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- I've pretty much liked every medium-to-large sized city I've ever been to...besides Dayton, Ohio.

- No way Cal accepts a commit unless the dude will be eligible. He's not going to cost himself Bamba for a pipe dream.
Jana Kramer is unreal. Never made the FNL connection. I'm re-watching now from the start, can't wait.

She got the boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

-ukguy has been to 127 countries, including 90% of the middle east (for pleasure, mind you) but never Italy? LOL. Flights there must have been too short, or premium cabins too limited. [eyeroll] #weirdowhobasestravelsonthelongestflightpossible
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Let's see- go to Europe or just visit Boston 10x for the same amount of $$$...

I think you know my answer.
Not gonna lie, Europe isn't cheap. Actually made the same comment to the lass, could have done 4 Caribbean vacations for what this one has cost...but if you've never been Chadrach, it's worth seeing.

And Pti could have hiked 10 mountains and stayed in hostels.
Noelle thought she was all that and knew all about football recruiting because her older brother played college ball. But Smash's mom saw right through her bullshit. As she always did.
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Had 2, same trip, but hardly anything to write home about and really pretty random. The other trips never even the slightest trouble and they really go out of their way in most places. Much like I assume we do when they come over.

1. Ferry from Dublin to Liverpool, we missed the one we booked because we went to the wrong port so we end up boarding the next one at like 1 am. We're sitting/laying around/being miserably 5 day binge hungover on the top deck and talking with 3-4 Irish kids at 3a. Had to be 18 maybe. All is well, they keep saying "Michael Jackson" and laughing. I assume they were making fun of us. They continue to get drunk so whatever. Then they start asking questions and daring us to do stuff. We're like, "alright guys we're exhausted and heading to the seats to rest." Next thing I know one of the little bastards has gotten a razor(shaving) and is attempting to shave firecrackercats eyebrows. FCC was asleep but at this point in life he is probably 225 and not much fat. So he jumps up about ready to bop one of them. Bar tender watches it all go down and has security take them to the other side of the boat and gave us a round of booze. He was damn close to making it though, which I assume would have lead to a really bad scene.

2. Like 2 days later sitting at a pub in Amsterdam this old drunk walks up and ask if we voted for George Bush, Patrick answered, "Yes". Then starts cussing us out. Most random thing ever.
Noelle thought she was all that and knew all about football recruiting because her older brother played college ball. But Smash's mom saw right through her bullshit. As she always did.

Ballsy move by Coach Taylor walking onto that practice field and getting Smash a chance to walk-on. Top 5 Eric Taylor move right there.
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Let's see- go to Europe or just visit Boston 10x for the same amount of $$$...

I think you know my answer.

Europe can be done very reasonably...especially for a Chad who doesn't care about fine dining, extra silly expenses, fancy hotels, etc. Bad call, you'd worship Europe, especially Ireland (I'm assuming, never been) and London.

Take out 1 credit card at the right time and there's your flight. Hotels can be as cheap as you're willing to go or sacrifice room.

We went hardcore, and didn't "spend" any more per day than we do in NYC, Nashville, Chicago, or anywhere else. We waste money in America on hotels, overpriced cocktail bars, and whatever silly restaurants & steakhouses I've researched, but that's not an issue over there if you're trying to stay with the "local" experience, which we did. We had free telly/airfare to work with, but just sayin. It's not bad at all, and wouldn't be for you, especially.
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Europe can be done very reasonably...especially for a Chad who doesn't care about fine dining, extra silly expenses, fancy hotels, etc. Bad call, you'd worship Europe, especially Ireland (I'm assuming, never been) and London.

Take out 1 credit card at the right time and there's your flight. Hotels can be as cheap as you're willing to go or sacrifice room.

I was being facetious.
Flights there must have been too short, or premium cabins too limited.

Ireland, England, France (x2), Monaco, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Turkey, Germany (x3), Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary... some of which were actually in coach.
Can't imagine anyone who enjoys seeing new things NOT having a ball in Europe. I always envisioned them disliking Americans, but in my experience it's been the exact opposite, especially in England. Had numerous Brits go out of their way to help us out whilst touring over there.
Peyton Manning, of all people, commenting last night about Anne Coulter winning the Kentucky Derby was one of the more random things to happen at that roast of Rob Lowe.
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We used Eurodestinations for the booking. Included flight and 4*hotels. They have been pretty nice honestly. But yeah, double that for the daily expenses unless you want to be eating sidewalk sandwiches every meal. Which are nice, but come on. Us fats want to eat.
I'll defend Godby to an extent. I don't necessarily agree with his calling out of the fans, but you have to remember where he's coming from. The guys on the team, especially the older guys who are the majority of those seeing playing time, are his friends. This isn't Kentucky Football in the abstract. This is the fans walking out on and criticizing some of his best friends. Not only that, but friends who are undoubtedly experiencing the same shitty things he experienced in 2012.

Godby is too close to the subject matter. The old saying any lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client comes to mind. Godby can't separate his own personal experience and personal feelings from the subject matter. Unless it's just a 'behind the scenes' look or experience, it's probably a good idea for former players to stay away from stuff like this until all the guys they actually played with are no longer on the team.
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Which is another reason Europeans may go home thinking American bartenders/servers are surly. They need to study up like you said you did big fella.
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