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Grabbing a Subway sandwich off a stranger's tailgate and throwing it against the wall of the Field House after the 2009 Tennessee OT loss was a low point.

"What the F, man?!"

(staggers towards the Purple Lot)
Eh, you did that person a favor.
Grabbing a Subway sandwich off a stranger's tailgate and throwing it against the wall of the Field House after the 2009 Tennessee OT loss was a low point.

"What the F, man?!"

(staggers towards the Purple Lot)

My girlfriend at the time decided not to attend any more games with me after that one, IIRC.
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Walking back to the Purple Lot* after the LSU win in 2007, I stopped and listened to the UK drumline and just let everything soak in. Dudes were just going to town. No hats...jackets were off. And there were just ripping it. That was pretty much "it" as far as football goes for me. Not sure it can be topped. Temperature was perfect. We had just beaten the #1 team in the country. Victories over Louisville and Arkansas. The Sugar Bowl was in our sights. Florida coming to town. I mean...really?


* Shout out to the Purple Lot, RIP.

I was in the orange lot parked on the edge by the Lexington Senior Citizens Center. A bunch of coon ass LSU fans had parked in that lot without a tag. It was a joy to see their cars being towed when we got back to our parking spot.
I was in the orange lot parked on the edge by the Lexington Senior Citizens Center. A bunch of coon ass LSU fans had parked in that lot without a tag. It was a joy to see their cars being towed when we got back to our parking spot.
I got towed that day, parked on a side street across nicholasville road. We actually saw it on the truck from the Orange Lot. Man the impound lot after the game was LIT.

I forget what game exactly- maybe UL 2011, I left my car in the blue lot overnight with the windows down- all tailgate food uncovered, and the next morning there were multiple cats inside eating the leftovers. Fighting feral cats, while hungover, after losing to your rival, was a real low point.
I forget what game exactly- maybe UL 2011, I left my car in the blue lot overnight with the windows down- all tailgate food uncovered, and the next morning there were multiple cats inside eating the leftovers. Fighting feral cats, while hungover, after losing to your rival, was a real low point.
If only they had shown that much effort on the field. And a real indictment of our training table at the time tbh.
Want to make sure SAE can map out a good spot next week.

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Well its true it is completely the fans fault UK shit the bed in the second half against Kansas last year.
Will be in Lexington Friday/Saturday morning for a board meeting, and have to leave immediately afterwards -- noon-- to get back in town for my kid's birthday the next day.

So the plan is to pick up a twelve pack about 100 miles out near Decatur, and consume most of same while listening to the pregame show. Will grab a pizza before I get home, so as to provide a plausible explanation for any beer that may be detected on my breath. ("Yeah, I had a beer while I was waiting on the pizza.")

Should pull in the driveway right at kickoff, fully lubed and ready for whatever terrible things I'm about to witness.

So the plan is to pick up a twelve pack about 100 miles out near Decatur,

Had a Fraternity brother in college that would pick up a 12 pack of Bud Light
([sick])for the ride home, by himself, from Richomnd to Chaplin, Ky. Normally a 1.5 hour drive but he would take some back roads to make sure he drank it all. Its no surprise he is pretty much a non-functioning alcoholic that has several DUI's but he gave it hell.
I feel like that's setting yourself up to miss Kentucky beat Florida because you're in jail for a DUI. Not to mention your wife having to come get you from jail the night before/morning of your kids birthday party....sheeeweee.
Will be in Lexington Friday/Saturday morning for a board meeting, and have to leave immediately afterwards -- noon-- to get back in town for my kid's birthday the next day.

So the plan is to pick up a twelve pack about 100 miles out near Decatur, and consume most of same while listening to the pregame show. Will grab a pizza before I get home, so as to provide a plausible explanation for any beer that may be detected on my breath. ("Yeah, I had a beer while I was waiting on the pizza.")

Should pull in the driveway right at kickoff, fully lubed and ready for whatever terrible things I'm about to witness.

Had a Fraternity brother in college that would pick up a 12 pack of Bud Light
([sick])for the ride home, by himself, from Richomnd to Chaplin, Ky. Normally a 1.5 hour drive but he would take some back roads to make sure he drank it all. Its no surprise he is pretty much a non-functioning alcoholic that has several DUI's but he gave it hell.

Hard to believe this was someone who went to EKU
My rule of thumb on rushing the field, is you are 100% safe if you wait until the coach gets a Gatorade bath.
"Most of" = not the whole thing.

Maybe just 6 or 7. And it'll be the low gravity light stuff, which really doesn't even count. And I don't get buzzed when I'm edgy about a big game. (I consumed like a gallon of Jim Beam while at the 4 OT affair with Tennessee in 2007 and -- tragically -- stayed stone cold sober for the whole thing.)

I've managed to survive almost a half-century without a DUI, and I don't plan on getting one now. If any streaks are going to be broken Saturday, it won't be that one.

(Or the football one either, probably.)
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