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-Easily the most ambiguous BB team in years. Maybe b/c football has been good. Maybe because we've been glued to the train wreck 70 miles west.

-I like the piece individually BUT I just have a hard time figuring out how they work together. I also have a hard time trusting that a group this young can be an elite defensive team.

-What I do like is having a team with low expectations coming in. I love PJ Washington. Love Knox upside, just don't be laid back, big guy.
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Would think that GeeseFeeder more than anyone would love Lonzo’s game.
Lonzo triple double alert was ALL over my Twitter feed last night. Guess there was some major pushback over his opening night struggles so the media contingent was quick to reaffirm his stardom once again versus the shitty Suns. Thx. Let a few effing weeks play out before we declare him a bust/HOF.
Just saw a bottom line stat - Lonzo is the first player to record 25-10-5 in his first career road game since Oscar Robertson, and that is the most conditionally arbitrary statistic I have ever seen.
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Really inspiring how the Penn State Football program has been able to overcome raping children for decades after a 4 year struggle.

When is Lee Corso calling it a day? I start feeling anxious and awkward when he has to talk for an extended period of time and sometimes have to change the channel, probably just me though.
Jesus Christ.

I hope they all blow out their knees.
You certainly would think there would be more PPat, "yeah I just wasn't feelin' those guys" from big time recruits than there is.

Not to mention, the money K cost Allen, by letting him come back, and Giles, by playing him at all, should have hurt them...but doesn't seem like it did.
Zion probably walked home to SC after seeing that.

Agree with showkiller and have the same strange feeling at the moment, which I never have. Probably not a great sign but we shall see. Hoping we get good news for Vando this week.
Interesting that in their first season, Frederick Douglas "not stallions" football beat all the other schools in town (7-2).
Interesting that in their first season, Frederick Douglas "not stallions" football beat all the other schools in town (7-2).
Were able to get some good players from other high schools.

Last November was the genesis of the Douglass football program. When Athletic Director Garry McPeek was given a list of all the Lexington students who’d be districted to the school after the lines were redrawn, he began the process of reaching out to potential players, sending out hundreds of emails.

“All of the kids had the option to stay at their previous school even if they were redrawn into our district, but we wanted to reach out and let them know what we had to offer,” McPeek said.
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Don’t forget the one day only venison sambo today.
When is Lee Corso calling it a day? I start feeling anxious and awkward when he has to talk for an extended period of time and sometimes have to change the channel, probably just me though.

Herbie is so good with Corso. It both makes me cringe and warms my heart.

You can tell Herbie is basically nurse-maiding Corso every time he's on the air. Herbie makes sure Corso stays on track and does a good job of making sure Corso preserves his dignity. But he does it very subtly, not obviously, and with a lot of patience and finesse.

For that, Herbie seems like a really good dude.
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Our vendor Rep brings sausage biscuits and burritos every Friday morning, and for the first time I tried grape jelly on a sausage biscuit which wasn't bad. I most likely will not ever eat that again but that's because there are way better options for breakfast.

Like this morning at home we have sausage, bacon, over medium eggs, biscuits(with apple butter) and homemade waffles.
Whatever happens in Starkville tonight, I feel like we get the "real" Football Wildcats.
1. 2 weeks to prepare
2. Relatively healthy
3. More Bowden and other playmakers
4. Playbook should open up even more

So, there you go. We've either arrived into SEC mediocrity, or we are the same as it ever was. Kinda excited to see the results!

*I feel like a deer meat sandwich from Arby's would be my personal rock bottom (/nobrewery).
Whatever happens in Starkville tonight, I feel like we get the "real" Football Wildcats.
1. 2 weeks to prepare
2. Relatively healthy
3. More Bowden and other playmakers
4. Playbook should open up even more

So, there you go. We've either arrived into SEC mediocrity, or we are the same as it ever was. Kinda excited to see the results!

*I feel like a deer meat sandwich from Arby's would be my personal rock bottom (/nobrewery).


Also, I suspect that Eddie Gran is a pretty damn good poker player and keeps cards in his sleeves.

5-1, with a nearwin over Florida, and heading to Starkville?

That's like the beginning of Ocean's 11 where Brad Pitt is conning teenbeat stars and George Clooney walks in, sets the hand down, and says "I don't know what the four 9s mean, but the ace seems pretty high."
Love that outside toss to King. We get so set on running between the tackles I think we sometimes forget that's not Kings strength.
Love that outside toss to King. We get so set on running between the tackles I think we sometimes forget that's not Kings strength.

Also liked the call to run him between the tackles on a draw. If you’re going to send him up the middle, at least the draw creates some space

Why do we insist on such a large cushion to the WRe every play? I get it sometimes, but underneath routes are automatic against us.
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The ole fumble to your player standing the end-zone for the TD play is the best.

CJ Conrad, knocking the living hell out of people and causing touchdowns, but can't even get a kangaroo TD.

How can Stephen Johnson and CJ Conrad both individually be so awesome and not team up to Gronk people?

But whatever. If we go into the half in Starkville down by 3, showing some defense and some OL play away from getting the offense going, I'll take it.
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