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Verne: Knock, Knock.

Gary: Who's there?

Best damn thing that could happen is getting murdered on national tv. Wheels are in motion.
[picture of cat tails]


Mitch should definitely be held accountable, but he won't.

If MJ talks about he will. He won't.

What's happening right now with Capilutou and Mitch absolutely deserves to be discussed and critiqued, but the conversation will never go beyond Stoops.

Ya know, Mitch has built a lot of nice facilities, and Capilutou has rebuilt half of campus.

And we're talking about "hey fans support your football team!!!"...

Oh you mf'ers got some nerve building us a nasa spaceship and hiring a dingbat a 12mil buyout in year four. Just buy us a new football team.
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Billy Gillispie and the memorandum of understanding nonsense should've been the beginning of the end for Mitch.

Then there was Joker. And the "microwave society" BS. And the bickering with Cal. And his talk about retiring, only to ink a huge extension of his own. And Matthew Mitchell's ridiculous contract preceding the complete collapse of that program. And Stoops. And Stoops's extension.

It's time.
You know if you pay the players you won't have enough left to pay these absurd contracts to complete idiots like stoops and Barnhart.

The guy literally hit the lottery, will get paid 12 million if he's FIRED [laughing]. All you doctors who went to school for 10 years and if you screw up could potentially kill someone let that sink in. I swear all of us should've gone into coaching.
...dangling cat tails and shame shacks in front of our faces, no less.

That is so insulting. An organized football fan lockout is deserved until they at least GIVE THR POORS ALCOHOL. That was strike 27373.

Billy Gillispie and the memorandum of understanding nonsense should've been the beginning of the end for Mitch.

Then there was Joker. And the "microwave society" BS. And the bickering with Cal. And his talk about retiring, only to ink a huge extension of his own. And Matthew Mitchell's ridiculous contract preceding the complete collapse of that program. And Stoops. And Stoops's extension.

It's time.

Lmao they said "here Mitch let us handle basketball, you just go and build the girls a new softball stadium.

The previous softball stadium was pretty nice, too.

Basically, all this shit just boils down to backwards economy.
ANd Butch Jones sucks too. We had a shitty coaching search performed by an AD who knows jack shit about football. We took a chance on a DC with a good track record who promised to win, recruit well, and build new facilities.

He did two of those things, so it's time to just cut bait and hire a real coach (if we can convince anyone to actually come here). Stoops is >>>>> Joker for no other reason than he has proven you can recruit to UK and he got our facilities up to par. Again, that's not enough, but it at least *should* raise the bar for the next coach that tiny bit
He's cheating and you're a moron if you don't think so. No other explanation for our talent. Joker… God love him, but he was probably too nice a guy to cheat. Stoops's cheating is probably his best attribute at this point, IMO.
OK, he's proven you can cheat and not get caught. Doesn't make a bit of difference, because it shows it can be done one way or another
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I mean, bullfights were pretty cool. Maybe we could just do that at commonwealth...
Stoops also apparently runs the teams Facebook page.

Ok. Dude. I was probably watching UK football before you were born. I have supported this team year after year and I have been a loyal K-Fund supporter. I will never stop loving and supporting UK football. I can't stop caring no matter how how bad things get.
We all handle loss and grief in different ways. I was making a stupid joke, and it was the same kind of joke that has been made many times in the past in GYERO.
Sorry you were so offended, but please never mistake the love I have for my Wildcats.
I mean, there is nothing. Not a damn thing that was remotely encouraging about today. No we got screwed by the refs. No dropped passes in the endzone. No chance at all.

Complete dumpster fire.
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Apparently the Shame Shacks caused the corporate tent to be reshuffled and together they take up all the green space in the Blue Lot. It displaced a bunch of people who had been tailgating in those areas for decades. Another awesome PR move. The people that had those spots weren't exactly Billy Joe Wildcats either.
Having turned it off did the few Florida fans left that where there when we scored give a mocking ovation to UK? If not they should have.
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