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I’m calling Cal The Master of Panic from here on out until he gets us to another Final Four.

Oh. Not only to mention the everyone tighten up your asshole approach on offense but we also go 4 1/2 months of playing EJ and Nick spot minutes here and there adding nice little contributions only to not play them at all yesterday in the most important game all year. EJ could’ve helped keeping them off the offensive glass and his length on d may have helped.

Cal gets so damn caught up in the moment coaching effort and ripping into dudes he loses the ability to make rationale in game decisions, adjustments.

I think Cal’s biggest mistake of the tournament was the joke about peeing on Sir Charles’s statue. He showed his ass on that one. If you have to make that joke, make it about letting your dog pee on it. Don’t make it about yourself, a guy who makes 8MM a year, stopping to pee on a statue. It overplays your hand with the media and fans and reveals feelings of powerlessness. And he did it in front of the players.

By making himself the culprit, he debased his position as ambassador of The Greatest Tradition in College Basketball and signaled that he no longer “gets it.” You serve at the University’s pleasure, bub.
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New narrative on the uber talented Frosh teams' ability to win a title now that Coack K failed to do so with a unicorn.

That is the important thing to remember. Our Kentucky Wildcats are contributing to a very strong economy and a lot of mamas will soon have new houses, friends of the family will get new wheels and Uncle Joe might even get a new gold tooth he so desperately desires. Life is good.

GTFO out of here with that shit. NO ONE WANTS YOU IN THIS THREAD.
Well, that sucked.

*You’re an idiot if you want Cal replaced. But a shakeup on staff is in order, imo. Ideally an experienced offensive mind that Cal respects. We are soooo easy to scout. By the end of the year teams were meeting KJ and Herro at their spots in the offense before they even made their cuts, just waiting on us. Playing an experienced, well coached squad for the third time was a recipe for an upset.

*Nothing came easy on offense for this team after Hagans got scouted. Nobody got to the rim consistently...a PJ jump hook was about the closest thing we had as a “go to” and even that was dicey because we were terrible at entry passing.

*I felt like PG play and turnovers would be our downfall, it really made us vulnerable.

*I’ll take anyone back that wants to come back assuming they aren’t a cancer in the locker room. Continuity is a good thing, necessary if you aren’t signing the Zions of the world.

*WCC is going to throw a fit but what a disappointing year from Keldon. He was billed as a top 10 pick, wing slasher. MKG with a J. Great kid, plays hard and I would love to have him back. But life will be tough in the league until he works on his lateral quickness and handles and learns that he’s more Paul Pierce than Michael Jordan.

*Who knows with Herro. He has a place in the league but really needs to change his body and become less streaky from deep. I think he and Keldon are in that spot where they will be guaranteed 1st round but have a lot of potential to move up next year.

*Feel awful for Reid and for PJ, those guys battled all year.

*We should and need to see a leap from EJ next year.

That’s about all I have to say about that.

Why would I throw a fit? I completely agree on Johnson. I don’t have favorite players. Once scouted, he and Hagans regressed. Love his personality and heart but he disappointed.
Between LV’s looming stalking conviction, Bernie’s road to marriage counseling, and Bluehills’ future twitter post that will paint the entire state as racists - GYERO will have a lot of blood on its hands, IMO.
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To piggyback on UCL's post about shooting, here are the starters in the Final Four:

Texas Tech: 2 sophomores, 3 seniors (16 years total);
Auburn: 2 juniors, 3 seniors (18 years total);
Virginia: 1 sophomore, 4 juniors (14 years total);
MSU: 1 freshman, 1 sophomore, 1 junior, 2 seniors (14 years total).

Duke: 4 freshmen, 1 junior (7 years);
Kentucky: 3 freshmen, 1 sophomore, 1 senior (10 years).

