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Congrats on being the official smartphone of second world hovels.

Jeezus, dude- did you have to say that? It's just a message board. Calm down. No need to toss around insults. Would you have said that to his face? I don't think so.

Perspective, bro- get some.
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-The clown thing sounds like a pretty good way of getting shot, honestly. F those people.

-Got started on the demo of my back deck yesterday evening. Man, sawzalls are just incredible. Hell of a tool. Hoping to knock the rest out tonight, take the discarded lumber to the junkyard, then have the new patio poured Saturday. Long time coming, folks. Pretty excited.

-Gators 31, Wildcats 14.

-I have no real complaints about my iPhone. Works great, really. I am always caught off-guard when a non-Apple person chides me for it. I mean, K. It's like someone making fun of me for watching porn. Didn't even know we were doing that now. Not watching porn? Not supposed to be using a great product? That where things are now?

-6 months without a soft drink. It's whatever. Not really sure I feel any better but I've been told they're good to avoid. Unsweetened ice tea with a lemon for Dad. Unrelated, 2 weeks without a crispie.

-Really hoping to make it to Keeneland this fall. Haven't been since Spring Meet 2015.

-Road pearlies Saturday.

-Trading in the 335i this December. Looking for a used Volvo SUV in the $11k-$14k range. F a car payment.
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- Those sighting of clowns are actually in my hometown of Winston-Salem. Crazy shit.

- Have an intriguing job offer in New York...a little better pay, but much more work.

- Going to a Tigers game tomorrow night, then debating on catching a game at The Big House on the way home, definitely going to catch a game in Ann Arbor while I'm...just not sure I want to see UM wax CFU.

Ann Arbor seems like a trip I want to make by itself.

- I hate the Panthers, but think they crush Detroit. Kelvin Benjamin coming back is going to be huge.
- Plan on jumping to Direct TV sooner than later. It will be half of what I pay with Time Warner. HALF. Thoughts?

Bring on the [eyeroll] but,

It's PSVue internet cable, hence the [eyeroll] from BBdk.

$35 for the sports package
$35 for 50mb internet
$15 for HBO Now whenever I want it

$70-85 a month, plus a $10 antenna for locals, for all the important channels, up to 5 boxes, and unlimited DVR. I'm not going to clog up GYERO with it anymore but it's worth checking out a free trial for a week if you have a FireTV.
As a poor, I tried the cut-the-cord route for a couple years. Gave it a good run, but finally bit the bullet and went with DirectTV. Watching live sports on a delay, now matter how small, is infuriating. Especially if you follow twitter during games like I do. I prefer to get pissed off during games in real time with the rest of my Wildcat friends.
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Unless DirecTV has changed you still have to pay for Internet from another provider. So your bill may be cut in half but add another $40 on to that.

- [laughing] at Samsung being the market share leader. It's true but if Apple had a $100 or less phone it would be much closer.
It's PSVue internet cable, hence the [eyeroll] from BBdk.

$35 for the sports package
$35 for 50mb internet
$15 for HBO Now whenever I want it

$70-85 a month, plus a $10 antenna for locals, for all the important channels, up to 5 boxes, and unlimited DVR. I'm not going to clog up GYERO with it anymore but it's worth checking out a free trial for a week if you have a FireTV.

Holy shit!!! So, $15 less than I pay for DirecTV on 4 TVs, Genie, every non-movie channel in the world, and none of the other bullshit associated w/ cable cutting? Sounds life changing, just imagine all the savings!!!
I was thinking today as I pondered my existence as a UK football fan. I am 29 years of age and there is not a game that I can remember that I did not watch/followed live or avoided entirely. I get most of you are marrieds with childrens and maybe I haven't been beaten down enough but I don't think I will ever get to the point where I just don't care enough to watch it live. Not saying that's a badge of honor it kind of sucks imo. UF 34-24
I am WAY past the "badge of honor/true fan" stuff when it comes to UK football. If they are sucking ass - which is usually - I'm getting the hell out of Dodge or finding something else to do. You don't get bonus points or free kettle corn for hanging around until the final horn of a 30-point beatdown.
Holy shit!!! So, $15 less than I pay for DirecTV on 4 TVs, Genie, every non-movie channel in the world, and none of the other bullshit associated w/ cable cutting? Sounds life changing, just imagine all the savings!!!

If you get all that from DirectTV for $50 a month then you're right, you have no reason to switch.
Saturday at 3:30 there isn't anything in my life that I'll be more interested in doing than watching UK at Florida. That's just reality, so I'm embracing it. F em.

Big poker game forming off Lime Kiln if you're interested. 3pm start. Probably have the game on in the background.
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Apple/Android arguments being treated like religion and politics are my hat toboggan. Who cares? Don't think I've ever looked at someone's phone and made a judgement on them. Except for my dad, who still uses a flip phone. I judge that.
Lotta people bitching about the headjack thing, but isn't a set of earbuds that plug into the lightning jack included? Or you can buy a $5 adapter. Whatever. All I know, is that according to everyone in the Advertising Industry, Android is for poors, and iPhone users are like 10x more valuable to advertisers. This pisses Google off. iPhone users are way more likely to actually buy something on their phones. I'm sure if you break out Samsung Galaxy owners, it's closer to iPhone owners, but those get mixed in with all the other crappy Android phone owners.

I'll definitely be waiting a year for the next iPhone though. My 6 is still working great, no desire for the new features. I figure about this time next year, Apple will release a new iOS which will essentially brick my phone, but until then, I'm good.
I'm satisfied with my phone, it lets me communicate with people, play music and do CatsPaw, Tapped Out!, and Pokémon Go. It's a great product.

I hope you all also enjoy your phones as well.
We're all consumerist sheep tbh. Hell, our entire economy and way of life is predicated on buying unnecessary shit. So ... baaaaah, I guess?
*notes that he has made over 26,000 message board posts about sports and topics not really worth addressing, nods head in agreement*
UK football has sucked my entire life more or less. I still enjoy watching them play, so yeah, I'll watch us Saturday as I have damn near every game for 20 years and expect us to lose. When we do, my mood will be affected very little.
We're all consumerist sheep tbh

Absolutely. Just look at YETI. "You know, I can see a scenario where I spend a week in the woods or out on a crabbing boat and have a need for cold beer. I better buy this $400 cooler. If I only use it for day trips, at least I won't have to buy another $.89 bag of ice. Plus, check out the sticker and trucker hat! [thumb2]"
We went through a period where cutting the cord seemed like a responsible option, but after 2 months it had driven me insane. Not being able to quickly scroll through channels, 90 second delays, buffering in the middle of a game, not worth the savings. Went back as soon as possible.

For whatever reason I feel good about Saturday. As bad as the Southern Miss was, I don't feel as awful about it now as I did then. I have no stats or insight to back up my feelings at all. I love college football but I am not a college football. I just think we are better than the result of that game. Not really been talked about in here much but Florida looked like shit against UMass. Plus our new jerseys are nice and I like my team when they are looking good. Cats by 90

Thanks for the heads up on that deck demo, SAE. I'll remember that when I'm looking to purchase a shopping center.
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