How To Not Annoy Your Bartender/Get Drinks In A Timely Fashion

"Pushing 6 figures" in Key West is like making 1/3 of that in Ky. Fine to do when you're young and carefree, but when you start talking down to other people with actual careers/responsibilities is when you know you've become a total douche.
I'd bet it's closer to 80% that do have caths in our ICU. Rarely do we get an ICU patient that was at worst min assist at home before admission.

Thank goodness I'm in a country hospital. we must send all our critical pts. to you all and keep the best.
One of my friends is over alcohol sales in an arena. He says the bartenders make 500-750 a night for a concert or game. The most the bartenders made was 1400 a piece at a concert. ( Hannah Montana years back). All the parents were getting trashed he said. And not to mention it's not
Like a regular bar tending job. It's beer and select alcohol.

My niece worked a few masters in Augusta national and made upwards of 2500 each time just handing out beers
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"Pushing 6 figures" in Key West is like making 1/3 of that in Ky. Fine to do when you're young and carefree, but when you start talking down to other people with actual careers/responsibilities is when you know you've become a total douche.
Not even close to 1/3 bud. Good try though. Money goes way further in KY but if you save the money you make instead of blowing it, you really put away some scratch down there. Given some are day-to-day because they blow it all every night but most people down there take vacations whenever they want and rarely worry about money.

Secondly, I would only ever talk down to people that began talking down to me or being a dick. It's not like some guy rolls in, "Hey partner can I get a Bud?" "NO YOU OLD TOUCH, GO DIE IN A DITCH YOU POOR SOB."
Not even close to 1/3 bud. Good try though. Money goes way further in KY but if you save the money you make instead of blowing it, you really put away some scratch down there. Given some are day-to-day because they blow it all every night but most people down there take vacations whenever they want and rarely worry about money."

I know how expensive Key West is. I live in Broward Co. If you're single and don't care about buying a home, having a family, having a career, then maybe you wouldn't have to worry about money.
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If you can't find $60k/yr dicking around at a cushy software gig, you deserve to tend bar.

Ehh wouldn't be so bad. On your feet so you're staying trim. Lots of sloots, both to serve and to work with. I'm not doubling down on any software chicks.. half of them smell like curry and BO. And it's not like running/owning a bar takes decades of training and expertise. You can get half of it down by year 2 of being a bartender.. As a bartender, the goal, IMO at least, is to someday manage a bar, and then own your own.

And I'd love to be a software dev. Make two clickable buttons a day, maybe tie in some database.. 120k. Not all IT jobs are like that. Certainly not on the infrastructure/System side of things. I have 300 people up my ass every day.. I'm starting to think I'd be better off just pumping them full of alcohol than trying to explain why they can't spin up 30 VM's that day with multiple cores.. or how we can't just upload public docs to our external website because that's what someone somewhere said would be an easy fix...
Also, money isn't the issue with bartending, it's the life. Pretty sure the misses and kiddos won't care if you're making 80-100k.. but they will when you're closing down at 5AM and have to sleep in until 2:00pm..

THAT'S why people get out of the bar business.. not because of some ill conceived notion of "college" or "demeaning" work.. and certainly not for lack of money.
He said he didn't work weekends or nights, hoss.

Never been to KW, only heard about it.. I have to imagine that every day is a weekend day.. Sure, more on a Friday or Saturday.. but It's not like Mondays at the Elks club in Dayton, Ohio.
45k in Lexington comparable to 70k in Key West.
I'd prefer the 100K with all the time off I want vs 2 weeks and my balls freezing off for 4 months a year. Going back to nursing sometime soon unfortunately but probably still moonlight as a tender for fun and cash.

And yes @Dore95 a lot of people live down there because they want to be single, bang your girl when she goes on "girls vacay", not have kids, not be a slave to the career stuff and don't want to be tied down with a home necessarily. It's not for everyone but neither is cubicle life. Enjoy Lauderdale, way too close to Miami for me though.
He said he didn't work weekends or nights, hoss.
Exactly, work at the right bar and you don't have to work nights/weekends and you can make the same money if not better. Nights=up to a 6 way split, days=3 ways. If I want to make $500 I only have to pull in $1200 in tips that day(barback gets 20%) whereas at night to make $500 you have to pull in $3000 in tips in the same amount of time.

People made enough money where I worked that they NEVER did the math to see when they made more. Hence, everyone assumed that nights were better because that's the rule of thumb. When I did the math and asked for days only everyone thought I was stupid until they finally did the math. After that, they were upset they didn't think of it first.
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As someone who tended bar until I was do realize you are for hire to everyone that walks thru that door, right?

Get my drink, pretend not to be a complete douche while trying to flirt with my wife, and grab a smoke out back or do some dishes......hell maybe get rid of the fruit flies!

