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Yeah, pretty sure it's not a vet move to head out to romantic vacation spot that you had planned with your wife and leave her behind. Lol.

Go for a ride, to the store, to the gym... ok.

I know it sounds counter intuitive
But that woman gets worked up and mad - you just have to step back and --- avoid eye contact .... sudden movements and whatnot

Anywho - it all landed on its on its feet -- she's here's now sipping wine and just charming the socks off these fine Arizonans

They love a southern accent out here by the way

And damn if they don't slap a poblano chili in just about anything

Had one floating on my cocktail last night like some kind of meaty Lilly pad
What really cracks me up is to consider the same time period looking backward from 1992. 25 years before then, Sgt. Pepper, Are You Experienced, and Surrealistic Pillow came out, along with another hundred classic summer of love albums.

In1992, that era was ancient history to this kid.

Now, I suppose today's kids look at 1992 in the same vein.

Perspective, man. Damn.

That will mess with your head. Wow.
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What really cracks me up is to consider the same time period looking backward from 1992. 25 years before then, Sgt. Pepper, Are You Experienced, and Surrealistic Pillow came out, along with another hundred classic summer of love albums.

In1992, that era was ancient history to this kid.

Now, I suppose today's kids look at 1992 in the same vein.

Perspective, man. Damn.

It reminds me of a similar realization when it got to the point where the Vietnam War was as many years behind us as WWII was when I was a kid.
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How exactly did it mess you up bad?(I'm not being a smartass, I legit am curious)

Always keep my screen on the lowest brightness setting, always have. Seems like when I turn it up my eyes start pouring and I'll get a light headache, damn near every time.

I had overcome mild insomnia a few years ago. Slipped back in after playing around with the iPad while trying to wind down. Blood pressure had never been an issue with me, but started seeing spikes there when I would sleep only 3-4 hours. It was just keeping me stimulated, and in some weird ways where I'd actually dream of whatever I was reading/listening to. Using the light temp setting on the newer iPads/iPhones and turning them off earlier helped a lot.
It reminds me of a similar realization when it got to the point where the Vietnam War was as many years behind us as WWII was when I was a kid.

That is a good observation. I noticed while watching the Vietnam documentary that the veterans they were interviewing looked like what I remember my grandpa and great uncles - WWII vets - looking like when I was young.

It makes it really strike home now just how old that Vietnam generation is now. It doesn't seem like that necessarily in real time because they are our fathers, uncles, etc., and we see them all the time, but man. That generation is getting up there.

We need to honor them appropriately while they are still with us. That was indeed a great generation that endured some hellish and horrible things over there, but they don't get nearly their due.
That is a good observation. I noticed while watching the Vietnam documentary that the veterans they were interviewing looked like what I remember my grandpa and great uncles - WWII vets - looking like when I was young.

It makes it really strike home now just how old that Vietnam generation is now. It doesn't seem like that necessarily in real time because they are our fathers, uncles, etc., and we see them all the time, but man. That generation is getting up there.

We need to honor them appropriately while they are still with us. That was indeed a great generation that endured some hellish and horrible things over there, but they don't get nearly their due.

True. It won't be long before we're talking about them in terms of how many are left. Hard to believe.
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I had overcome mild insomnia a few years ago. Slipped back in after playing around with the iPad while trying to wind down. Blood pressure had never been an issue with me, but started seeing spikes there when I would sleep only 3-4 hours. It was just keeping me stimulated, and in some weird ways where I'd actually dream of whatever I was reading/listening to. Using the light temp setting on the newer iPads/iPhones and turning them off earlier helped a lot.

Wow. My bp has been up and they are having trouble figuring out why, come to think of it I have been sleeping less than normal(gone from about 5 hours to 3 hours, never all the way through). Thanks for posting that.
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One thing to keep in mind is that light temperature is not the same as brightness.

Light temperature is measured in kelvins.
One slightly more important thing to keep in mind is that there is no such thing as “Light Temperature.”

It’s “Color Temperature.”

Brightness (perceived power of light) is a measurement of luminous flux, the SI unit being the lumen. One lumen is equal to one candela over a solid angle of steridian. A steridian is a portion of the “orb” of light starting at the source and projecting equidistant with four rays to create a square projected on the curved surface - think of the inverse-square law diagram. One candela is the power of one candle (one candlepower) to the human eye. Footcandles are essentially the measurement light power onto or through an area. One candle’s (one candela’s-worth) of light one foot away over a solid steridian would result in one footcandle of power. (This would also be “one lumen per square foot.”)

Lux is like footcandles, but it represents lumens per square meter (as opposed to imperial footcandles).

Few things to keep in mind.
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PAC12 After Dark comes through again. Topped off by a Leach interview. Batting about .800 over the years. It's one of the many reasons that central time >>>> eastern time.
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One slightly more important thing to keep in mind is that there is no such thing as “Light Temperature.”

It’s “Color Temperature.”

