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Picked these up this weekend at Fresh Market. Basically, Ranch Doritos. How jalapeno and lime equal ranch, no clue, but they do.
The nice thing is, this year there are not as many days between each game during Camp John.

Ya noticed we have a game every week which is great, last year we had a couple week break that was pretty much awful. Plus it gives Cal less time to screw something up during Camp Cal where everyone regresses and looks worse.
We finally get to play Texas A&M at home again.

Those two games following Camp Cal in 15 we looked like we forgot how to play basketball.
Ayton's announcing today?

Welp. Guess he's off the list, Guy never even visited campus, I don't think.
Seeing "false" pop up randomly in life is one of my hat toboggans.

Can't think of what it is, DirecTV maybe? But there is some error code that pops up in my life a few times per year that says FALSE. Cracks me up every time, usually enough that I forget what I'm supposed to be frustrated about.

Also, the first word on our 'Atari' game plugin that we got several years ago on the Hangman game was 'False'. Amazing story I know, but it was a pretty special moment.

UKO should have retired after that.
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When all else fails, predict Kentucky. It's been a fairly safe play the last few years.
Eurotrip coming to an end soon. Venice is amazing, highly recommend.

Some thoughts...

Most Spanish and Italians like Americans. We spend a ton of money here, and the majority are polite and courteous. Sure, there are some asshats, but most people that put forth the effort are endeared. Make an attempt to speak their language and they usually respond in pretty good English.

That being said, they flat out don't like the mooslims or the blacks, and they don't even try to hide it. You should see the looks they get from the soldiers patrolling the piazza with machine guns.

It's always a little sad when every vacation comes to an end. I guess for me it's depressing knowing that I'm trading in incredible sights and architecture for the hole and UK football. Instead of offering world class cuisine and sophistication, my Italians will now be overpriveliged blue Prada wearing skinny armed twats.

Maybe the Europeans will want to come tour the booming shipping container homes one day...

God damnit.

Buona sera.
Granted I am WAY off the recruiting tip, I thought it was basically assumed by everyone Ayton would never play college ball and Kansas was the only one half-assed recruiting him.
I didn't have a single negative experience as a tourist in Europe, even with the MEANIE Parisians, as far as personal interactions are concerned. Did the minimum research on greetings & salutations, acted like a normal respectful, excited, & curious human, and it was golden.

I also don't have them in New York, or other places that are apparently judgmental, mean, assholes, etc... at least compared to the Southern Hospitality we all grew up on.

Just be a cool person, or at the very minimum ---> not a dbag, and you're gonna be fine most anywhere. At least that's my experience. People make shit way too complicated sometimes.
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If you consistently encounter rude people just about anywhere in the civilized world, there is a high probability that you are just a huge dork asshole and everyone recognizes it immediately. Has nothing to do with their culture or lifestyle. They just dont want to deal with *you*

Ayton is KU bound folks. Think that has been decided for awhile.

So this country singer Jana Kramer- who also played Smash's girlfriend Noelle on FNL, was on some radio show going on about being a single parent and whatnot- and after minimal research- i found that she has 3, count em, 3 failed marriages. Was married in 2004, divorced later that year. Married in late 2010, divorced early 2011, and married in 2015 and just recently separated from some NFL guy bc hes back in rebab. Man. Smash was right to cut bait and get out.
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- Pick'm- Allie LaForce v. Sam Ponder

- Who knows with Ayton. No way Cal accepts a commit unless he can play. He's not going to hurt his position with Bamba unless he's a sure thing.

- Agree with BBdK on people.
Chase Sapphire Reserve card arrived [smoke]

Envious. Wife and I are sitting at about 22/24 & 25/24 respectively, so I haven't entertained the idea of applying.

Never been to Italy. It's on the list, but will require a trip pretty much on its own.

AT&T cell service in the arboretum lot sucks worse than our second half performance.

That Ole Miss game on 12/29 is enticing, and good opportunity to hit one of the four SEC basketball road trips I'm missing (Bama, Auburn & Arkansas).
Never been to Italy. It's on the list, but will require a trip pretty much on its own.

Yeah, it's it's own trip for sure. Had been to Rome previously, but Florence and Venice are a must. Driving to Ferrari was a bucket list for me.

Next time will do Naples and the Amalfi coast. Sicily and Malta sound dope too.
I've also never had a rude experience in my European travels. The rudest people I saw were from Texas. They were the very definition of "ugly Americans," berating the waiter because they didn't get their check as quickly as they wanted. If they had done any research whatsoever, they would've realized that when you sit down at a table in Europe, the expectation is that you intend to be there a while. It's not the stuff-their-face-and-flip-the-table culture of the US.

The absolute friendliest were the Irish, with the Italians a close second. I haven't been south of Rome, but I've heard that the people in southern Italy are even friendlier than in the north. Amalfi Coast is definitely on my to-visit list.
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