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Watching this Frontline on John O'Neill, the FBI agent who saw 9/11 coming- well, not exactly but he had been on Bin Laden's ass for years and thought a big attack was coming. He was pushed out of the FBI and then took a job as head of security at the World Trade Center, and died on 9/11. Anyone familiar with this story? Very interesting.
You know that story about how Eddie "make your coochie laugh" Gram or whatever set Barker straight with his "your brand stinks kid blabla blabla" *rolleyes*.

1. Wish John Vincent would roll up in the practice faculty one day, knock the ice cream cones out their hands, unplug the xbox, and learn them something about their "brand". He's the only person at this school with a clue.

2. Eddie, wtf are you?

3. Drew, transfer, kid. You want no part of this brand.
You can tell that guy doesn't know shit about personal brands because it was Hinshaw that said that and people still attribute it to Gran.
Watching this doc on John O'Neill, the FBI agent who saw 9/11 coming- well, not exactly but he had been on Bin Laden's ass for years and thought a big attack was coming. Anyone familiar with this story? Very interesting.
It's morbid to phrase it this way, but it seems like an inverse "survivorship bias."

There have to be thousands of former FBI agents out there who are convinced that the terrorists they were tracking are going to orchestrate an imminent attack. This guy just happened to be one who was right.
It's morbid to phrase it this way, but it seems like an inverse "survivorship bias."

There have to be thousands of former FBI agents out there who are convinced that the terrorists they were tracking are going to orchestrate an imminent attack. This guy just happened to be one who was right.

And ironically died in the attack he foresaw.
And ironically died in the attack he foresaw.
No, he coincidentally died in the attack he forsaw - in a building that had been attacked eight years earlier by the same organization - in a role he was fit to serve well because of his specialized knowledge of that organization.

If he had retired to a cabin in Upper Shanks, PA in order to avoid a forthcoming attack and had been killed by the downed Flight 93, then he would've ironically died.

Clean it up, IMO.
No, he coincidentally died in the attack he forsaw - in a building that had been attacked eight years earlier by the same organization - in a role he was fit to serve well because of his specialized knowledge of that organization.

If he had retired to a cabin in Upper Shanks, PA in order to avoid a forthcoming attack and had been killed by the downed Flight 93, then he would've ironically died.

Clean it up, IMO.

He took the position because he thought they wanted to finish the job. Great story and great irony.
No, he coincidentally died in the attack he forsaw - in a building that had been attacked eight years earlier by the same organization - in a role he was fit to serve well because of his specialized knowledge of that organization.

If he had retired to a cabin in Upper Shanks, PA in order to avoid a forthcoming attack and had been killed by the downed Flight 93, then he would've ironically died.

Clean it up, IMO.
Hey, Chad.

Here's some good advice that you just didn't take.
I'm into year 2 with my S5 active, still holding up pretty well. It's definitely different than an iphone, which is one of the things I like most about it.
Wish I would've stayed with the 5. 6 battery life is not as good.

Also, the new Apple ear buds are sold separately for $159. Sounds like a great deal to wait 3 days in line so you look super cool at Starbucks. Money grab, sheep.
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Alanis Morrisette: doable or nah?

(Celebrity scale. She's clearly doable for every goofball in this thread.)
Have always found her to be terrible, although I actually enjoy her music to a certain extent.
Wish I would've stayed with the 5. 6 battery life is not as good.

Also, the new Apple ear buds are sold separately for $159. Sounds like a great deal to wait 3 days in line so you look super cool at Starbucks. Money grab, sheep.
I give it until March 2017 until you are using and touting Apple's new wireless chip audio tech in some fashion.

I like making these predictions because people hate giving into them and it adversely affects their quality of life as they put off being proven (clearly) wrong.

Which one of you assholes wants to take me up on smartwatches? You can join the sad sacks at my old office who are all set to put them off way longer than they should.
- Sitting out on the deck catching up on 12+ pages of GYERO. So... PTI hates coal miners, traveling to Europe is actually cheap, Apple likes money and Blake Bone loves awful tattoos? Got it.

- In Orlando for a bit. Had been looking forward to this for a while as the last hurrah of summer. Good friends, decompress a bit, parks, etc... Solid way to roll into fall.

- Don't plan on checking work emails at all. Should be interesting.

- Making the short drive to Gainesville Saturday. I always get turbo-excited for roadies and this one is no different. Yeah, I know... but what if?
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Unless you're staying in hostels and eating sandwiches every meal. Nothing about Europe is cheap. Shew, time to stop the bleeding. Long road home today, leggo.

Alanis Morrisette, liked her music in the 90's. Wasn't somebody I'd dream about. Now that Natalie Imbrula or Mazzy Star, mercy.

Met this old Scottish guy last night while we were listening to the quintet at St Mark square. Dude lost his wife 2 years ago, and was there for their anniversary...heartbreaking stuff. He was really fun though, he'd tear up a bit talking about his Mary, but then transition to wanting to take the violin player home for a go...
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Pink eye. Touching pink eye. Awesome.


