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-Pitino camp used to be the hottest week of June. Baking on the blue courts or those over behind Memorial. Then one year it rained, just like this week, and was overcast. Played most of our games in what I think was Alumni and Memorial. Amazing for a 7th grader. Easily my favorite year.
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I’ve been a small business owner for the last two years, I was an employee of the same business before that. I make significantly more in income as the owner, and although I have more on my plate I’m doing it for myself and it’s a different type of stress and one I prefer. I pay significantly less in taxes as the owner as well, since I can write things off with the business, and my accountant can be more creative with deductions and write-offs as a business owner.

We moved to this country for the American dream, and I truly believe I’m living it. I believe this even with the .8% increase in annual taxes I might have to pay with Biden or whatever it ends up being when my accountant dissects it. Those of you that haven’t lived in another country just don’t get it, and I can’t explain it, but God Bless America and God Bless all of you wildcat friends.
I’ve been a small business owner for the last two years, I was an employee of the same business before that. I make significantly more in income as the owner, I pay significantly less in taxes as the owner as well, since I can write things off with the business, and my accountant can be more creative with deductions and write-offs as a business owner.

I believe this even with the .8% increase in annual taxes I might have to pay with Biden or whatever it ends up being when my accountant dissects it.

God bless America is correct, but if you make more money and pay less taxes currently and have only owned the business for 2 years, you're going to really hate the first time you get audited Mr. New Business owner. If you own a business and believe your taxes will only go up .8% under Biden, I'm fairly sure you shooting a bit low if you read anything about what the administration has proposed on increased taxes and tax deduction reform, even to smaller sized small businesses or pass through business entities.

I'm not sure what state you're in, but Kentucky adds more and more auditors every year to find business accountant's creative accounting. Back Taxes To Be Paid, Check. Potential Fines To Be Paid, Check. Future Unscheduled Audits Will Continue To Happen, Check.

Every business owner wants to reduce the taxes they pay, but I've had friends of mine in the same industry as myself who've had accountants doing the wrong things that even I not being an accountant knew were fishy. Numerous times its came back to bite those business owners in the ass and the perceived "tax savings" they were getting was just a small dollar amount as compared to the fines and back taxes they were forced to eventually pay.

Unless Ron Mehico is Jeff Bazos, just be careful because every business gets that audit call from the state at some point.
I’m not that worried about it, it’ll be fine. My greater point was it’s better being a business owner than an employee for me both professionally, stress wise, and financially. My other point was that taxes is the price to pay to live in any country, and after living in another country I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. That’s all.
I’m not that worried about it, it’ll be fine. My greater point was it’s better being a business owner than an employee for me both professionally, stress wise, and financially. My other point was that taxes is the price to pay to live in any country, and after living in another country I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. That’s all.

I get it totally and respect that. We all are truly lucky to live in the United States, but only a select few of us are lucky enough to live in Woodford County. :cool:
Just got some white cheddar cheese dust from Double Good popcorn in my eye. I think I'm going blind. Explains why that shit is so good. The queso fire flavor is unreal.
Oh the bumpkin white boys in central Kentucky are back again to educate vern on west Louisville? Always good.
They obviously can't fix it on their own, and all that commerce from the east side of town doesn't seem to be helping their fellow Jefferson Countians.
I applaud every one of you that gets by paying as little taxes as possible whether it be through legal or illegal means. **** our government.

the rest of you who happily give to the empire, Israel and Sudan thank you
What I imagine when I see a ThroughBlue post.
Are business owners arguing that they should be taxed the same overall amount as say a day laborer? Or are you saying it should be the same percentage?

My bitch is when I hear politicians say " pay their fair share". Anybody with half a brain knows that the top 1-2% pay the majority of taxes in this country. So they not only pay their fair share, but many peoples share. Stop with the " fair share" garbage.
Happy for everyone, I hope everyone wins. But baseball card and bourbon craze cracks me up too. Spend your money on whatever you like. Personally, I want more property and things like boats, I’ve never had anyone ask if they could look at my bourbon or baseball card collection but they definitely want to get on the water.

Brady, stop what you are doing and listen to this bartender.
Looks like the time has finally come for everyone to throw in their 1040's for an income related dick-measuring contest.
Fair Share = Bu Fu

I’m chair of my city’s Planning Board. We are dealing with the ‘Fair Share’ Affordable Housing Authority.. it’s a state mandate that forces towns to accept a certain number of extremely low income units.

So instead of fixing blighted communities where these folks live. It is the state’s opinion to spread its shitstained shoes on the towns and neighborhoods that are proper, affluent and desirable. Fight it in court you say? Good luck against the presiding judges who are flat-out Marxists.

Two towns that tried to fight were swiftly and punitively dealt with by tripling their original mandated count.

So the woods (chock full of deer, foxes, birding) next to my neighborhood that was just turned into a nature trail by an Eagle Scout will have a portion carved out for a 46-unit Cabrini Green.

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