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LOFL at the UK "Boosters" 1) pulling the steering wheel away from Mitch and 2) having any god damn clue about how to build a college football program.

Don't worry, folks! Buffy Sinclair Woodford and Webb Ashford IV are hot on the case of getting this football program turned around!

Ain't shit happening. Enjoy your soft drinks and waffles, fatsos.
I kinda want to buy a single ticket from a scalper for $5 and bring a book and conspicuously read the entire game at some point this season.

Marcus Welby start a Commonwealth Book Club.
I'm in.

Exactly. A waste of f***ing time to pretend that anything good will happen.

I will say, though, that the wheels falling off this thing before the middle of September makes things a hell of a lot more interesting than another end of year collapse would have. They're going to take a massive financial hit for the rest of the season barring a miracle.
This seems like a good time to point out that Matthew Mitchell makes one million dollars a year, or in other terms 1/12th of a Stoops buyout.

The goofy bastard getting one million per pisses me off almost as much as the Stoops contract. Wish that guy would dance himself right off a cliff.

I bet backwards hat dude hates him some Stoops, I'm guessing $5 tickets can't even pay for the bike maintenance. Does he still roll around on a bike?
Even for UK, the futility of these first two games has been amazing. Our QB completed 5 passes today, 3 of them to the other team. Jeff Speedy didn't do shit like that.
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Utterly shocked at Barker's lack of composure in the pocket. After that first sack, he was burnt toast. I've never seen a supposed pocket QB struggle as much as he did. That quick slant that sailed into the dirt between both our open receivers was another truly WTF moment. He has this long ass windup, and throws a weird downward trajectory 'spiral' that seems to go against physics. Maybe he has short arms to along w/ those ill-fitting shoulder pads but it's yakety sax. I can't stand him.

Eddie Gran really appears to have a good grasp of our young gunslinger. Hinshaw must be an eagle eye up there in the box too because they're clearly dialed in on the playcalls.

JRowland must never again be taken seriously, as he's merely a parrot for some overpaid dope on the staff. He's lost all credibility.

Those poor CBS guys - IDGAF what Danielson said. He undoubtedly made up the phony call-in story because he was pissed to be there wasting away and wanted to get a dig in to the shitty UK football program. Don't blame him.

And props to our stud ass lineman Landon Young forcing a fumble on his own QB. Welcome to college, pup.

I'm gonna go all night long I'm so livid/embarrassed/sad/sick/etc. This is the worst point I've ever been as a UK football an in my adult life and I'm not sure it's even that close.

Think I'm gonna go all in and buy a GD boat. Eff it.
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We're the third best team in the state but what's most depressing is that we're closer to Eastern than we are to Western. If this isn't the bottom, there isn't a bottom.
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The apocryphal UK radio story Danielson shared was obviously something passed along to him by some apologist in the program at some point. Danielson didn't make it up out of whole cloth. It sounds like some shit a rabid UK football fan would make up.
Give Rowland the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he just misheard the guy. What he probably said was the team wouldn't be surprised if they scored this week.
Arkansas lineman shoves his QB over the goal line for the game winning score. Kentucky lineman strips his QB for a humiliating turnover. S-E-C S-E-C
Matts story about Petrino on the post game show just made things worse, that was it, that was our chance. It doesnt matter if Stoops gets fired this year or next year, it doesnt matter who we hire - we arent getting an opportunity like that again.
Matt said Petrino wanted to meet with him to sell himself as the next UK coach. This was relayed thru a mutual friend, and obviously the assumption being that getting Matt/KSR on board would help seal the deal.
Abandon all hope, you who enter here.

Through me you pass into the city of woe:
Through me you pass into eternal pain:
Through me among the people lost for aye.

^Should be printed on all UK football tickets.


And can we get this bitch to lead the Cat Walk the rest of the year, or maybe lead the team out of the tunnel?

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