Live picture.
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-Never give much thought to my own birthday...never have. If it weren't for my wife/office girls/facebook, I'd probably even forget about it at some point. 37 though, thinking about that kinda makes me depressed a little. I know, I know, "just wait until you're..." But when you really start to think about it in terms of "3 more years and I'm 40, and not long after that will be downhill to 50"...ugh.

Still don't feel older than I did at 30, except for hangovers - so I guess that's good.

-Great NFL opener tonight....who's everyone like? Carolina is -3.

-Thought the back & forth between Cal & Billy Kennedy was great. That dude is a little weird.

-Anyone ever play around on or check Kickstarter? What a cool site/idea that was & is. Saw one from Louisville about some NodPod thing that is designed for airplane/car sleeping. I've never understood the Neck airplane pillow...who & how do those help anyone at all? They're awful. I use mine to hold onto in my lap.

Anyways, these people had a $20,000 goal and have already raised over $300,000. Looks pretty ridiculous honestly, but can't be any worse than the standard airplane pillow.

Site seems like something Joey would have considered at some point for one of his many ideas.
-Not surprising that a wannabe like Joey pimps Apple so much. Im a Samsung guy, have the S6 and the new smartwatch that I really like, but I cant badmouth Apple or Samsung. There is nothing an Apple phone doesnt do that I do on a daily basis that my Samsung cant do. And vice versa. However, there is a reason that Samsung smokes Apple in the world market share, and has for some time now. Its a better, more reliable piece of technology.

- Does any male you know celebrate and bring attention to their birthday more than BBDK. Going to the DR for my birthday! Buying a new house for my birthday! Going to dinner 6 times for my birthday! Christ, bub, give it a rest. We get it, its your birthday today. We all have one every year, too.

-Put a $100 on the Bengals to win the Super Bowl at +1500 last night. They're due.

I just sent Helicopter Pilot A-Dub a year's subscription to Source, a carton of menthols, some Axe Body Spray, a visit to Jeff's Car Wash, a bootlegged Skull Duggery album, an electric blue button down, three white ties, a dozen Head Blades, some CLEAN gameday UK shirts, a great insurance lead, a discount code for Two Men and a Truck, some nose spray, a clean digital copy of Run Through, a pair of 36-26 jeans, a gas station bought bucket hat and sunglasses, a liter of purple drank, the Touchtone Terrorist movie on DVD, 120,000 airline miles, a new pocket pussy, and one way ticket to a tropical destination.

Wrong guy?
Last week college football touted Saturday as being the greatest opening weekend ever. This week there are zero games among ranked teams, the slate is pure shit. Cant wait to watch Clemson vs Troy and FSU vs Charleston Southern!!!! What a Saturday its going to be!!!!
-Great NFL opener tonight....who's everyone like? Carolina is -3.
Think Cam overplays trying to make up for not giving it his all in the SB as his detractors said.

Broncos come ready to celebrate with the fans a la Seahawks/Packers opening game a couple years ago.
- "Atlanta" is pretty solid thus far. Donald Glover (Childish Gambino) stars in a gritty show about a rapper trying to make it big on the streets of ATL. It's much more "Hustle & Flow" or even "Friday" than "Empire."

- I miss @assistbyhawkins.

- Since '87, UK is 1-57 against Florida and Tennessee.

- Just picked up a pair of these:


- I love September recruiting season. :sunglasses:

- I just plain love September...besides the sun always being in your eyes.

- If you're not a Bengals fan, that's actually not a bad bet at those odds. Loaded everywhere but receiver.

- Plan on jumping to Direct TV sooner than later. It will be half of what I pay with Time Warner. HALF. Thoughts?

- Natalia Imbruglia- now THAT was a babe.
^ have the same ones I believe, polarized, but they are foldable. Pretty wodie.


-DirecTV is fine, but it won't be HALF for long, bub -- so enjoy. Then, enjoy your quarterly phone call to them threatening to cancel after it jumps again and again and again and again.
This whole clown sighting thing going on in North Carolina is creepy as hell and at the same time fascinating. I mean wtf North Carolina? It's causing people to go crazy evidently.

The latest sighting occurred on Tuesday, when a man brandishing a machete chased a clown into the woods near an apartment complex in Greensboro, North Carolina, police said. The person, who was wearing a scary clown mask, red curly wig, yellow dotted shirt, blue clown pants and clown shoes, ran back into the woods and disappeared from view, according to police.
This whole clown sighting thing going on in North Carolina is creepy as hell and at the same time fascinating. I mean wtf North Carolina? It's causing people to go crazy evidently.

The latest sighting occurred on Tuesday, when a man brandishing a machete chased a clown into the woods near an apartment complex in Greensboro, North Carolina, police said. The person, who was wearing a scary clown mask, red curly wig, yellow dotted shirt, blue clown pants and clown shoes, ran back into the woods and disappeared from view, according to police.

Sounds like hysteria caused by a child's imagination.
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