How To Not Annoy Your Bartender/Get Drinks In A Timely Fashion

Did actually move to Tampa with her. We bought a house and moved up here a couple weeks ago. Figured it was the best move for my/our future and to finally grow up a bit and maybe have a family.

No idea who Coughlin is @buckethead1978 but if you don't like him I'd guess I'd admire the shit out of him.
[laughing] Sorry folks but, I found this funny.
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There are probably quite a few more locals in tampa than key west. Rogue was probably making 95% of his tips on the shear fact that fat 50 something bald guy found a timeshare opening in the keys and nothing was going to ruin his jolly good time, dammit.

Now he is dealing with people that have expectations beyond paying $12k a year for the right to a week in a street view efficiency.
People there probably expect people like Rogue Macho to be jerks so, it is accepted.
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Plenty of bars up and down Nebraska Avenue can get a job serving Tampa's finest [winking]

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Won't be tending at any places like Ibor or whatever Nebraska Ave is, hell I'm not even willing to drive across the Howard-Franklin Bridge toward downtown to go to work. If I do end up bartending it will be near the beach with an ocean view. I don't do late nights, clubs or "young" crowds. That's too much quantity over quality for me.
KW has to be one of the few areas where you can bartend during the day, avoid nights and weekends, and still make money. Aside from beach/vacation areas.. that would never work. I could be wrong. But just doesn't seem like enough drinking traffic in many areas, that isn't a night or weekend.
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Correct. It is one of the few places in America where you can walk into a bar at 10am on a Tuesday, ask for a shot and a beer and the person not assume you're going through a break up or your dog just died.
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Won't be tending at any places like Ibor or whatever Nebraska Ave is, hell I'm not even willing to drive across the Howard-Franklin Bridge toward downtown to go to work. If I do end up bartending it will be near the beach with an ocean view. I don't do late nights, clubs or "young" crowds. That's too much quantity over quality for me. aren't a bartender? I so confused.
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Won't be tending at any places like Ibor or whatever Nebraska Ave is, hell I'm not even willing to drive across the Howard-Franklin Bridge toward downtown to go to work. If I do end up bartending it will be near the beach with an ocean view. I don't do late nights, clubs or "young" crowds. That's too much quantity over quality for me.

It's spelled Ybor City btw. I guess it's kind of a popular nite life area that was refurbished few decades ago. Historic Cuban influence in that general area or was anyway.
Ibor, Ybor either way I won't be there! Last thing I want to be around is Cuban/Hispanic influenced anything. Done enough of that for a while. Plus apparently now it's just nightclubs, drugs, Eastern Europeans, etc. That is about as far from my type of scene as can be.

Anyway, act appropriately at a bar you bunch of ninnies.
I am not working right now doing anything. Taking a couple months off. [smoke]

Gosh, you're terrible. If your brain is so sedentary that you can take a couple months off from the everyday stress of bartending - then you've either had a lobotomy or have maxed out on what you're capable of in life.

How do you not go crazy? Soap operas? Jerry Springer reruns?

You seem well-educated yet your "[smoke]", for most people in your socioeconomic category and presumed upbringing, is below rock bottom. Or at least that of most able-bodied, HS+ educated males over 25.

Which would be fine, but yet you start a thread and post repeatedly, bragging about it, as if you're the smartest guy in The Paddock, and people should envy you. [laughing]

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Gosh, you're terrible. If your brain is so sedentary that you can take a couple months off from the everyday stress of bartending - then you've either had a lobotomy or have maxed out in life intellectually.

How do you not go crazy? Soap operas? Jerry Springer reruns?

Either way, your "[smoke]" is below most people's rock bottom. Or at least most able-bodied males over 25 with half a brain.

Which would be fine, but yet you start a thread and post repeatedly, bragging about it, as if people should envy you. [laughing]

Yeah look at me guys!!!!!! What a maroon!!!!! I can afford to take a couple months off work and travel and relax and I actually did it!!!! HOW STUPID OF ME!!!! I could be working every day instead of going to the gym, relaxing, getting my house in order, enjoying the gun range, hanging out with my gal, watching movies at the theater, helping her grandpa clean his house and organzie his garages, spending time with her family, going to visit my family, vacationing in Alaska, etc, etc.

Serouisly CC, you are one dejected, obsolete, has-been my brother. Yeah I should definitely work my fingers to the bone because that's what society here has told us we're supposed to do. I mean anything more than 2 weeks vacation and you're just a real asshole, am I right?