Regardless try not to ruin your tip, bud.
I'd prefer the 100K with all the time off I want vs 2 weeks and my balls freezing off for 4 months a year. Going back to nursing sometime soon unfortunately but probably still moonlight as a tender for fun and cash.

And yes @Dore95 a lot of people live down there because they want to be single, bang your girl when she goes on "girls vacay", not have kids, not be a slave to the career stuff and don't want to be tied down with a home necessarily. It's not for everyone but neither is cubicle life. Enjoy Lauderdale, way too close to Miami for me though.

It's gonna suck when you have to go back to paying income taxes...
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OP - want me to call you a f---ing waaaaaaaaaabulance you poor bastard....everybody has problems...nobody wants to hear your petty gripes. I'm surprised you ever got a tip...ever. What a douche. I'd ask for a different bartender if I ever was so unlucky to get stuck with your whiny ass. Bite me
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OP - want me to call you a f---ing waaaaaaaaaabulance you poor bastard....everybody has problems...nobody wants to hear your petty gripes. I'm surprised you ever got a tip...ever. What a douche. I'd ask for a different bartender if I ever was so unlucky to get stuck with your whiny ass. Bite me

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Not remotely close, I give no touches about politics.

And @_Chase_ Ill f*ck you on your drinks and make you feel stupid in front of your group right back til you leave or ask for a manager that will laugh about you in the back but pretend he's really mad.

One of the best things about being a bartender is having the ability to talk down/make fun of someone without saying anything they can legitimately get mad about.[/QUOTE

Gosh rogue..I bet you feel giddy having all that power at your fingertips!!
This doesn't necessarily apply to the OP but, here's what I don't like about people in the service industry. They constantly complaint about how their customers are terrible, stupid people. When they get home they mope about someone not tipping them very well. What they fail to realize is that they in fact took the job. I didn't ask you to become a waiter/bartender. You applied for the job. You aren't entitled to a good tip. If you give horrible service, I'll give you a horrible tip.

I knew this girl in college who was a waitress. She was absolutely insufferable to be around. She'd always complain about her bad tips. What she failed to acknowledge was that her lack of a personality and whininess is probably why people didn't tip her very well. If you want a good tip, don't be an ass. You aren't entitled to the tip. Seems like a lot of folks in that industry fail to understand that.
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Not remotely close, I give no touches about politics.

And @_Chase_ Ill f*ck you on your drinks and make you feel stupid in front of your group right back til you leave or ask for a manager that will laugh about you in the back but pretend he's really mad.

One of the best things about being a bartender is having the ability to talk down/make fun of someone without saying anything they can legitimately get mad about.

Your words are telling. You sound like one real cocky debonaire badass sob that's just got a hand up on everybody with the life of Riley. The type that may walk around a corner one day to meet a 2x4 up the side of your pretty head. Whatever goes around does come around. Don't forget to clean your glasses good barkeep. [smoke]
I temporarily unblocked the Murse for this?

I thought doctors whined about their overpaid jobs the most. Wrong. I officially apologize to docboat, cb, etc for thinking you all were the worst. Apparently not even close.

If you are pushing 6 figures and getting all the time off you want, with literally ZERO education/professional requirements, and you aren't required to deepthroat a bunch of dudes, then you can please STFU. You're serving drinks. To paying customers. You have literally ZERO skills. A monkey could do this job. A one armed monkey.

Sometimes you have to serve :GASP: water? Or split the :GASP: check? Or offer a :GASP: suggestion? Actually hear someone speak their :GASP: name? Wait 30 full seconds for someone to :GASP: figure out what they want? Like actually :GASP: wait on them? Boo freaking hoo. To paraphrase Will Ferrell in training your dog with sarcasm - YOU'RE A F'ING BARTENDER, so how about you do the job you are paid to do, and STFU.

People who alternately brag about how awesome their job is because of how much they get paid, and how much free time they get, then whine like little bitches about having to do actually do do said job - well, you suck. Like, you are a miserable, UKO level POS person. You tax evading little shit.
Probably after 10 years of raising other people's children and topping out at 45K it would get a little old.
Not if you are being a positive influence on them instead of being a jerk to people who are just out trying to relax with a few friends. Being a self absorbed moron behind a bar helps no one.
Look, nobody here actually has an issue with bartenders, why would we? They serve us drinks and generally contribute to a great time, its a very likable profession. For Father's Day a couple of months ago I took my wife, sister in law, and father in law to this really nice upscale steakhouse with a great atmosphere that I thought he'd like. It was busy so we sat at the bar while we waited for our reservation. Me and my father in law both got nice cocktails, the silver haired bartender made me a wonderful manhattan with the proper cherry. As me and my father in law had a nice convo with him I don't think I thought a single negative thing about him or his profession, just appreciated that he was good at what he did, had a nice personality, and contributed to a great night.

