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We absolutely have the most garbage apparel of any team in sports. Truck stops would be embarrassed to stock half the shit I see online.
As someone who spent four years living in the Columbus, OH area I will disagree that we are singularly the worst.
I DID watch the entire second season of Narcos, however. Damn, what a great show that is. Plenty of storylines to keep the thing going, but will miss Pablo's character. Wonder if they will still incorporate him via backstories and flashbacks, ala Danny of Bloodline? Hope so.
He's done with the character he said. So doesn't sound like any flashbacks unfortunately. Don't blame him though, can't imagine carrying around 40 extra pounds for 2 years to do that. Glad it looks like Narcos will keep rolling though.
Pittsburgh rundown (much needed AND well timed getaway)...

PNC Park - Wow. That's one awesome place. The best of the newer style ballparks, just ahead of AT&T Park and Camden Yards. I won't rank it against Wrigley or Fenway, which deserve their own category. Everything about the place is perfect. Not a bad seat in the house...we sat in several sections. Even the high seats aren't very high. A very intimate feel to the place. Overwhelming food selections. Super wide concourses, with views of the field while you are walking around. Cool area in right field that puts you right on the field behind a fence under the seats. And the views...the Roberto Clemente Bridge and downtown...they nailed it. A+.


Strip District/Mt. Washington/Cathedral of Learning/Forbes Field - Pittsburgh is a pretty city. Cool markets and neighborhoods, great views. I always had this image of Pittsburgh as "industrial", but they've cleaned the place up big time. All of the waterfront areas are developed and accessible. I really enjoyed the Cathedral of Learning and Forbes thing. I was trying to recreate this photo, but couldn't get out on the balcony...we did make it to the 36th floor however. And the kids really enjoyed seeing the Forbes Field Outfield Wall.


Oakmont - Looks amazing through the fence. Place is beyond plush.

Snackdown - We ate a lot of pierogies and meat. Boat would approve.

Fallingwater - This was a bucket list item, and easily one of the coolest things I've ever visited. Given my background, this makes sense...but even the family was blown away. Just an amazing place. Even if you don't like Frank Lloyd Wright stuff, seeing this beautiful home and how it sits in the forest...unreal. I would recommend this visit to anyone. 5 Star Item.


I took the Fallingwater photo yesterday afternoon. The place is beyond beautiful.
Is there a lamer, more cliche journalistic device than a F'ing open letter? I don't care if you played for UK or not. I don't want to hear it. F'ing open letter. Just write a GD article or blog post if you want. Spare me the open letter.
Is there a lamer, more cliche journalistic device than a F'ing open letter? I don't care if you played for UK or not. I don't want to hear it. F'ing open letter. Just write a GD article or blog post if you want. Spare me the open letter.

And you got a full scholarship to attend a great university. STFU.
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* Open letter's definitely are the worst. I didn't read the one you speak of but I'm guessing it is full of self-importance, grandstanding and tons of over-generalization.

* Thought Tressel would have been a solid hire last time around... then again, I thought Stoops was a fairly solid hire as well. And I'm pretty sure we could trot out Nick Saban and would still suck. The program is what it is and I'm really not certain coaching is going to change that.

* Always a fan of coming into the office with 4-day old chicken still hanging out in the garbage can.
I wish Great American had it's outfield the view of the Cincinnati skyline.

That shirt is awful. But it looks like something a family member would buy me as a gift and then wonder why they never see me wearing it.

Watching Ole Miss, it has become obvious that we need to cheat like crazy. We'll get caught eventually, but it'll be awesome until we do.

Com'on this is Kentucky Football we are talking about. We couldn't even cheat correctly.
* Yes, #1 on my wish list is someone with actual head coaching experience. I wouldn't mind going older with someone like Tressel or younger with someone like Brohm.

* Great seeing the crew. Extrav was excellent. Met Swimmer for the first time. Best lettuce on Gyero on it isn't even close. Like most of you assholes, top notch wife, too. Great dude.

