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Used to say I’d never seen a coach win so little with so much about Dean Smith.

Lemme tell you ‘bout our pal John Calipari....

Oh shit. Someone finally found my jugular vein.

That was the entire basis of The Quiz, first authored in 1998 and updated every year through 2012. But never since.

Those F'ers used to tout their NBA draft picks over their success in college basketball. They used to do well in the tournament, and always choke when it counted. Yet we had a history of lesser talent but teams that came together and overachieved in March.

Ragging that sh*t was part of my UK basketball fan identity. Things have gone a bit topsy turvy in recent years.
Hank has incredible bravado for being the consensus worst regular poster in GYERO. Props I guess.

Go fuc* yourself you touching fsggot. Last time I acknowledge your awful bitch ass, so soak it in.

Yup. I was absolutely right when I pegged you as the Merlene Davis of GYERO. You just keep doing you and posting like a menopausal broad going through a hot flash.
How many championships do we have if Pitino doesn't leave? How many would we have if he were here with Cal's rosters? I'd say at the very least 3.

Oh Deer Lowered. August, always thought you were solid, or at least never noticed any ridiculousness. Come on. Pitino's recruiting was going down the drain before he left. He DIDN'T recruit the players Cal has recruited. Plus, he was always a character-flawed time bomb waiting to happen.

That was 22 years ago. GTFO with that shit.

(Also - what if Rupp had had the talent Cal recruited? - Can you even imagine?) :scream::scream::scream::scream:
Pitino's recruiting was going down the drain before he left.

1995 Elite Eight
1996 National Championship
1997 Runner Up

1998 National Championship (all his recruits)
1999 Elite Eight (most of his recruits)

So...I get it. It's fun to bash Pitino years later. But that was a RIDICULOUS 5 year run. And slightly better than the 5 year run Calipari had his first 5 years here. And yes, Tubby was the coach the final 2 years of that run, but it was Pitino's players and era.
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They’re all from Ohio, and just living their dreams.

They had riot cops out there, and took down all the stop signs. Wtf.
I would imagine that some of our guys passed up open outside looks because the coaching staff was insisting they get the ball inside. So perhaps they tighten up and then can't make the open look they decide to take. Or something like that.

We didn't have as many options as in some past years, but it's obvious that some have a really long leash and others are on the bench after one mistake.

Just wish IQ would been on the 'long leash' side of things today.
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This is silly but it kinda annoys me- what is up with students celebrating Sweet 16 wins out in the streets like we won the national championship?

Not silly at all. It's total BS, especially when UK was the favorite.

(The Sweet Sixteen win against #1 overall Ohio State in 2011 might have justified it.)
Oh Deer Lowered. August, always thought you were solid, or at least never noticed any ridiculousness. Come on. Pitino's recruiting was going down the drain before he left. He DIDN'T recruit the players Cal has recruited. Plus, he was always a character-flawed time bomb waiting to happen.

That was 22 years ago. GTFO with that shit.

(Also - what if Rupp had had the talent Cal recruited? - Can you even imagine?) :scream::scream::scream::scream:

Well you must not pay much attention because for most part i post nothing but ridiculousness. That said, I stand by my original ?.
All this on the day Nipsey Hussle was murdered.

I've never heard of him, or any other current rapper, so I'll defer the SMH to Mash.
The current “culture” part of my program drives me crazy. Matt spent almost a segment on not only who was declaring but who maybe will transfer. Hell it will be a new team next year. I mean if you aren’t one and done it’s failure. That’s got to stop. You would have thought Peej coming back would change the narrative but I guess not.

Peej and Keldon (although he shouldn’t probably) should go

Herro, hagans should come back.

Our freshmen have been deer in headlights the last 2 tournaments. It would be nice if some would come back. But they won’t.

Quckley, Montgomery Baker and Richards should not transfer either.

The yearly will they won’t they really takes a toll on BBN.
I would imagine that some of our guys passed up open outside looks because the coaching staff was insisting they get the ball inside.

Was just about to post the same thing.

After the Houston game when discussing Herro’s huge three, Calipari said he was yelling at him to drive the ball. He did the exact same thing as Monk was shooting his game winning three against UNC in his 47 point game.

Ultra-conservative and risk-averse.

It’s just who Cal is, and it’ll never change.
I have friends that are die hard Auburn fans. They drove to the game and are beyond excited to be going to the final four. Their excitement is a small bright spot. The rare Auburn basketball fan, but they are Kentucky natives so I guess that explains the interest in basketball.

Duke lost.

Hahahaha! Duke lost!
It is both wonderful and bittersweet. Oh what could have been.

In favor of a new GYERO. Yes, this is the longest running GYERO in history, but it doesn’t have the best basketball track record. Burn it down and start over.

I wanted Cal when we got the psycho BCG. I was beyond thrilled when we did get him. I still believe in him and I hope he retires here, but I am also way over his entitled children, and stubborn habits. Could someone just give him a loud wake up call?

Sad, but now just hoping for Auburn to take home the prize. SEC.

When is the spring game?
The Duke loss temporarily took the sting off our loss.

Then I remember we lost to Auburn. F*cking Auburn. Without their best big guy. For a chance to go to the FF....

Next —> ending generational poverty by losing our entire starting 5. Looking at bringing back about 20% of our scoring. Next year should be awesome....

FOH :mad:
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The UK student body should be embarrassed as should the moron who hung that banner.

College students do stupid shit all the time, I'm pretty sure we all did, and if we were still that age we would have been cheering those guys on. We are, at this point for the most part, able to see things through a different lens due to having some age to us. Plus that banner, as stupid as it may have been, had no bearing on the outcome.
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Man, Herro.

About 2.5 minutes to go in OT and he gets the ball around the corner with Harper on him.

He doesn't shoot.

One problem with the current GYERO (IMO) is that -

while I love anth -

I am sick to death of having to look for the drunk Mexican every time I want to click on GYERO.

It's not anth's fault, and just happened by accident - but we need something more generic that you don't see a hundred times every day, and have to think - sober up, drunk Mexican. And how did you come to be vertical?

That, and 2015.
Hagans would be a kick ass cornerback - he has zero offensive point guard skills. Never will - hopefully Maxey does
I always thought him and KJ would be our demise
Two years in a row we go exclusively to one player in second half
Herro would not cut it loose and KJ also passed up open jumpers
Auburn had much better guards and expirence - not shocked with loss but hoped to get to Mn
I actually think Hagans could be a really really good sophomore.

I, too, believe this to be true. I would also say the same thing about Herro & Johnson but that aint happening. It is what is, i guess, but if Hagans thinks he is ready and had a "damn good year" then I just have to shake my head and get ready for the same shit next year.
Not mad at Cal or Hagans. Who would have thought SGA would have been a first round pick when he came in? It’s a crap shoot when it comes to these top guys, and the 50th ranked guy is almost always shittier than a top twenty guy.
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Not being selfish here - I think Herro, Keldon and Hagans would be significantly better off in life and in basketball coming back to school.

Keldon is a future James Young if he goes pro now. Will be lost in the D-League for eterninity

Ashton - see above except not getting any guaranteed money at all

Herro is slow and his shot is somewhat inconsistent. He needs to stay and work on that non-stop over the next year. And worst case scenario, he becomes a true legend in UK lore and becomes a local hero in Lexington for the rest of his life.
Last of my once a year post-tourney takes.

Once the NBA gets their ducks in a row and lowers the age back to 18 and gets their minor league really rolling, Cal is gonna really get exposed then. Sure, he hasn’t been trotting out players 1-5 ranked nationally lately, but he has had the type of players that would gladly play for a $100-200k/year in the NBDL.
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