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The next St. X non-golfing product that lives up to the hype will be the first.

I'd happily jump to a Samsung S7 Edge, but I'm just not comfortable with Android's app store, and that people say Android phones seem to get glitchy pretty quickly.
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I have my ratty pair of ironman earphones that actually stay in my ears when I exercise and they're plug in. Bluetooth headphones just don't feel right to me.

So suck it, Apple.
Oh look, it's dickdangler with the t-shirt joke again. Dude it was not funny the 1st or the 84th time...
Once again, for the mentally retarded (i.e. YOU, catfag), it was never intended to be funny. Rather, it serves as a reminder of how f--king sad you truly are -- as if anybody in the Paddock needed a reminder.
- We broke the UT streak in front of about 30K with a QB playing WR in the most anti-climactic, unimaginable way possible. We ran 2 plays and scored 10 points . . . and won! I mean, you couldn't dream that scenario into reality. As a matter of fact, the whole game doesn't even seem real or like it was played in some alternate dimension. Sometimes I even forget that Roark was a real player here. He sort of even looked like a "Create A Player" off of a video game. We were too ready to fire Joker to fully appreciate it, I believe.

With that said, might as well snap the Florida streak down in the swamp this Saturday. Would make about as much sense, probably. Maybe Blake Bone can run the Wildcat? And then we can get back to hating Stoops as we lose out to the rest of the SEC schedule.

- My children are old enough now to really soak in everything they hear me say. I make a concentrated effort to never curse in front of them. They think my wife (who is a much better person than me) curses more, which is not true at all, but she will let little stuff slide in front of them and I giggle every time she does. These good habits have spilled over into my profession as well. When I use language in-game or in the locker room, I keep it fairly PG - maybe PG13. But I never use GD or F-bombs (except once last year and it was well deserved). Now that my son is old enough to be on the bench fetching water, I will scale it back even more. I need some new vocabulary like "dingbat." Would the Brits get mad if I incorporated "bloody" as a substitute for "'touchin'"? Goshdangit is already fully operational.

- Along those lines, my mother hardly ever said cuss words when I was a kid. When she did, it was something very PG. Her go-to cussword was to call someone a "little shitass" when they really deserved to hear it! Cracks me up. She would never call them an "asshole" or "smartass." No, no. That wasn't classy. So "shitass" it was.

- No matter how much I clean up my language, give me a guys-only weekend with my buddies and I'm using f-bombs for every part of speech in the English language by Saturday afternoon. Have to catch myself when I return to reality.
<----------- the worst at cussing around kids, and having to immediately apologize to the parents. :flushed: I'm getting better at it b/c of the frequency at which I'm around kids now w/ all my buddies, but it's a constant battle. Hopefully I'll have it down before all these little crew babies are old enough to understand/repeat any of it.

Usually even drop an instintive "Shit" after the primary cussword has slipped and I've realized my mistake, which makes it worse.


shit, my bad
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Apple AirPods are stupid, funny-looking, ill-conceived, impractical and ridiculously expensive.

Which means my wife will buy them as soon as is humanly possible.

The Android market sucks and the phones have glitches? Ok. Can still plug is ear buds and wait in line at the Apple store every time something goes wrong. Sloots had way more trouble with that thing than I have.
No headphone jack is bullshit. Don't really care what anyone says. It's about greed, and that's essentially it. Probably still get an iPhone though because I don't mind Bluetooth headphones, never charge while I'm listening to headphones, and I just don't want to deal with switching operating systems, switching over my music, Android's App Store, and their bloat ware.

Feel free to call me an idiot asshole though, Android and Apple fan boys.
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What's the the problem with cuss words? I always get a good laugh when other people's children cuss.

Always felt like when it came time to joking on each other as kids, those that had parents that didn't cuss were too sensitive and would start crying.
I still have a Galaxy Note II, but I have a 3-day battery for it. Can't beat it. I'm sure they have those for the later models.

The rest of my family has iPhones. What I hate about Apple, for starters, is they basically say F-U to their customers by (a) making them buy a new power cord every time they upgrade to a new model; and (b) being closed-source ecosystem and not playing well with others.

F that noise. Life's too short, need to enjoy the ride.
The Android market sucks and the phones have glitches? Ok. Can still plug is ear buds and wait in line at the Apple store every time something goes wrong. Sloots had way more trouble with that thing than I have.
That sounds like operator error.

My wife and I have never had a Apple Store level problem and we've had them continuously since 3G.
I still have a Galaxy Note II, but I have a 3-day battery for it. Can't beat it. I'm sure they have those for the later models.

The rest of my family has iPhones. What I hate about Apple, for starters, is they basically say F-U to their customers by (a) making them buy a new power cord every time they upgrade to a new model; and (b) being closed-source ecosystem and not playing well with others.

F that noise. Life's too short, need to enjoy the ride.
They've launched 15 iPhones and changed the power cord once.

The closed ecosystem has clearly won out already.
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Someone should call or email to ask about renting a Shame Shack for the NM State game the Thursday before the game. See what the going rate is then. Didn't they start out at $8000/game or $50,000 for the season? I'm curious as to just how cheap these things will get by the end of the season.
As someone who set his phone to some kind of simplified mode recommended by LadyCats for old people who don't know how to use apps (and prefers it!), I am not a reliable source.

But that said, do people still use itunes to buy music? I pay $10 and change a month for spotify and I am almost always around wifi. Why would I care about protecting my music collection when I can pull up almost any song ever made with my magic black rectangle in my pocket at almost any moment?

Seems pointless.
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I would like to see if there is any media story in existence regarding any team ever coached by Coach K, Cal, Saban, Izzo, Belichick, etc. has ever had a players only meeting.

I'm sure they have happened for those guys, but I can never recall them being leaked to the media.
Any good recs for bluetooth headsets?

I need something that has good voice and sound quality, isn't constantly f***ing up, and (preferably) isn't so tiny that I lose it constantly but isn't so big that I look like more of a putz than necessary.
I'm into year 2 with my S5 active, still holding up pretty well. It's definitely different than an iphone, which is one of the things I like most about it.
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You know that story about how Eddie "make your coochie laugh" Gram or whatever set Barker straight with his "your brand stinks kid blabla blabla" *rolleyes*.

1. Wish John Vincent would roll up in the practice faculty one day, knock the ice cream cones out their hands, unplug the xbox, and learn them something about their "brand". He's the only person at this school with a clue.

2. Eddie, wtf are you?

3. Drew, transfer, kid. You want no part of this brand.
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