How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Even granting all of this, you left out the most important reason to vote for Trump; the sheer entertainment value. It is quite literally "off the charts."

Deficit spending is going to increase, no matter who wins. At least let us have some fun, watching the pearl clutchers' heads explode.

We may never get this chance again in our lifetimes.
I actually think this is an area where we can agree, tax reform. The tax code should be simple, simple enough the vast majority of us can understand it. Not this endless rigamarole of forms, agents, write-offs, and exemptions.
I see they are still shamelessly putting the Chinese Great leap forward flags in their campaign banners again.

Per wiki:

"Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state. The "Three Red Banners" also called the "Three Red Flags," consisted of the General Line for socialist construction, the Great Leap Forward and the people's communes.[1][2][3]

After the first Five-Year Plan, the People's Republic of China continued its socialist construction by introducing "Three Red Banners Movement". The General Line directed the Chinese people to "go all out, aim high, and build socialism with greater, faster, better, and more economical results."[2] By the end of 1958, nearly all Chinese peasants had been organized into communes averaging 5000 households each. All privately owned property was taken for or contributed to the communes and people were not allowed to cook their own food and instead ate in communal dining halls."
Swell. I read log ago about Karl Rove's 3 rules of politics:

1) Attack your opponent's strength from your weakness. (Think the Swiftboating of John Kerry)
2) Accuse your opponent of doing what you're doing.
3) Be worse than anyone can imagine.

When did Republicans embrace totalitarianism? (Or do you reject the SCOTUS immunity decision?)
So if those rules apply then you agree the Dems are a grave “ThReAt to DuHmOcRaThY”
You might want to step us through that logic. (Did you approve the presidential immunity ruling? Don't be shy.)
“Accuse your opponents of what you are doing” Biden, Harris, Dems and the Medua across the board accusing Trump of being a “GRAVE THREAT TO DEMOCRACY” (even though that word makes my skin crawl, considering we aren’t one). So by the rules they are the ones subverting it.

And I’m for whatever ruling prevents lawfare from being used against political opponents. Presidents should have some levels of immunity and if they commit a high crime such as murdering a political opponent, there should be justice. That’s what the impeachment process is for.
However you want to describe it, the fact remains that his numbers are up in that demographic. If it helps you to think of it as anti-Joe, far be it from me to take away your binky...
You're misunderstanding. His numbers aren't up with that demographic now. They were up when the matchup was Genocide Joe. They no longer will be now that that's changed. Unless Republicans make a big push to tie Kamala to Joe's Israel policy, which is unlikely because that only highlights theirs which is even more anti-Palestinian, all those young voters Biden was hemorrhaging will come home to Kamala.
There have been 5 polls since Biden dropped out, and the only change I've seen is about a .4 percent rise in the National Average for Kamala, who still trails Trump by 2.1 percent.

And this is the honeymoon period.
There've been more than that and averages are useless if they include old data from before she was the candidate. You're behind the times my friend.