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To add to what Pti said, Matt had all but agreed to go through with the meeting but got word that there was no chance that Petrino would be considered for the job so decided not to do it. Basically we had one of the best coaches in college football angling for the job and decided not to give him the time of day. I would much rather take heat from the media for hiring Petrino than just be a punching bag like we have been for most of my lifetime.
Matt said Petrino wanted to meet with him to sell himself as the next UK coach. This was relayed thru a mutual friend, and obviously the assumption being that getting Matt/KSR on board would help seal the deal.

It was the obvious play. Petrino likely didn't want to go back to UofL and deal with Jurich's "don't effing run out on us again" 10-million dollar buyout package. It was lined up!
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I'm in.


*I don't even want to think about Petrino. I'm not sure there's a coach I respect less on a personal level, yet he undoubtedly would've had us winning at an amazing clip for UK football.

*If a coach won 8 regular season games two years in a row here, we'd seriously build a statue of him. One thing I cannot abide is any insinuation from UK athletics or the media that UK football fans are even the least bit unreasonable, impatient, or not invested in the program. For what the fans have been provided over the last half century, they are GD lucky a single person shows up on gameday.
One thing I cannot abide is any insinuation from UK athletics or the media that UK football fans are even the least bit unreasonable, impatient, or not invested in the program. For what the fans have been provided over the last half century, they are GD lucky a single person shows up on gameday.


No more support has been given for a shittier product in the history of history.
Well, that sucked. Somehow, that was the most embarrassing day of my UK football life. I subjected my son to needless humiliation. I've come back from a long phase of indifference and now I'm nail-spitting angry again.

I missed on today's result but since we're playing "I was way out in front on . . . ", mine is Mitch.

I was way out in front on that goofy-grinning, topbutton, sanctimonious, pantywaist, hypocritical, milquetoast little prick.

Like THIRTEEN EFFING YEARS out in front.

F that guy and F Stoops. Clean house. It's about risen to the level where the BoT needs to act.
I think I've found a defense worse than ours - Texas Tech. But they'd beat us by 21+ because we'd shoot ourselves in the foot on a few drives.
My son is in 5th grade. Today his 5th and 6th grade football team had more passing yardage than UK.

8 minute quarters for the added salt.

Maybe our squad is the 3rd best team behind Louisville and Western...
Maybe our squad is the 3rd best team behind Louisville and Western...

There is no maybe to it. We are clearly the third best college football program in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, at best.
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Thats the problem you see not that we failed to hire petrino but that we needed some radio host (no offense mags) to vet an athletic department or booster decision. Indicates there is no one in charge effectively no process. I get having petrino on the show was a first step to build goodwill but even the fact that someone had to ask is the issue.

Jurich on the other hand takes what he wants when he wants and lets the wins absolve his decisions. Like it or not Cal takes a similar mentality.

I had no desire to have petrino here but I sure as hell would of came around for winning and college game days we all would.

Football has no one at the top tired of the mickey mouse organization being ran. Its an embarrassment and a joke. The "we wouldnt be suprised if we win! " mindset comes straight from the top and it aint changing anytime soon.
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It's about risen to the level where the BoT needs to act.

I think it absolutely has risen to that level.

Barnhart is a disaster and needs to go. At this point, the buyout may make it to where it is rational to keep Stoops another year, sadly, or it may not. But I do not trust Barnhart to make any decisions whatsoever regarding this program.

However it happens, the first and most pressing problem is the athletic director. He needs to be fired asap. If whatever funds required to fire him mean that Stoops gets another year, so be it. I'll take a lame duck for a year if the guy doing the hiring isn't worthless.
Running away from a problem is not a solution. If you're a fan of the team, you buy your tickets and you show up. Everyone knows how the season is going, just because he wasn't fired after the first quarter of the first game doesn't mean his job is safe unless people quit going to games. This years money is for the most part in the books also so not attending has little impact financially.

When you have 'moderators' like this, is there any wonder why UK football sucks?

I bet Mitch just hires one of those career "recruiters" who just log on to and finds you some bum who likely won't work out but it saved you some time up front, and since you have no football experience or network to draw upon, you're F'd.

Seriously, can y'all imagine him sitting around a table, with football people, hashing this stuff out? LMAO. Welp golly gee that's all good, but does the man value his faith? Tell me that.

Guys like Jurich are probabaly plugged in everywhere. Make a few calls and find out whats what. Have a coke, slap some butts, and connect with people. Guarantee he could have told you stoops was a NO HIRE!!! it's not that difficult, surely. Sports people just know these sorts of things. They are part of the culture.

Mitch is a loser ass Volvo driving weirdo who climbs mountains for fun. It's so embarrassing to have him as AD of a pretty good SEC school.
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At this point, the buyout may make it to where it is rational to keep Stoops another year, sadly, or it may not.

If his buyout the following year is 6.6 million then we are talking about "saving" 5.4 million by keeping him another year. What's the cost of lost ticket sales, concessions, a year of recruiting etc.? I wouldn't think it would be that much different.

Of course there are many other variables such as if you think there is *any* shot he turns it around (ala papaw Brooks at his darkest hour) and what coaches we would have a shot at this year verse next.
It's not your fault but your ridiculous mindset is part of the problem. Keep showing up tho.

Maybe we'll keep coach another year!

If not showing up is the answer why does Kentucky Football continue to fail? At some point you're going to have to change the approach if you want different results. Potential coaches look at stuff like that too before accepting a job. Could be why they have such a hard time convincing a decent coach to come here.
I'll have to take your word for it as I am not Kryptonian and cannot read whatever the hell is written on that thumbnail you just posted.
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If his buyout the following year is 6.6 million then we are talking about "saving" 5.4 million by keeping him another year. What's the cost of lost ticket sales, concessions, a year of recruiting etc.? I wouldn't think it would be that much different.

Of course there are many other variables such as if you think there is *any* shot he turns it around (ala papaw Brooks at his darkest hour) and what coaches we would have a shot at this year verse next.

I was trying to say that I don't know how much it costs to buy Mitch out and that is job number one. If you can't get rid of Mitch and Stoops at the same time, so be it. Just ditch Mitch before anything else happens.
I'll have to take your word for it as I am not Kryptonian and cannot read whatever the hell is written on that thumbnail you just posted.

Yeah, Rivals resizes everything. But it says 40-33 and not 40-34. Which doesn't seem like that big of a deal...other than they got the freaking score wrong, but I remember everyone flipping out over Brooks not going for 2 to get a 7 point lead. The UK Football curse dictated that Brohm would complete a Hail Mary at the end of the game (which he almost did), and Louisville would win on an extra point.

630am is doing a 9-11 tribute, and backed up the Sunday morning sports talk show until 10:30. F you.

I don't think they realize how much I was looking forward to dragging out the sorrow.
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