I think your thoughts are spot on. I believe HD is doing as suggested by Cal to learn where he needs to improve If hIs family is so in need, screw all of you who forsake this young man; are any of you stepping up to fund his families needs: I think not. The hypocrites who scandalize a player coming here are guaranteed underachieving, possom shooting trailer trash. If you can't wish a better life for your fellow man, be a lewisville fan. Good day to many of you double wide, eat up with hate and envy types. You( for the most part, never went to college. If you did, it was cc and you likely didn't finish. I like all UK fans, want HD to be a freshman/sophomore at UK next year, but I pray to God daily for my fellow man, not UKbasketball.
do your stupid rolly smiley face. That makes your idiotic comments, more idiotic. Please follow up with distractions/whatever, rather than an informed statement.