Point guard play, shooting, experience. Hard to win in the Tournament without any of these things.
*You’re an idiot if you want Cal replaced. But a shakeup on staff is in order, imo. Ideally an experienced offensive mind that Cal respects. We are soooo easy to scout. By the end of the year teams were meeting KJ and Herro at their spots in the offense before they even made their cuts, just waiting on us. Playing an experienced, well coached squad for the third time was a recipe for an upset.
Cannot "like" this enough.
We lost yesterday because Hagans was awful, we missed lots of FTs, and wide open 3s. Our defense was spectacular. Good times, goooooood times
I like how we spend the first 12 seconds of the shot clock running a little weave 40' from the basket, before finally flashing a Center out to receive the ball 35' from the basket, who then throws it to a guard 33' from the basket, where as Killa mentioned, there is already a defender there napping/waiting. Really throws the other team off.

-Hagans was a mid-to-low tier SEC Point guard, that's just facts. He doesn't possess a SINGLE NBA basketball skill at this point. If he leaves he & his camp are idiots.
After settling down, which sadly becomes easier now and don't like, but obviously Cal getting shit right is preferred. The man is making 8 million a year and hasn't shown much willingness to adapt. So where does that put us? Hoping he realizes it's probably not a bad idea to actually run an offense, set up plays for shooters or even if you don't want to do that, feed the GD players that are producing during the game or sit the ones who aren't?

Cal has provided us a ton of excitement. Whoever follows him will likely be a let down (unless they win right away). I'm just not confident he's willing to change much and still think he's complacent. If you want to just blindly support the idea this magically takes care of itself with a better assistant coach then go for it. As pointed out over and over, we get a big lead, let them back in and the only person on the planet that was able to overcome this style is one of the best college players of all-time. That's a big f'ing problem.

It's a broken system. Either Cal reflects, adapts and improves or it's going to be the same story every March. I'm done drinking this kool-aid. I want nothing more than to be proven wrong. Motherf'ing hobbled and crippled Auburn is going to the F4 and we're fighting each other. This is on Cal. Fix. The. GD. System. Or. GTFO.
I like how we spend the first 12 seconds of the shot clock running a little weave 40' from the basket, before finally flashing a Center out to receive the ball 35' from the basket, who then throws it to a guard 33' from the basket, where as Killa mentioned, there is already a defender there napping/waiting. Really throws the other team off.
Listen, when you're a scrappy mid-major like UK you need to minimize possessions. The less the other team has the ball, the better.
Don't overcomplicate things. UK lost yesterday and last year to Kansas St. because of PJ Washington's poor free throw shooting. He went 8-20 last year and 6-11 yesterday. If he makes one more free throw yesterday in regulation, nobody's complaining about Cal's system or Hagans' bad game.
Don't overcomplicate things. UK lost yesterday and last year to Kansas St. because of PJ Washington's poor free throw shooting. He went 8-20 last year and 6-11 yesterday. If he makes one more free throw yesterday in regulation, nobody's complaining about Cal's system or Hagans' bad game.

You're right. This loss is 100% the fault of the guy who went 28 and 13.

F*cking moron....
Let me just say people are crazy. And I don't just say that be funny.....I mean it, like, you people are really crazy. You watch more tape than I do! RELAAAX. Its' not about wins and losses.
Man you can pick your poison about yesterday’s game but:

- Herro had an awful shooting performance, but was never in a position to get some free throws. Didn’t shoot one FT. That is tough. As a scorer, you have to find a way and the best get to the line.

- Reid Travis played 44 minutes and had 5 shots. Generally one of our better FT shooters and a beast on the block but got 1 shot per 9 minutes of play.

- Obviously our strategy was to run them off the 3 point line and that worked. We never adjusted to them running a weave to get their guy on our post players. That not only made for some easy drives, but it took rim protectors away from the rim.

- Hagans and Quickley combined for 5/14 shooting and 7 turnovers. 9 missed 3’s between them.