* I usually love listening to that Sunday morning talk show on the drive home, but couldn't stomach it this week.

* Anth and AnthWhite were in a 1:30am argument about if Rihanna was top 5 material, or not. Our Anth was insisting she was, AW said he wouldn't turn her down but she wouldn't be in his top 25. I'm with AW on that one.

* Worst sore throat ever.

* I want to not care about UK football, but I can't. I woke up in the middle of the night last night pissed off about getting blown off the damn ball by a CUSA team with 2 new tackles.

I guess I need to buy some new blinds, have a coke and let the cake bake until it explodes in my face like Peter North.
-I've settled down a bit and back to reality. Stoops isn't going anywhere(and I guess he probably shouldn't at least at this point) and this is UK Football. Going to enjoy it for what it is the rest of the year. I'm never going to stop watching or caring so marcus just admit that.

-September Equinox is 22nd this year. 16 more days, y'all.

-Meals is still fat and a douchebag loser.

-Visit any Interstate gas station in the south and you'll quickly see we don't hold the #1 spot on awful gear.

-Lol when Bob talks about scrawny arms and soft bodies like he's hulk. #selfawareness

-Do not remember that conversation but I LOVE Rihanna so, I win.

-I like when Swimmers wife smacks him around. You can tell she's got full control of that marriage. Cool couple, glad they stopped in.

-Whatever allergen out there is wearing me out. Throat sore, head ache.

-Last night found myself not only rooting against the SEC but for F$U.

-Next week is B2BC week. Donate to Willy. Let's go!!
Tuesday Randoms:

- How about college football? Best sport going right now and it isn't even close.

- Of all the :confused:s in sports, LSU's inexplicable offensive issues every year is near the top.

- If we can get either, hell yeah, you take Les Miles or Jim Tressel. I mean, Tressel basically did the same thing Pearl did. His punishment is absurd, especially when you look at what programs like Miami and North Carolina.

- Great American Ballpark would've been better in the space where the casino is, where many wanted it originally. Schott HAD to have it on the riverfront. You could have Mt. Adams in the background and open to the skyline, have the bustling OTR neighborhood as a lead-in. Would be perfect.

- I don't know about Top 5, but I love Rihanna. Her body is ridic.

- I'm not so much an SEC Fan as I am a "F the Big 10/Big 12/ACC/etc" Fan.

- On the brightside, our Eastmates South Carolina, Mizzou and Vandy are all HORRIBLE, too, so we have that going for us.

- Gee what a shocker Clay Helton wasn't a good hire. I love when elite programs kneejerk a promotion hire so as not to ruffle the feathers of the players already there. I like to call that move "The Mike Davis." Top 5 job and they hire Clay Helton. smh

- If I'm calling the shots, I'll never go to another tapas restaurant ever again.

- The lass's family loved the Woodford tour and the horse country surrounding it. I bet they spent $200 at the gift shop.

- Well at the green age of 37, I will be living with a girlfriend for the first time by this weekend, as well as a cat and a golden retriever who is already 50 lbs 5-months in. God help me.:pray:
UK football is the golfer who walks to the first tee in a crisp Titleist hat, trendy Under Armour shirt, white belt, bag full of brand new clubs, playing a brand new ProV1, and proceeds to shoot 110, while telling you all day long he's really close to breaking 80 if he and his instructor can just get this last swing change ingrained.
Top 5 Streets To Live On As a UK Student:

1. Aylesford
2. Woodland
3. Transylvania
4. Rose
5. Grossvenor

Obviously, I'm biased toward the Euclid/Maxwell side of town. I lived on Waller for a semester and it was all right, but I love the feel of the other side of town.
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-In order to run the 3-4 we need a D-line that can occupy the OL and let the LBs run free. We don't have that. Why not go to a 4-3 and ask our line to attack? Our guys have a hard time maintaining the two gap responsibility and damn sure cant make plays while doing so. Get another DE in there and get them moving downhill. It's torture to get beat 7 yards at a time on simple off tackle plays. If it doesn't correct itself Kiffin may let DHarris run for 250 on us.