I worked my dick off in KW to make and save money(life changing amounts) to better my future and enjoy myself a little. If you have a problem with that than you're either mad because you CAN'T take the route I did or were too scared to do ever even try something like that. Sorry you spent your 20s and 30s wilting away in gd Alabama and Tennessee and can't find a job now. At least your wife is pulling in enough coin to support you.

This whole thread was a tongue-in-cheek way of poking harmless fun and talking a little trash about people who can't seem to behave or conduct themselves in a manner in which they would never act in any other facet of their public lives, yet here you doing what you always do, being an angry, holier-than-thou prick that appears to be pretty upset with his lot in life and would rather patronize others instead of improving himself.

Pretty far off in your description of me.

I don't care to compete with you because it's not even the same league, much less the same sport. Your arrogance is what enables your ignorance.

You either have some brains and are a gross underachieving failure, or have zero sense and have maxed out your throat capacity.

But good luck with those wages and tips. [laughing]

Strong. Manly.
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:joy:Maybe got you and coolcat mixed up idk. Either way, just screwing around. Congrats on the post graduate degrees, I've got to head back soon myself.

Anyway, got to go, time to shoot some gear up and finish this workout.:boxing:
@Century Cat honest question, what bothers you about me taking off two months? I don't have any dependents, have health insurance, enough money, don't sit around and watch tv all day, constantly out doing stuff with the gal, house projects, etc. You said yourself your wife has taken off 2 decades to raise kids(most don't do that they keep working), but me taking off two months is ridiculous apparently because the rat race is important?

Trying to keep this out of GYERO, bubba.
The only way you can make "life changing" amounts of money in KW is by doing something illegal. Assuming you did not do that, you did not make "life changing" amounts of money. You made only enough money to not require a pay check for a few weeks. Given your attitude, I would say that you made a real mistake by leaving KW. Tampa is the real world and it's only a matter of time before you will be expected to get a real job, develop a career, support a family, save for retirement, etc. But those are the types of things that you seem to consider beneath you.
The only way you can make "life changing" amounts of money in KW is by doing something illegal. Assuming you did not do that, you did not make "life changing" amounts of money. You made only enough money to not require a pay check for a few weeks. Given your attitude, I would say that you made a real mistake by leaving KW. Tampa is the real world and it's only a matter of time before you will be expected to get a real job, develop a career, support a family, save for retirement, etc. But those are the types of things that you seem to consider beneath you.

Damn, that's depressing. I'd rather be in KW bartending...
@Century Cat honest question, what bothers you about me taking off two months? I don't have any dependents, have health insurance, enough money, don't sit around and watch tv all day, constantly out doing stuff with the gal, house projects, etc. You said yourself your wife has taken off 2 decades to raise kids(most don't do that they keep working), but me taking off two months is ridiculous apparently because the rat race is important?

Trying to keep this out of GYERO, bubba.

Not talking for Century Cat but I'm assuming he has no problem whatsoever with you or anyone taking off two months of work. Just like nobody here really has any problems with bartenders or someone who wants to be a bartender. Its just the braggart douchey way you present it, as if its this really really cool and awesome thing you're doing that everyone wishes they could do if they were as cool as you.
@Century Cat honest question, what bothers you about me taking off two months? I don't have any dependents, have health insurance, enough money, don't sit around and watch tv all day, constantly out doing stuff with the gal, house projects, etc. You said yourself your wife has taken off 2 decades to raise kids(most don't do that they keep working), but me taking off two months is ridiculous apparently because the rat race is important?

Trying to keep this out of GYERO, bubba.

That was a short workout.
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Not talking for Century Cat but I'm assuming he has no problem whatsoever with you or anyone taking off two months of work. Just like nobody here really has any problems with bartenders or someone who wants to be a bartender. Its just the braggart douchey way you present it, as if its this really really cool and awesome thing you're doing that everyone wishes they could do if they were as cool as you.

Bingo. :100points:
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The only way you can make "life changing" amounts of money in KW is by doing something illegal. Assuming you did not do that, you did not make "life changing" amounts of money. You made only enough money to not require a pay check for a few weeks. Given your attitude, I would say that you made a real mistake by leaving KW. Tampa is the real world and it's only a matter of time before you will be expected to get a real job, develop a career, support a family, save for retirement, etc. But those are the types of things that you seem to consider beneath you.
Hmmm, went there with over $10K in CC debt like an idiot, left with a great credit score, bought a house and have a significant pile of money in the bank, I'd say for most people that would be life changing. Not saying I'm retired for life or won powerball or anything but when you consider that most people are worth less than they owe, I'd say any of those people would be happy to make that switch.

