play, with a big chance to improve his draft stock. Or if not to play for us next year, if he isn't tired of the circus here.
At this point, even if he gets in, he is getting further behind every day he isn't practicing with the team.
just chemistry wise, there are no plays to learn, so all he has to do is remember to keep moving on offense to get open & help out on defense...........just the simple things you are taught in grade school
That doesn't even make sense.Sharpe was always a first round pick while Z is at best a second round pick and needs to play to improve his stock.
Sure because a 7'2" Euro player with guard like skills are a dime a dozen. 😏 And we have never had a player put their name into the draft that had no business doing so?
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That’s not entirely true. There are partial (second half) of the semester courses that will begin later. General education classes usually are offered and they simply meet more often to make up time (so maybe 5 days a week instead of 2 or 3). He only needs 12 hours to be full time so that’s only four 3 hour courses.

So, it’s possible. I’ve never known anyone to exclusively take back half courses like that. Usually you might take some full semester courses plus one course that finishes at midterm and one that starts at midterm or something like that. Still, it’s possible they could work something like that out for him if he can enroll by October.

Possible, but I don’t personally hold out much hope for it at this point.
I am all for helping kids and putting the best teams on the floor, etc., but if they enroll him in 12 hours of half-semester courses to get him eligible for the whole season that is getting pretty close to UNC standards. I don't know if you went to college but for me 12 hours of regular classes was tough, 15 hours was a full-time job. 12 hours of half-semester would be the equivalent of taking 24 hours of regular classes. I remember when someone would take a load like that when I was in school it was a front-page story in the campus newspaper on the genius trying to graduate in two years. If you add to that full-time basketball, and a kid going to college in a new country in something other than his native is just stupid. If he is good enough to go to the NBA a year out of HS there are opportunities in other countries or USA developmental leagues. The NBA will find him if he is 7' and good. If he is a four-year project, then let him sit a semester, enroll in January and red shirt. Little is lost for him or the team. If not getting him in the back door with some 12-hour half-semester classwork load that is made to be easy with tutors taking his tests will result in him going somewhere else...let him go. UNC loves this sort of mess, and UK shouldn't mess with it.
I am all for helping kids and putting the best teams on the floor, etc., but if they enroll him in 12 hours of half-semester courses to get him eligible for the whole season that is getting pretty close to UNC standards. I don't know if you went to college but for me 12 hours of regular classes was tough, 15 hours was a full-time job. 12 hours of half-semester would be the equivalent of taking 24 hours of regular classes. I remember when someone would take a load like that when I was in school it was a front-page story in the campus newspaper on the genius trying to graduate in two years. If you add to that full-time basketball, and a kid going to college in a new country in something other than his native is just stupid. If he is good enough to go to the NBA a year out of HS there are opportunities in other countries or USA developmental leagues. The NBA will find him if he is 7' and good. If he is a four-year project, then let him sit a semester, enroll in January and red shirt. Little is lost for him or the team. If not getting him in the back door with some 12-hour half-semester classwork load that is made to be easy with tutors taking his tests will result in him going somewhere else...let him go. UNC loves this sort of mess, and UK shouldn't mess with it.

I did attend university. One semester I had to get special permission to take more than 21 hours. I also worked a full-time job (four 10 hour days on night shift) while doing it. When I finished work I went straight to campus and was in class from 8 to noon. Labs scheduled on my non-work days and a couple of online classes helped knock out the extra hours.

So, all I can really tell you is it’s possible. He could add some nonsense CPR course or language courses in foreign languages he is already fluent in to make it easier. After all, like most of our players he isn’t really working toward a degree anyway.
Dave will be here any minute to tell us he heard Big Z is in the student directory and there will be a presser at 4am tomorrow morning. He heard it 'on another forum'.
great news
of course this is not going to make the whiners and the trolls happy............but their tears are delicious
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