How You Feeling This Morning?

I can empathize. I have watched and listened to a lot of games since 1965. I cannot say when I started to feel the way you do. I am guessing it was when Cal declared it was about getting players to the NBA first rather than playing for the name on the front of the jersey. Much debate over this topic, but it took something out of me when he said that and I cannot describe it. I don't get mad anymore either. Apathy has crept in and that is not good for a life long Cat fan. Blame it on my age I guess. Yes, I will be cheering them on again next year like I have over the past 50+ years. Go Cats.
His quote changed the way I feel too.
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Same as yesterday. We shat the bed. It was pathetic. We played in a way that was shameful to the program. We embarrassed ourselves. We lost to an inferior team because neither the player nor the coach bothered to show up for the game.
Well . . . Did something I last night I can't remember doing ever. Started watching something else - with false interest - after about 6 min. into the second half and checked back in during the last timeout. Wasn't mad or hurt. Just couldn't watch our lack of sense of urgency. The game was very disjointed; too many fouls called (on both teams) which disrupted any kind of flow. Too many missed shots. Too many offensive putbacks by KSU. Too many memories of "I hate playing slow!". I just couldn't take it anymore.

I can't say I'm sorry to see the season end. It's been exciting, frustrating and anything but consistent. I felt the team return to it's ceiling last night. Ready to move on. What about you?


I turned it over to the other game mid 2nd half. when I do that they usually make a run. Didn't work this time.
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Well . . . Did something I last night I can't remember doing ever. Started watching something else - with false interest - after about 6 min. into the second half and checked back in during the last timeout. Wasn't mad or hurt. Just couldn't watch our lack of sense of urgency. The game was very disjointed; too many fouls called (on both teams) which disrupted any kind of flow. Too many missed shots. Too many offensive putbacks by KSU. Too many memories of "I hate playing slow!". I just couldn't take it anymore

Interesting post, because more and more I feel the same way and I've been watching since the early sixties, I watched the game at a bar, so I kind of forced myself to tough it out. A married man only gets so many "get out of jail free" cards. The thing in your post that resonates the most with me is.."couldn't watch our lack of sense of urgency." I felt it from the tip off, and yeah, we got serious in spurts, but the spurts were never long enough. K-State came after us-we didn't go after them. Reading the other posts on the board this morning, I learn that i'm a terrible fan and part of the worst fan base ever because I have a few concerns over our motivation and I'm not in full blown worship mode, but last night was not the game for which I had hoped...and it's not all because we lost.
The thing in your post that resonates the most with me is.."couldn't watch our lack of sense of urgency." I felt it from the tip off, and yeah, we got serious in spurts, but the spurts were never long enough. K-State came after us-we didn't go after them.
Yeah, I wanted somebody to step into the huddle, say "F this!" get pissed and start pointing fingers, start rallying and get some passion stirred up. Never happened. :oops:
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Woke up this morning tired. Tired of Cal’s system more than ever. One of the best Kentucky players in this tournament is an ex-UK player at Michigan. He sums up what is so frustrating about how Cal’s model works.
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His quote changed the way I feel too.

Watching the cult-like mentality of people accepting that as the "right thing" is telling. We're Kentucky fans, not "Oh, I hope this other person gets rich and can buy a lot of stuff" fans. The name on the front of the jersey represents our state and our tradition. That's important to us. Making it about the NBA is a slap in the face and in reality, I think this year brought a lot of toxic attitudes who didn't give a damn about this program and the name on the front and think it's all about them.

That wasn't a Kentucky team this year. But it did click though that we're not where we need to be and something has to change in terms of program direction and strategy. I'm a big Cal fan. I think he's perfect for our program but he has to adapt to the reality of where we are at in the recruiting battles and how it hasn't worked for us since 2015.

All Star teams of freshmen aren't going to cut it when they're not elite players and we have no reliable vets. You need guys who can do stuff that isn't flashy. You need guys who can actually shoot, bangers and guys who have high basketball IQ and leadership abilities.
Yeah, I wanted somebody to step into the huddle, say "F this!" get pissed and start pointing fingers, start rallying and get some passion stirred up. Never happened. :oops:

I wished desperately for the same thing...and I've been wishing for it all year. I very much respect how Cal handles his one and dones, and to me he's still the best at putting together a sold team from really young players. Still, I can't say that from time to time, we look a bit like disinterested mercenaries out there.
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Watching the cult-like mentality of people accepting that as the "right thing" is telling. We're Kentucky fans, not "Oh, I hope this other person gets rich and can buy a lot of stuff" fans. The name on the front of the jersey represents our state and our tradition. That's important to us. Making it about the NBA is a slap in the face and in reality, I think this year brought a lot of toxic attitudes who didn't give a damn about this program and the name on the front and think it's all about them.

That wasn't a Kentucky team this year. But it did click though that we're not where we need to be and something has to change in terms of program direction and strategy. I'm a big Cal fan. I think he's perfect for our program but he has to adapt to the reality of where we are at in the recruiting battles and how it hasn't worked for us since 2015.

All Star teams of freshmen aren't going to cut it when they're not elite players and we have no reliable vets. You need guys who can do stuff that isn't flashy. You need guys who can actually shoot, bangers and guys who have high basketball IQ and leadership abilities.
Preach on buddy.....
Upset cuz of the opportunity we had of making a final four but not as upset as last year. I knew if we made the final 4 it would be very difficult to win it all but knowing all we had to do was beat KSU and Loyola is gonna sting for awhile.

Just hoping SGA returns, I know that's a long shot but SGA doesn't strike me as a kid in a hurry to get to the next level but can't blame him if he bolts cuz he has played himself into borderline lottery pick but a sure fire 1st rounder.