Tampa is the real world and I'll be back to working as a nurse soon which brings more school to move toward PA, CRNA or NP so I have a career already. Just took time away from it. Been filling up a Roth IRA on my own for years toward retirement. You have literally NO IDEA how much money you can make down there slinging drinks or parasailing, but go ahead and keep assuming you know it all.

@Ron Mehico man the whole braggart douchey thing you're talking about is me having fun on the freaking Internet, relax. If you think I walk around saying, "Hey Bro! I bartend in the keys!" Well you're wrong, that would be this guy named Ogie and he's awful to hang out with. I do think there are plenty of guys in their 30s and 40s that daydream about taking a different route and tossing some cold ones around oceanside on an island while chasing tourist tail instead of being stuck where they are and having never really lived more than 100 or so miles from where they were born.
Tampa is the real world and I'll be back to working as a nurse soon which brings more school to move toward PA, CRNA or NP so I have a career already. Just took time away from it. Been filling up a Roth IRA on my own for years toward retirement. You have literally NO IDEA how much money you can make down there slinging drinks or parasailing, but go ahead and keep assuming you know it all.

Well as a nurse one will have to have better manners to say the least along with a caring touch. Patients won't tip your ass either! I can't imagine!
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

The Tragedy of Macbeth A5,S5
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Hmmm, went there with over $10K in CC debt like an idiot, left with a great credit score, bought a house and have a significant pile of money in the bank, I'd say for most people that would be life changing. Not saying I'm retired for life or won powerball or anything but when you consider that most people are worth less than they owe, I'd say any of those people would be happy to make that switch.

Tampa is the real world and I'll be back to working as a nurse soon which brings more school to move toward PA, CRNA or NP so I have a career already. Just took time away from it. Been filling up a Roth IRA on my own for years toward retirement. You have literally NO IDEA how much money you can make down there slinging drinks or parasailing, but go ahead and keep assuming you know it all.

@Ron Mehico man the whole braggart douchey thing you're talking about is me having fun on the freaking Internet, relax. If you think I walk around saying, "Hey Bro! I bartend in the keys!" Well you're wrong, that would be this guy named Ogie and he's awful to hang out with. I do think there are plenty of guys in their 30s and 40s that daydream about taking a different route and tossing some cold ones around oceanside on an island while chasing tourist tail instead of being stuck where they are and having never really lived more than 100 or so miles from where they were born.
Me to brother. Credit score in the high 600s (it's be higher except for that judgment) and I got $17k. Me & Roguer is high rollers.
Well if life is so GD grand and you got it going on like that, WTF are you on here posting waaaay too much for ANYBODIES likings, bragging about it ? Because it is all one big fairy tale. Just like the pool you bragged about, you did not even own the son of a bitch. Please for the love of this great site, take your bullshit stories and kick rocks. IF you where 1% of what you say you are, you would get a mudhole stomped in your ass daily,,, at any bar.

Taking two months off to enjoy the baller life, but post every move on internet site where people literally hates your persona,,,, yea, gtfo with that noise, I can only hope NOT ONE person believes this shit you are typing. Now, GFY, but first pour me a nice Grey Goose with pineapple juice and red bull, whatever that is called, do you know the name of it ?? I do not, I just like the mixture. Here is $10, keep the change GAF.
Oh catsfanbgky, shewee. Not going to even defend myself to you bubba except to say I haven't lied about one thing on here. Now please don't mudhole stomp my asshole,,,,at any bar.
Well if life is so GD grand and you got it going on like that, WTF are you on here posting waaaay too much for ANYBODIES likings, bragging about it ? Because it is all one big fairy tale. Just like the pool you bragged about, you did not even own the son of a bitch. Please for the love of this great site, take your bullshit stories and kick rocks. IF you where 1% of what you say you are, you would get a mudhole stomped in your ass daily,,, at any bar.

Taking two months off to enjoy the baller life, but post every move on internet site where people literally hates your persona,,,, yea, gtfo with that noise, I can only hope NOT ONE person believes this shit you are typing. Now, GFY, but first pour me a nice Grey Goose with pineapple juice and red bull, whatever that is called, do you know the name of it ?? I do not, I just like the mixture. Here is $10, keep the change GAF.
Good Lord. Are YOU really lecturing to another poster about how badly he sucks, to quit posting, etc...?

You're the human piñata who repeatedly pimped his buddy's lame-ass t-shirts to GYERO, and then got all whiny/pissy when they (rightfully) told you to GF YOURself [laughing].

Seriously though, can you still get a good deal on t-shirts? I'm asking for a friend.
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