-Barker showed some things but the reality is if we're actually going to win this year we have to run the ball a helluva lot more than we did Saturday for no other reason than to keep our D off the field. As disappointed with the effort to do that as the D-line. Well, almost.

-JD Harmon lined up beside Quentis Cumby his freshman year.

-Just sad right now. Not even mad. Which makes me mad.
Lex Ave is an underrated spot. Close to everything but low key enough to where parties never got busted. Plus the walk to Rupp on gameday was a straight shoot.
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Anth's arm envy never fails. You've always had little twigs, even as Fanth.

First time getting rain on the trip, gondola ride postponed till tomorrow. Fortunately found this little gem that made the best buffalo mozzarella I've ever had.

Ah Venice.
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UK football is the golfer who walks to the first tee in a crisp Titleist hat, trendy Under Armour shirt, white belt, bag full of brand new clubs, playing a brand new ProV1, and proceeds to shoot 110, while telling you all day long he's really close to breaking 80 if he and his instructor can just get this last swing change ingrained.
You forgot the part where he shits all over himself on the first tee and then walks around with congealed poop in his pants for the next 3-4 hours.
Top 5 Streets To Live On As a UK Student:

1. Aylesford
2. Woodland
3. Transylvania
4. Rose
5. Grossvenor

Obviously, I'm biased toward the Euclid/Maxwell side of town.
Pretty accurate, though my time on State St was memorable as well. The walk to class was a bit longer though. We had a walkout roof at our house on State- which was awesome for sitting out on and watching chaos unfolding below. This was before people randomly burned things.

Went furniture shopping over the weekend looking for a new couch for *my* room (sun room/den on back of the house). Ended up getting a couch... and of course a ton of other shit we werent really shopping for, including new dining room chairs because my wife up and sold the old ones on some facebook yard sale type site. Of course the new furniture had to match the 5ft by 3ft vintage canvas painting of a Parisian landscape that my wife also brought home recently.

Just about finished rehabbing the rental house. At this point there is no worse job on the planet than painting. I will burn the house down before I paint another wall.

BMW tournament in Indy on Sunday. Was going to watch the UK/UF game with some pals on Saturday but I think we may go paint balling or ride go-karts instead.

Chase Sapphire Reserve card arrived [smoke]
Maxwell after midnight is a pretty good place to get murdered now. No clue why there's been multiple murders there in the last couple years because the area is still basically the same.
<stream of consciousness>
I haven't settled down in the slightest. As a matter of fact, I think I'm even more pissed now than I was Saturday night. 58-0 in the second halves of the last two games??? Seriously??? How in the hell??? I am sick to damn death of not having a defense worth a shit. EVERY. DAMN. YEAR. And Stoops, GFY with your "we're a good football team" crap. No, no we are not. "We're going to go back to work...we just need to execute." S.T.F.U. Wait 8 damn months for college football to return and it takes UK 3 hours to crap all over themselves and remind me how futile being a UK football fan is. I don't even have the heart or stomach to analyze the game beyond "we suck...again." There's your damn postmortem. I'm going to be a touching EMCC fan. Go Lions!
</stream of consciousness>
UK football is the golfer who walks to the first tee in a crisp Titleist hat, trendy Under Armour shirt, white belt, bag full of brand new clubs, playing a brand new ProV1, and proceeds to shoot 110, while telling you all day long he's really close to breaking 80 if he and his instructor can just get this last swing change ingrained.

So UK Football is Pope? I can see that.
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What bothers me the most is the lack of hope. If we knew he was about to be fired, we could get excited about a potential hire, and delude ourselves with fantastical possibilities. But he's not getting fired, we aren't getting better, and it's probably going to be after next year before there's even a chance he's gone.

