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This is a pretty popular look in Venice. Must be wedding season.

You could wrap both of those jackets around you, and it would still be a tight fit.

F'ing American tourist.
Pathetic. He responds quite differently to anyone/everyone else who says exactly the same thing - it's his entire reason for existing online, even. He's a joke.

[laughing] at UKO responding like this to someone other than a select outspoken Christian he happens to know.

You're a great, great, person and humanitarian in Lexington. I don't necessarily agree with your side, but you have every right to voice an opinion however you choose. If you are that upset about it, please meet me for lunch and express your cares in person.
I love winning more than anyone, but we need to look at the heart. It’s a game played by college students. The sun still rises, and life goes on.

If it doesn’t matter who wins or loses, then what in the hell is that scoreboard doing up there?

We here at the University of Kentucky do not wish to merely participate in sports. Rather, we wish to be successful in sports. Basketball without victory has little meaning.

Adolph Rupp
If it's "just a game" then why be concerned when people give up on a disappointing product? If it's "just a game" why should we spend time, money, and effort watching a sub-par version of the game?
When have we, the fans, become the emperor watching gladiators and people beneath us compete only for our entitled amusement? Can we remember these are eighteen to twenty-three year olds? Are we truly going to let something that happens on a painted, plastic field dictate our happiness and joy in life? I love winning more than anyone, but we need to look at the heart. It’s a game played by college students. The sun still rises, and life goes on.

It's only "just a game" because you f*cking suck at it. If you were good, you'd expect to be treated like Gods, be above the law, and have everyone kissing your ass at every turn. Many of these players are living like kings compared to their fellow college students. And coaches, absolutely f*ck those guys. You want to tell me it's about getting a participation ribbon, throwing a ball around with your buddies, and eating ice cream sandwiches after practice? Then maybe coaches should be paid as day care workers, or camp counselors, and not as CEOs of multimillion dollar corporations. Maybe football shouldn't be a scholarship sport at UK.

That letter right there, he can stick that straight up his ass. UK fans have experienced the fan equivalent of being kicked in the dick, shit on, punched in the asshole, set on fire, and water-boarded for DECADES. The fans do not owe a single player, coach or administrator affiliated with this team ONE GOD DAMN THING.

And as for UKO, STFU about UK sports. This is not your home.

That's fine if you don't want the pressure, but don't come to play in the SEC. Go take a full ride in the MAC. You won't have to deal with message board posters and people losing their shit because you just lost again.
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UKO identifying himself with Christianity is almost enough to make me renounce it.
Just pick another variety. It's like when you get those packages of little cereal boxes. OK, so you see the weird kid half heartedly munching on Apple Jacks while trying to get covert upskirt shots in the junior high lunchroom. Get some Frosted Flakes and you're not associated with him, really.
No doubt you're referring to my thoughtful, objective, focused, concise take. You are welcome to steal it.
Les Miserables would make a great title for a coffee table book documenting the history of UK football.
There will be a couple of games this season where we score on consecutive drives to get back into a game, and then the opposing OC will go back to the run, using as much clock as they want to and ultimately punching in a death blow touchdown to deflate any and all hope.

That is the death we deserve, unfortunately. Slow, painful, and inevitable. There is a scene in Saving Private Ryan that depicts this, where Adam Goldberg's character is stabbed in the heart by the German.
And we are all the little bitch sitting at the bottom of the step just listening, knowing what's happening
When it's back up and running, the GYERO Sports Bar will be known throughout the land as THE place to go for the hottest sports and life takes around. It'll be the anchor piece of the Hole development, really. Hot takes, cold drinks, full spread, the works, really.

And I expect a return to glory for the GYERO golf outing as well. Really think we worked the kinks out on that one.
- Had a great Saturday until the second half of the football game, obviously. Pulled the veteran move of leaving at half and watch the rest of that shit show while drinking more.

- Humphries, Wynyard, and SKJ were all at our tailgate for about an hour before the game. Funny seeing 3 near 7 footers try to huddle in a little tailgate tent to get a drink. All were pretty cool guys though.

- Standing in line at the student gate to get in, saw touching Jonny David cut about 300 people and try to mosey his way to the front. What an asshat. I would allow my boys Bam, DeAaron, and Malik do that, but certainly not Jon F. David.

- One of our friends got hit by a car, I guess while he was drunkenly crossing the street. He fled the scene, of course. Just had a really bloody elbow from drilling the pavement afterwards. Was pretty funny TBH

- Same buddy works at Allsports in Lexington and they get pictures of a lot of the UK gear that they're selling. They got pictures of the basketball jerseys today. I'm not allowed to post them, but they're certainly not great. Not much different than last year's, but there's gonna be checkerboard piping on the side. He also said we've got an awful alternate, so that's something.
Tried Diet Coke Lime today for the first time. Actually the very first time I've been able to drink an entire Diet Coke, since they usually taste like pure unfiltered bile. It was better than UK Football, so I'll give it that.
-So a player wrote an open letter or a scribe? I'm missing something, assume it is someone I have blocked.

-Nola crew already trying to play the, "I just want to go down and have a good relaxing time." I just responded, "No. If you wanted a good relaxing time you should have picked somewhere other than NOLA. We're going to crush it and have good clean, safe, legal fun, but you will be extremely hungover Monday so don't even f*cking start with me." Great thing about the WC is this never has to be clarified, it's just assumed.

-No better feeling that rolling by a long line at Starbucks to pick up your mobile order and out the door before it even closes. [smoke]
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