Now it's gonna be a long spring/summer/fall til the cats tip off again.
This pretty much sums up my feelings. I have seen this play out over and over again but the aging process takes away the sting of defeat. The fact we are going to have pages of discussion over who stays or goes off of this team shows you the sorry state of today's college basketball. It is laughable and there is no reason to ever get too attached to a Kentucky team anymore. As UK fans we once loved each player like family but now we just look to be entertained and get ready for the off game that sends us packing. I wish the players well as they move on to a new team and a new time in their life. So we reload, wash and repeat. Next years team will be new and we will have high expectations and of course when they fail we can say they were young. Just freshmen and freshmen do freshmen things.

Today is a beautiful day and the blue waters of the Gulf are sparkling. Life is good.
Yes it is. The Wisconsin game influenced me a lot about how to handle defeat. I think I'll go to Lido Beach this afternoon and continue enjoying the good life I have built.
Well . . . Did something I last night I can't remember doing ever. Started watching something else - with false interest - after about 6 min. into the second half and checked back in during the last timeout. Wasn't mad or hurt. Just couldn't watch our lack of sense of urgency. The game was very disjointed; too many fouls called (on both teams) which disrupted any kind of flow. Too many missed shots. Too many offensive putbacks by KSU. Too many memories of "I hate playing slow!". I just couldn't take it anymore.

I can't say I'm sorry to see the season end. It's been exciting, frustrating and anything but consistent. I felt the team return to it's ceiling last night. Ready to move on. What about you?


Feelin’ like sh** - feel bad for PJ and need him and a few others to come back as I simply don’t want to hear Coach Cal ever say again “we’re so young, the youngest team ever in college basketball”!!!
There is not an easy answer to how I am feeling but maybe it will help to put it in a post.

We probably got more out of this team than we should have gotten but we lost a game that with only an average game we could have won.A trip to the FF was gifted to this team and they didn't take advantage of it.Whatever the reason we just didn't seem ready to play in this one.Davidson and/or Buffalo would probably beat K-State.

This season was more of a struggle than most of Cal's other seasons here mainly because we never saw the complete team that we were supposed to have.The truth is that to some degree I am glad the season is over,however how it ended makes that hard to justify.As bad as we played we should still be playing because of the competition.

Now comes the yearly who stays and who goes watch,as I have said in other posts I will be a fan of whoever is wearing the blue and white next season This year is a bit different because I won't be surprised no matter what any player does.I have surprised myself with one thought on the subject of coming and going,given the choice of Diallo or Vanderbilt returning I would choose Diallo. No matter if it was Vanderbilt's choice or Cal's choice or actual injury that kept Vanderbilt off the floor for the amount of time it did I don't want to go thru that again

We won 26 games this year,we probably should not have won that many so as bad as the last one hurts we can still take away a little something positive
I feel angry and frustrated.

That's the short version for those who don't care to read further.
We played like crap similar to the early February team that lost 4 in a row and 5 out of six at one stretch. I reminded my friends not to get too hopeful as we could revert to that team at any time. It seemed that we had righted the ship and were playing well again, but Weber and K-State said "not so fast there, my friend".
Cal can get us close with all freshmen teams, but without an alpha point guard and alpha big man, and without an upperclassman or two who can significantly contribute, we will not win another title under Cal.
The tournament ends when we lose and win .
I filled out 5 brackets in the bracket challenge and I am in the 96%,93% 100% 80% and 60% so I am interested to see how things play out.Also I hope Duke and KU play each other so one will lose(maybe Higgins will ref it and have a nervous breakdown trying to figure out who should win)
I don't think I'll ever see a UK bracket open up like it did this year. That's the part that sucks the most, but I'm over it now.

I told myself if we make it to the second week I'd be okay with the season. So I'll stick to that, but the "what if" will linger around for a bit.
I filled out 5 brackets in the bracket challenge and I am in the 96%,93% 100% 80% and 60% so I am interested to see how things play out.Also I hope Duke and KU play each other so one will lose(maybe Higgins will ref it and have a nervous breakdown trying to figure out who should win)
That's funny. I just meant I don't care once we're out. I hope Duke loses and I'd root for Kansas if they were playing each other.
I can say I'm sorry to see the season end. The season was exciting, frustrating and anything but consistent. Still, I never ever get tired of Kentucky hoops. I feel our team was too young and missing a few pieces but I'm ready for the next game. I do hate the losing part anytime that happens and NEVER complacent with mediocrity.

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I don't think I'll ever see a UK bracket open up like it did this year. That's the part that sucks the most, but I'm over it now.

I told myself if we make it to the second week I'd be okay with the season. So I'll stick to that, but the "what if" will linger around for a bit.
Yes it is more difficult to reconcile those two point of view than it should be.I wish I was better at doing it,maybe that will come in a day or two.
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I'm still in the early part of the 5 stages of grief:
Denial & isolation
Went to the game with a couple of my grandboys, Got in bed about 0200. The game was the S.O.S. for me:
  • Too many TOs. (15)
  • Too many missed 3s.
  • Poor FT shooting.
  • Poor officiating.
I have a lack of sleep hangover. Sore legs from all of that walking. Can't wait for next season.
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Yeah, I wanted somebody to step into the huddle, say "F this!" get pissed and start pointing fingers, start rallying and get some passion stirred up. Never happened. :oops:

That is where we missed Vanderbilt so much... his hustle and the way he attacks the boards speaks volumes!!!

Also.. Day 2....still feel terrible..I am 48 and have watched many emotional wins and losses but this one really hurts because the way the bracket opened up.

Not sure what the deal is with Vanderbilt. I knew we would need him for a game like this in tourney.


I have been on this message board several hours today to try and use as therapy from my fellow Wildcats.

Tough loss. We just got out hustled and the free throws and turnovers are a bad combo that will get you beat everytime.
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