My first post in this thread was to empathize with rogue and be on his side simply because of all the ridiculous amounts of goodwill his profession had built with me over the last 15 years. Then go about two more pages and you'll see everyone, including me, ragging on his profession and telling him to STFU. If that isn't the greatest example of how being a douche can ruin ANYTHING I don't know what is. He is literally such a pompous annoying douchebag that he's made everyone start ragging on a universally loved profession.
Look, nobody here actually has an issue with bartenders, why would we? They serve us drinks and generally contribute to a great time, its a very likable profession. For Father's Day a couple of months ago I took my wife, sister in law, and father in law to this really nice upscale steakhouse with a great atmosphere that I thought he'd like. It was busy so we sat at the bar while we waited for our reservation. Me and my father in law both got nice cocktails, the silver haired bartender made me a wonderful manhattan with the proper cherry. As me and my father in law had a nice convo with him I don't think I thought a single negative thing about him or his profession, just appreciated that he was good at what he did, had a nice personality, and contributed to a great night.

My first post in this thread was to empathize with rogue and be on his side simply because of all the ridiculous amounts of goodwill his profession had built with me over the last 15 years. Then go about two more pages and you'll see everyone, including me, ragging on his profession and telling him to STFU. If that isn't the greatest example of how being a douche can ruin ANYTHING I don't know what is. He is literally such a pompous annoying douchebag that he's made everyone start ragging on a universally loved profession.

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I'd prefer the 100K with all the time off I want vs 2 weeks and my balls freezing off for 4 months a year. Going back to nursing sometime soon unfortunately but probably still moonlight as a tender for fun and cash.

And yes @Dore95 a lot of people live down there because they want to be single, bang your girl when she goes on "girls vacay", not have kids, not be a slave to the career stuff and don't want to be tied down with a home necessarily. It's not for everyone but neither is cubicle life. Enjoy Lauderdale, way too close to Miami for me though.
On cool thing about telling people you were a "teacher in KY" is that nobody assumes gay prostitution ever entered the mix.

So that's a plus in my book.
Look, nobody here actually has an issue with bartenders, why would we? They serve us drinks and generally contribute to a great time, its a very likable profession. For Father's Day a couple of months ago I took my wife, sister in law, and father in law to this really nice upscale steakhouse with a great atmosphere that I thought he'd like. It was busy so we sat at the bar while we waited for our reservation. Me and my father in law both got nice cocktails, the silver haired bartender made me a wonderful manhattan with the proper cherry. As me and my father in law had a nice convo with him I don't think I thought a single negative thing about him or his profession, just appreciated that he was good at what he did, had a nice personality, and contributed to a great night.

My first post in this thread was to empathize with rogue and be on his side simply because of all the ridiculous amounts of goodwill his profession had built with me over the last 15 years. Then go about two more pages and you'll see everyone, including me, ragging on his profession and telling him to STFU. If that isn't the greatest example of how being a douche can ruin ANYTHING I don't know what is. He is literally such a pompous annoying douchebag that he's made everyone start ragging on a universally loved profession.

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I just looked up a teacher I know here in Jefferson County. He is in his late 40's and making $72,000. Not bad for 10 months of work per year and good benefits. You can look up most local public official's salary with this link.

False. Teachers never have breaks and they work year round. Sometimes they even work until 4:00pm. The most recent meme.. err "figure".. suggests they should be making 57x the rate of a babysitter which equates to like a million dollars per year.
How to receive a decent tip as a bartender:

Stop being a bitch and don't give me 11 commandments on how I should drink, I'm probably a lot better at it than your dumb bartending ass.
I think Torque is bitter cause he didn't go with that girl to Tampa. Probably realizes he screwed up and is now rolling around in his own mortality. He has been a bit short lately.
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I think Torque is bitter cause he didn't go with that girl to Tampa. Probably realizes he screwed up and is now rolling around in his own mortality. He has been a bit short lately.
Did actually move to Tampa with her. We bought a house and moved up here a couple weeks ago. Figured it was the best move for my/our future and to finally grow up a bit and maybe have a family.

No idea who Coughlin is @buckethead1978 but if you don't like him I'd guess I'd admire the shit out of him.
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There are probably quite a few more locals in tampa than key west. Rogue was probably making 95% of his tips on the shear fact that fat 50 something bald guy found a timeshare opening in the keys and nothing was going to ruin his jolly good time, dammit.

Now he is dealing with people that have expectations beyond paying $12k a year for the right to a week in a street view efficiency.