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What a uni. What a helmet. What a runner.


Last week college football touted Saturday as being the greatest opening weekend ever. This week there are zero games among ranked teams, the slate is pure shit. Cant wait to watch Clemson vs Troy and FSU vs Charleston Southern!!!! What a Saturday its going to be!!!!

A month ago, your only choices for Saturday afternoon TV were a Yankees/Angels game, a Criminal Minds marathon and election talk on CNN.

Stop bitching.
I bet that 86 teams still feels like shit for losing to Kentucky. Wouldn't surprise me if most of those guys are in therapy.
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Funny hearing the Florida announcers bitching about the weather. Spurrier pissed and moaned to the SEC and got the Kentucky game moved to September a few years later thus eliminating the one slight advantage we had every other season.
^ before I was born which helps sink in the fact I will most likely die a fan of a perennial SEC loser. At least our best player has not quit the team yet. -GBB!
The Android market sucks and the phones have glitches? Ok. Can still plug is ear buds and wait in line at the Apple store every time something goes wrong. Sloots had way more trouble with that thing than I have.
My troubles of late were me dropping my phone and cracking the screen. I went back to an Otter box since I drop my phone so often.
There needs to be a coffee table book of all the unimaginable ways UK football has lost.


That no call of the delay of game pissed me off at the time, and still does. But if I'm being honest with myself, I know Florida would have still converted from 5 yards further out.
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Galen Hall...but, Spurrier got it grandfathered in.

-Believe it was during Curry's tenure the SEC changed our schedule so the UT & UF games were both home or away, instead of one here, one there....meh.
Ah 1986, Top Gun was the highest grossing film of the year. Platoon won best picture. The Challenger explodes traumatizing the millions of kids tuning in to watch the first teacher go into space. Hasbro then traumatized millions of kids by killing off most of their well known transformers including Optimus Prime all in the name of releasing a new toy line. Chernobyl became a nuclear wasteland. I was 8 years old and dngaf about Kentucky Football at that point but Kentucky beat Florida.

Halley's comet also appeared in the sky and it would not surprise me one bit if by the next time that thing rolls around in 2061 Kentucky will have still not defeated Florida.
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"Turned in my badge" - credit to UCL. That's my new phrase, and explains it all. Suffered for 25 years, but "I turned in my badge in 2003". Perfect.

Although I'm actually going to Gainesville on Saturday (father-son trip, some [real, non-bandwagon / no jorts] UF fan friends asked us to go).

Last time we beat them, I was a senior at UK /old/ and I remember going to that game. I have a strangely good feeling that we break the streak this weekend.

Coming from me, it's sure as hell not blind optimism. Just a feeling, probably because I've already given up actual hope.
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I just had a convo with a co-worker that since it's Thursday, it's high time we all are convincing ourselves THIS is the year we beat Florida. He said that, no, no one thinks that. Should I show him Cat Paw?​
In The Swamp, in early September, with an atrocious front seven on D? Sounds reasonable.

I mean, this is how it's going to happen, right? Not with Gameday in town and the crowd in a frenzy like 2007...not with a large portion of the fanbase convincing themselves we're actually better than them like 2015 (hindsight- [laughing])'s going to be just like Tennessee- a dogshit game where both sides try to give it away, and we just happen to get lucky enough to not make the final mistake.
Breaking the streak in Gainesville with a shit team would make perfect Kentucky sense. Hell, we broke the UT streak by not playing a quarterback.

Bingo - well said.

If we ever do break the streak, it's not going to be because we have a better team.

It's going to be based on some sort of karmic football folly type stuff that makes absolutely no sense - and probably, decided by whoever sucks worse on that particular day.
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Surely, we win 1 against Florida in the next 15 years, so we don't break the all time record.
Win the Florida game
Win 2 games against Missouri, USC, MSU, and Vandy
Lose the other 2 of those games by less than a touchdown
Only have 5 wins going in to the Louisville game again
Lose to Louisville by 35

^That's a Kentucky football season.
My older brother thinks we're winning this weekend, based on the theory that UK Football, as a sentient being, feeds off gloom and depression. Since we lost to Southern Miss and people have given up, UK Football needs something to revitalize people so it can continue to crush souls this season.

I mean, it's ridiculous of course, but I'll take it at this point.
Chad gets it.

If we ever beat UF, it won't be in Gainesville, I don't care what kind of illogical reverse black magic happens.
After the UL loss, we will finally be overtaken in the series since the first game we played in 1912, 14-15.
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