If any of that barely changes at all PJ’s 5 missed FTs are a non issue.
I like how we spend the first 12 seconds of the shot clock running a little weave 40' from the basket, before finally flashing a Center out to receive the ball 35' from the basket, who then throws it to a guard 33' from the basket, where as Killa mentioned, there is already a defender there napping/waiting. Really throws the other team off.

-Hagans was a mid-to-low tier SEC Point guard, that's just facts. He doesn't possess a SINGLE NBA basketball skill at this point. If he leaves he & his camp are idiots.

I can’t see how he’s on any boards at this point. Good PGs are a dime a dozen in the pros right now and even the great ones who can’t shoot are considered liabilities. I see no way he goes pro.
Don't overcomplicate things. UK lost yesterday and last year to Kansas St. because of PJ Washington's poor free throw shooting. He went 8-20 last year and 6-11 yesterday. If he makes one more free throw yesterday in regulation, nobody's complaining about Cal's system or Hagans' bad game.

We were cruising along as a great FT shooting team until February when PJ and Johnson quit having the ability to knock down two in a row.
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Herro with 9 threes in his last 9 games.

Besides Calipari being the worst coach of all-time, wtf?
Down 30 pounds from 1/1 to 4/1. Back in the 180s for the first time in 16 years. 91 days in a row of working out.

The Masters is around the corner.

Game of Thrones last season starting.

Warm weather, collides, golf, pool, etc...

I can't really move on from this loss just yet, but damn I want to. F*ck everything about investing your soul into a college basketball game. It's a curse.
Best part is, when they lose a week from now or 2 weeks from now, it's going to be far more devastating to them and their paid network commentators, because there will be so much more smugness, and so much more at stake.

Mark this post for April 8. Hopefully it will be 2 to 10 days stale by then, and we won't even remember that Duke beat UCF.

This post aged well.

Remember last week when we were all fighting about whether PJ would play again? That seems like 3 months ago.

That's all I got.
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Chase is consistently 10lbs down ahead of me. Nice work man. I need to start hitting the gym more often. Diet alone is only doing so much. Really proud of you bud.

You know who I feel really bad for? The Calipari siblings. I can’t even imagine how awful it must be to be them. People are mean to their dad online. I mean, I was spoiled. My dad was a ups driver. He was universally beloved. That excitement you get when you see the ups man bringing you your package? Well, he was on the receiving end of that his entire adult life. Everywhere I went people were asking for his picture, wanting his autograph. And ups paid him out the ass. He probably made close to 60k one year. To see what the calipari sisters go through, makes me so sad. I hope they are successful in finding other super wealthy spoiled kids that they can confide in, to talk about their problems of people being mean to their dad online.
K should be getting crucified for not making the Final Four in the last two years (he would if he was named Calipari).

2017-2018: 3 first round draft picks (2 lotto), 1 second rounder, Duval (5 star recruit) gets in the Springfield Mystery Spot. A Senior A-A, a Sophomore 5 star.

2018-2019: 3 top 7 pics, one of which is a monster athlete, Senior leadership

No final 4's
Nobody has worked harder to hype up their NBA ready coaching than Cal, and it’s time he puts his money where his mouth is. Analytics has changed the way the game is played, as people with calculators determined that 3 points is worth 50% more than 2. Who knew.

When Klay Thompson scored 60 points in 3 quarters in 2016...

* he only took 11 dribbles
* he only possessed the ball for 88 seconds
* average possession = 1.48 seconds

Spacing, passing, movement. This doesn’t happen on accident. It’s coached and designed.

Look at John Wall. His second year in the league, he shot 7.1% from 3-point. That’s not a typo. The last 5 years he’s hitting 1-1.5/game at around a 33% clip. Working on shooting, and finding ways to take open, efficient shots.

PJ and Reid’s back to the basket game was a blessing this season, and it can be a huge weapon, but there isn’t a single NBA team who has run their offense like that in years.

Bottom line: shove a TI-82 up DJ PM/Pretty Man Joel Justus of the Justus File’s ass and work on this antiquated offense.
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