How To Not Annoy Your Bartender/Get Drinks In A Timely Fashion

Oh catsfanbgky, shewee. Not going to even defend myself to you bubba except to say I haven't lied about one thing on here. Now please don't mudhole stomp my asshole,,,,at any bar.
Are you like some sort of coffee outlaw or is that how earnest hemingway pronounced "rug muncher"?
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I wonder when the DSM-VI or whatever number they are up to will come out. I bet it has internet narcissist as a new diagnosis; assuming it's not already in it.
You are lucky you haven't been replaced by a robot, yet.
Congrats on saying something that can be applied to every job ever (including yours) at some point in the past, present or future. So...right back at you?

I'd say that profession is safe for a couple more decades.
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I can't believe i ignored this thread for so long. It has been a blast! I can't imagine any bartender, nevermind a successful one, acting the way this dude acts. If you are doing a job that has to have tips from customers to make money, no way you have the attitude this guy seems to have. I'm thinking this thread was meant to be funny, but just missed. If you act like you do on here in real life, no way are you making 100k a year. You would have been fired a long time ago, or got your azz kicked so many times you finally decided the decent money you make just isn't worth the abuse you have to take daily. You are starting to sound like you want to be tipped better than average, while not having to do your actual job. Like i said, i'm sure this thread started out as a joke. It just went wrong in a hurry. I know you can't be as big of a jerk as you seem in this thread. If you really are like this in real life, i'm thinking the 2 months you took off work wasn't your choice. My guess is you probably have pissed off way too many deep pocket regulars that visit the bar.
Never had my ass kicked, I mean you're drinking, if you attack anyone who is working at an establishment what do you think is going to happen? You'll likely get gang-tackled and shortly arrested. It's happened A LOT at bars. The cops aren't ever going to believe to the person drinking vs the establishment. Plus, have you ever seen someone drunk try and fight? Pretty damn hilarious.

@Willy4UK I'd never short change anyone, especially you, purposely. And the stories you'd tell in particular I'd probably get in trouble for ignoring other customers and listening to your tales. I mean if I short-changed everyone a dollar(9-10 would realize it at least) I'd have to do that obviously 100x a day to make an extra $100. That's not worth it bud, not for the money I make without stealing.

If a bartender is going to steal it's going to be from the company. As in, someone comes in and orders a round for like 7 people and pays cash. Bartender says $42.50 or whatever and guy says keep the $50. Then boom, you made $50. Any bar manager worth a shit would catch that quick though. If you were going to nickel and dime people it wouldn't be worth the effort.

Now given, sometimes bartenders might write in a tip if you sign a check a stiff them but that's more likely with a foreign person.
"roguemocha, post: That's not worth it bud, not for the money I make without stealing.

Bet the IRS thinks your definition of stealing is interesting.
Bartenders are one step up from toilet scrubbers, most of them are self righteous douche bags I won’t whistle but I’ll snap my fingers at the loser behind the bar chop chop little one
#3 is a pet peeve of mine with my wife. When it is time to order, she never knows what the F to order. Ultimately, because of this it will end up being 20 minutes before she gets her drink, while I just drink along.
As a former bartender during my UK days (TW Lee's, corner of Richmond and New Circle, if anyone remembers) I'll add a few other nuggets that I learned:

We free poured everything. Figure out which regulars tip well for heavy pours... you'll do REALLY well on tips.

Don't spin beer bottles unless YOU KNOW ITS COMPLETELY EMPTY. I spun a beer bottle one night and SOAKED 2 old ladies.

If you see some folks getting hammered... have a little fun with them. Dare them to drink a new drink (that you just made up). I had a male patron bragging about his alcohol tolerance to some hot females (that I was interested in also, as my shift was ending soon). I dared him to drink the house special "Old Squirrel Nuts". It was basically a shot of bitters with very little vodka, with whipped cream on top. Fifteen minutes later, he's in the bathroom... puking.