Basically, with our current head coach, and with our current offensive and defensive lines, UK football is hopeless. The one thing that made being a UK football fan tolerable was having at least a shred of hope. With that gone, I expect a total fan bailout.

Draw the blinds, pull the car in, garage door down.
"In some respects, whether he knows it or not, Mark Stoops and I have been tied at the hip since he arrived in Lexington. We're not buddies, although I'm sure we'd get along. He's busy - a family, a job, high expectations. I'm busy - a family, a job, high expectations. Our paths don't really cross directly very often unless I'm asking him an occasional question in a post-game press conference. Or, over the summer, as when I almost bumped into him walking briskly through Commonwealth Stadium to cover his program's Sunday Night Lights' Camp. Though that's about the extent of my personal relationship with Stoops, if you can call it that, I'm sure if we sat down in a room for a few hours - no cameras, no microphones, just the two of us talking - we'd be able to relate quite well."

Rowland desperately needs to stick to updates on the Quin'Daviouses and Lonalds of the world.
What bothers me the most is the lack of hope. If we knew he was about to be fired, we could get excited about a potential hire, and delude ourselves with fantastical possibilities. But he's not getting fired, we aren't getting better, and it's probably going to be after next year before there's even a chance he's gone.

Basically, with our current head coach, and with our current offensive and defensive lines, UK football is hopeless. The one thing that made being a UK football fan tolerable was having at least a shred of hope. With that gone, I expect a total fan bailout.

Draw the blinds, pull the car in, garage door down.

Like, dislike, support or openly mock, this is the product Mitch has delivered. That is irrefutable.
Is there a lamer, more cliche journalistic device than a F'ing open letter? I don't care if you played for UK or not. I don't want to hear it. F'ing open letter. Just write a GD article or blog post if you want. Spare me the open letter.

Max Godby is a great, great, person and humanitarian in Lexington. I don't necessarily agree with his side, but he has every right to voice an opinion however he chooses. And I seriously doubt he cares if you are throwing out F bombs in regards to his letter. If you are that upset about it, meet him for lunch and express your cares to him in person.

Or here is a random out some $$ for tix and support the program. Not your style, I know, but just a thought. Might actually make you less obtuse.

There's an old saying that hell is the absence of hope. I think the absence of hope is more liberating when it comes to UK football, though. Lets you focus your energy on more fruitful pursuits. Like punching yourself in the dick.
There will be a couple of games this season where we score on consecutive drives to get back into a game, and then the opposing OC will go back to the run, using as much clock as they want to and ultimately punching in a death blow touchdown to deflate any and all hope.

That is the death we deserve, unfortunately. Slow, painful, and inevitable. There is a scene in Saving Private Ryan that depicts this, where Adam Goldberg's character is stabbed in the heart by the German.
When have we, the fans, become the emperor watching gladiators and people beneath us compete only for our entitled amusement? Can we remember these are eighteen to twenty-three year olds? Are we truly going to let something that happens on a painted, plastic field dictate our happiness and joy in life? I love winning more than anyone, but we need to look at the heart. It’s a game played by college students. The sun still rises, and life goes on.

It's only "just a game" because you f*cking suck at it. If you were good, you'd expect to be treated like Gods, be above the law, and have everyone kissing your ass at every turn. Many of these players are living like kings compared to their fellow college students. And coaches, absolutely f*ck those guys. You want to tell me it's about getting a participation ribbon, throwing a ball around with your buddies, and eating ice cream sandwiches after practice? Then maybe coaches should be paid as day care workers, or camp counselors, and not as CEOs of multimillion dollar corporations. Maybe football shouldn't be a scholarship sport at UK.

That letter right there, he can stick that straight up his ass. UK fans have experienced the fan equivalent of being kicked in the dick, shit on, punched in the asshole, set on fire, and water-boarded for DECADES. The fans do not owe a single player, coach or administrator affiliated with this team ONE GOD DAMN THING.

And as for UKO, STFU about UK sports. This is not your home.
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