Brightness (perceived power of light) is a measurement of luminous flux, the SI unit being the lumen. One lumen is equal to one candela over a solid angle of steridian. A steridian is a portion of the “orb” of light starting at the source and projecting equidistant with four rays to create a square projected on the curved surface - think of the inverse-square law diagram. One candela is the power of one candle (one candlepower) to the human eye. Footcandles are essentially the measurement light power onto or through an area. One candle’s (one candela’s-worth) of light one foot away over a solid steridian would result in one footcandle of power. (This would also be “one lumen per square foot.”)

Lux is like footcandles, but it represents lumens per square meter (as opposed to imperial footcandles).

Few things to keep in mind.

This is sounding a whole lot like material I just read from an opthamaligists office about how colors - have a frequency (or range?)

And blue light (think they specially meant from digital media etc -- NOT a blue jersey or perhaps "blue balls ")

I just forgot where I was going with that

So I guess - were here!
One slightly more important thing to keep in mind is that there is no such thing as “Light Temperature.”

It’s “Color Temperature.”

Brightness (perceived power of light) is a measurement of luminous flux, the SI unit being the lumen. One lumen is equal to one candela over a solid angle of steridian. A steridian is a portion of the “orb” of light starting at the source and projecting equidistant with four rays to create a square projected on the curved surface - think of the inverse-square law diagram. One candela is the power of one candle (one candlepower) to the human eye. Footcandles are essentially the measurement light power onto or through an area. One candle’s (one candela’s-worth) of light one foot away over a solid steridian would result in one footcandle of power. (This would also be “one lumen per square foot.”)

Lux is like footcandles, but it represents lumens per square meter (as opposed to imperial footcandles).

Few things to keep in mind.
Picked up the snes classic yesterday, and flat wore my step-son’s ass OUT on Street Fighter II last night. I told him he didn’t want a piece of me on that, but he didn’t listen.


So what do kids think of those games? The guys talking about STP being as old as the Beatles in comparison to today did your step son view street fighter like pong and think it was lame as hell?
I can’t gauge the rest of the middle school age group based on him because he’s always been into older games. He absolutely loves them.
...steridian is a portion of the “orb” of light starting at the source and projecting equidistant with four rays to create a square projected on the curved surface...
GYERO -- come for the lurking, stay for the blown mind.

-Are we screwed trying to get the SNES like the classic? Like to have one but I'm not going to go all crazy stalker to get one? Suppose they'll be on ebay in a year or two. Really would take the 64 though. That was my fav.

-What the hell happened to you all last night? Smoke a bunch of weed and talk about weird shit?

-Mom, "I'm coming to get G for the night." Me, "Sweet, house to ourselves."

<-----In bed at 9:45p. Lolz. Slept to 8:30 though... BOOM!!

-Lots of Pitino signs at gameday. Also Nate Northington special coming up. So we're going to see UL made fun of all day and Kentucky integrating the SEC.

-Don't think we're going to the Final 4 but I do think we're going to love this team. Maybe the first team the fan base really gels with since 14.

-Shaka getting it rolling in Austin.
That is a good observation. I noticed while watching the Vietnam documentary that the veterans they were interviewing looked like what I remember my grandpa and great uncles - WWII vets - looking like when I was young.

It makes it really strike home now just how old that Vietnam generation is now. It doesn't seem like that necessarily in real time because they are our fathers, uncles, etc., and we see them all the time, but man. That generation is getting up there.

We need to honor them appropriately while they are still with us. That was indeed a great generation that endured some hellish and horrible things over there, but they don't get nearly their due.

Particularly since there were many vets of that era that weren't always treated well at the time

And then - the fall of Saigon
In my senior year of high school, we'd always skip the entire afternoon and play trampoline basketball. Can't remember how we pulled it off. Now they throw parents in jail for kid's poor attendance. That would not have flown in 1999. I'm reasonably sure that my father would have told a guidance counselor "F*** you, he's on scholarship next year, what's he gonna do in high school that is better than hanging around with his buddies."

Halcyon days, man.

I might go buy a trampoline.

Also, it really sucked when the other guys got the proximity mines before you in Goldeneye and mined all the weapons pickup sites. I mean, on the one hand, well played. On the other hand, thanks, dickhead.
My father was truant officer for the county schools and he was throwing parents in jail before I was born and there wasn't a thing the parents could do about it. Your school probably took attendance in the morning like most which enabled you to stay out of trouble.
You can buy SNES mocks(same exact thing) for like $50 from what I can tell.

Ken Griffey presents MLB was my absolute favorite. Dominated MFers, Texas Rangers were dope. The names were amazing too, always themed to American history or something along those lines.
Got the kids "Cuphead" on the ol Xbox and it's fun watching them get pissed off because they jumped when they should have ducked in a boss fight and almost throw a controller at the TV. Really takes me back.
Willy, I just fried up a big mess of Goetta. I would bring you some, but guess you had better things to do on this perfect day for football.

Made the mistake of watching the Mummy last night. I set expectations low, but two stars was being generous. Man how Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe have fallen. Chicks were hot at least.

It's football time in the Bluegrass.
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