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My older brother thinks we're winning this weekend, based on the theory that UK Football, as a sentient being, feeds off gloom and depression. Since we lost to Southern Miss and people have given up, UK Football needs something to revitalize people so it can continue to crush souls this season.

I mean, it's ridiculous of course, but I'll take it at this point.
congrats on being the smarter brother in the fam
I'm pretty worried about Doron now. Did y'all see him pleading with some club on twitter to give him his money back?

He has mild to serious mental issues, doesn't he? There's no reason he shouldn't be getting money and producing somewhere like our boy Darius Miller.
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@Dennis Reynolds - it still perplexes me that Apple doesn't get into the search/advertising segment that Google dominates. Even more so now that you say advertisers prefer it.
I've made a decision to not talk stocks with you, but since this is more about tech/business, I'll engage. Apple tried to get into Maps - a Google side project - and failed MISERABLY. Like, anyone who uses apple maps is an idiot miserably.
They also bought a mobile ad company - failed pretty miserably there as well.

So they are going to get into Search and take on the behemoth in that arena? At something Google actually focuses on? Search is hard. So, good luck. MSFT already tried that with Bing - and has lost billions and billions and billions, and not dented Google's share at all. Apple is great at getting people to buy its products, but they suck at getting people to use their free services iTunes Radio, Maps, etc. shit, people lost their mind when Apple tried to give them a free U2 album. Google excels there.

This is not to slight Apple either, it would just be a dumb move considering they already have an extremely valuable product, and they make a fortune off of it. Apple makes what $600-700+ every 2-3 years in revenue on their iphone customers? Google makes about $30-40 per year for every user. And both companies have about the same margins. I'd take the $700 every two years, personally.

Instead what Apple has done, is essentially charge Google a toll. Google (and Bing) pay Apple some sort of Rev share for every search done on an iPhone from the safari browser bar. No fee if you go to or use a Chrome browser (which everyone should be using anyway since Safari sucks). I think google will pay apple close to $3B this year in search fees. That's 100% margin Rev for Apple. Way better than losing $15B over the next 5 years trying to unseat Google's search monopoly.
To paraphrase SAE, I'll need at least $500 to agree to do this.

I've made a decision to not talk stocks with you, but since this is more about tech/business, I'll engage. Apple tried to get into Maps - a Google side project - and failed MISERABLY. Like, anyone who uses apple maps is an idiot miserably.
They also bought a mobile ad company - failed pretty miserably there as well.

So they are going to get into Search and take on the behemoth in that arena? At something Google actually focuses on? Search is hard. So, good luck. MSFT already tried that with Bing - and has lost billions and billions and billions, and not dented Google's share at all. Apple is great at getting people to buy its products, but they suck at getting people to use their free services iTunes Radio, Maps, etc. shit, people lost their mind when Apple tried to give them a free U2 album. Google excels there.

This is not to slight Apple either, it would just be a dumb move considering they already have an extremely valuable product, and they make a fortune off of it. Apple makes what $600-700+ every 2-3 years in revenue on their iphone customers? Google makes about $30-40 per year for every user. And both companies have about the same margins. I'd take the $700 every two years, personally.

Instead what Apple has done, is essentially charge Google a toll. Google (and Bing) pay Apple some sort of Rev share for every search done on an iPhone from the safari browser bar. No fee if you go to or use a Chrome browser (which everyone should be using anyway since Safari sucks). I think google will pay apple close to $3B this year in search fees. That's 100% margin Rev for Apple. Way better than losing $15B over the next 5 years trying to unseat Google's search monopoly.
Makes sense if they are getting that much. I'd rather they focus on the car/ride sharing market anyway. Read an article recently that ride sharing will be a $2.6 Trillion(!!) yearly revenue market by 2030.
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Wells Fargo is being slapped with the largest penalty since the CFPB was founded in 2011. The bank agreed to pay $185 million in fines, along with $5 million to refund customers.


They net roughly 20 Billion a year, so this is basically like the average joe stroking a $50 check for committing over 2 million felonies.

I'm curious how much Wells Fargo made on the penalties they assessed on fraudulently created accounts. I'm guessing over the years it is well north of 185 million.
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So the lass and I have differing opinions on the Global Entry. She thinks it's not a big deal and I think she's dumb for not getting it, and have been rather vocal about it.

As of right now, I've been waiting 30 minutes for her to clear the customs line. I've got our bags, having a coke and reading cats paws with a big shit eating grin on my face.

Will be streaming the game this weekend from the boat. If you're coming down for Poker Run holla. 42-13 Florida.
I wish they would list cord length in laptop and phone descriptions.

I don't give a shit about ram or rom or gigabytes or whatever. I just want a really long ass cord.
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