I won.
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Keep in mind this pertains to a high volume, high capacity bar.

1. Don't tell me your name unless I ask. There's 50+ people in here, I won't even try to remember unless you're really cool/interesting or tip well.

2. Don't order waters for everyone. I'm busy, I don't need busy work and I don't need to make 5 waters when only you want one. Also, if you order a water, touching drink it.

3. Know what you're drinking. This goes for everyone in your group. Don't flag me down and then say, "Ummmm I'll have a....what's good? Billy, what're you drinking? Stacy, you like those apple thingies, what are those?" If you don't know what you want, just ask for a Miller Lite or whateverthetouch and drink that til you decide. It's just A drink, not your last drink.

4. Know what you're drinking, part 2. If you ask for that one drink you had that one time at the Hilton or something in Punta Cana or wherever the last place you acted like a jackass was, guess what? I don't know their drink menu. Furthermore, if you're from god forbid, the Midwest or wherever and they have some drink called a Yellow Thunder Pecker in southwest Wisconsin, I PROBABLY don't know what's in that because I would never live there. So when you ask for one and I say, "I don't know what's in that, but I'd be happy to make one for you though. What's in it?", don't you dare look at me and say, "I don't know, you're the bartender." You're 25+, know what you're consuming, you half-grown baby man.

5. Don't order 7 different shots. I have to shake every goddamn one of those and that takes forever. Now you're just wasting everyone's time and I promise, you're not that important. Order one, MAYBE two different shots. I don't care that Tammy doesn't like Green Teas or that Steffany, spelled with two goddamn "F's", just can't do rum. She can pick the next round.

6. Don't split shots. THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I'm not explaining this. Order a WHOLE shot or don't.

7. Don't bring kids in to sit at the bar. You knocked someone up and have kids, now act like it. SItting at the bar time is over. Time to take that Titleist visor and walk your tucked in polo dad-bod over to the host stand and ask for a table, pops.

8. Don't say you don't want a food or drink menu and then proceed to ask me what we have. And if it's because you "didn't bring your readers" well gramps, maybe it's a little late for you to be out isn't it.

9. Don't ask the price of everything on the menu. First of all, it's on the menu. Secondly, if you have to ask you probably shouldn't be at the bar spending $4+ on a beer. I'm not going to give you the same deal Wimpy got from the hamburger place.

10. Don't pay 6 ways for one round. You're all friends, that's why you're out drinking together. Two people, preferably one buy the damn round and call it a day. Then rotate for the next round, pretty simple. When I have to spend 2 minutes running and printing 6 different CC receipts and then at some point putting them in the system, well, everyone else is waiting for drinks while you're busy being a poor.

11. Finally, if you even think about whistling I will take your drink, dump it on the floor and present you with your credit card receipt so fast it'll already be showing up on your iPhone wallet app before you even sign it. Honestly don't even wave at me. I'll be there when I finish what I'm doing. Do you wave at the teller at the bank while you're in line to let her know you need something?

Customers are the reason most good bartenders are backed up 9 out of 10 times. If you take 5 minutes to order, then everyone else at the bar is having to wait those 5 minutes as well. So do me and your fellow patrons a favor, follow these rules and I'm sure you'll be well on your way to poor decisions, handing me plenty of your hard earned cash and finally blacking out.

Don't thank me now, just hand me some cash when you come into the bar this weekend.
This had me laughing so hard I was spitting my coffee out.

Probably because I’ve been behind everyone of these types of douchebags.
But listening all night to people talk about their problems. Seriously props if you can stand it.
I work in a super touristy town. People are happy and partying every night of the week. It’s not Moe’s with a bunch of local losers drinking draft beer. And if they wanted to tell me their problems I’d ask them if I looked like their mother, because I don’t give a shit your girlfriend blew Todd.

Add that one to the list, we’re not here to care about you or let you bend our ear. Order your drink and get some goddamn friends that will listen to you if that what you need.