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If somebody seems to be running late for a connection, and makes that clear, I will gladly let them go if I am running well on time.

But I have been blocked in that situation by dick head Karen's in the past, so heck with it, screw everybody.
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There's some interesting airline norms that for some reason the airlines don't want to get involved in:
  1. Putting your seat back: Some people are very strict on this one in that they believe you should never put your seat back. My take on it has always been that after 9 PM to before 8 AM there's nothing wrong with it. And from 8 AM to 9 PM you should either a) ask or b) look back and if the person is sleeping it's okay. But a simple, "feel free to put your seat back, but as a courtesy ask the person behind you" during the safety announcements would go a long way in reducing some anger.
  2. Same thing goes for the post arrival rush to skip everybody and get to the front of the plane which was discussed above. Address that upon landing or something... say "we'll begin disembarking from the front of the plane; wait until your row is ready". That would at least give the farm animals and hobos a clue of what is supposed to happen.
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Yea. Eff you Wayne. All airplane seats should be anchored in. You must be 5'3"

The biggest mistake you can make on a plane is having a large carry on under the seat in front of you. If you do that - and especially if you are tall - you could easily be impacted by the person putting in front of you putting their seat back.

a) put your carry on above you in the overhead and put your feet under the seat in front of you... or
b) after takeoff put your carry on kind of under your legs and put your feet under the seat in front of you

This way your knees won't be impacted by somebody putting their seat back.*

* This doesn't apply to men who are 6'3 and above. But eff you guys anyway because (according to statistics) everything else in life is better for you when you're tall.
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HOT DISCRIMINATORY TAKE: I think obese people should have to pay for two seats on airplanes. Someone’s gunt spilling over into my space should not be a “me” problem.
I've bought the extra seat on Southwest at my fattest. That plane could be full to the brim minus that extra seat next to me, and they won't let a soul sit there since I paid for it. And when the trip is over, I get refunded the amount for the extra seat.

But 1st Class on all other airlines. GYERO rules, and such.

-Liv Tyler is an all timer for me, lordy.
Definitely. Her and Marisa Tomei are 1 and 1A the last 25 years running for me.
6’3 Lmao. Maybe if you were squeezed in between two vehicles with their pedals down.

I’m 5’11 in that scenario. 6’3 🤣

<—— has taken someone’s laptop bag/portfolio whatever from the overhead & handed it to them “gonna need you to put this under your seat for me please” on a full flight w/ no remaining space nearby, while putting my carry on above, as per flight attendant instructions to “please put small items under seat & reserve overhead…” they repeat 7x every board.

It was a mini-scene, but Would do again. Hopefully it’s Wayne next time.
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I'm a hair shy of 6'5" and my knees are crushed on the back corners of the seat in front of me for the entire flight unless I was able to snag an upgrade (fuh-q short assholes that grab them up).

As soon as the plane lands I'm standing so blood can start circulating through my legs again. I typically just crouch over where my seat is or ease out into the aisle a bit, but I'm not trying to bumrush the front of the plane.

If you are in front of me and lean your seat back you'll have to deal with the fact that my knees can't go anywhere else and you'll feel every move I make for the duration of the flight.
I have more appreciation for air travel and FA's after being a millimeter away from getting a felony for vaping in an airplane bathroom.

And I'm a tall dude, my seat is going back the very moment the FA's sit down to take off and it doesn't go upright until they tap on it. Not the least bit sorry for it at this point.

I've flown next to a woman that shat herself, I hovered ATL for 2 extra hours from Vegas with a massive dude crushing half my body, had some dude let his kid go hog f'ing wild to the point I had to roll some porn to get him to pull his dude back, had some guy almost have a breakdown because the FA said she didn't care his bag was to pilot specifications - it's getting f'ing checked, had a dude right next to me change his girl's shit-filled diaper and not take my 2-3 offers to move so they can go clean up and probably 10 more I've supressed so definitely not feeling bad about the ol' back feeling a tad better.

Check bag, find seat, OTE headphones, watch or listen to stuff, ignore life, grab bag, block aisle to let row off before the back, race home, have a beer and chill.
Feel for the big & tall, no doubt.

Repeat, but seeing Dan Issel sitting like row 20, WINDOW on Southwest, will never make sense to me.

He was early A group & chose that seat over endless aisle/exit options, and clearly had the means/reason to upgrade to 1st row if desired.


Spike Lee flies coach...not the size thing, of course, but the means to definitely go FC.
Feel for the big & tall, no doubt.

Repeat, but seeing Dan Issel sitting like row 20, WINDOW on Southwest, will never make sense to me.

He was early A group & chose that seat over endless aisle/exit options, and clearly had the means/reason to upgrade to 1st row if desired.

Hmm... I was on a Southwest Flight from PHX to SDF and Rex was on it (this was before his arrest). He also chose something like 20F.
I was on a connector flight (about 20 seats on the plane) with Shagari Alleyne one time. They let him board last and saved the front row on both sides of the isle for him (3 seats). He sat in the two seats on the right side with his feet in front of the seat on the left side. It was quite an interesting arrangement.
Longest non-stop flight?

Mine's just a tic over 17 hours.

DFW to Sydney.
San Fran to Singapore. Left at 11 PM on Friday and landed at 8 AM on Sunday. 16 hours in the air. Thank God for business class. Watched like 4 movies, slept for 8 hours, woke up ready to rock. No jet lag at all.

- I like Succession a lot but I don’t see it as an all-timer. Simmons and the Ringer crew, true to their microwave kneejerk roots, are putting it in the same class as Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Mad Men. I don’t see that. Wonderful plot and some good acting though.

- I think the drama that always gets slept upon in the GOAT discussion is Friday Night Lights, especially when you consider it basic turned a corner halfway through (East then West) yet continued to be outstanding. Those Saracen/Coach Taylor scenes (Coach taking him to the field late night to get him ready, Saracen getting drunk and telling Coach off) were as good as it gets. And then Vince and the West stuff was nearly as good. Also foretold a lot in prep football - the hyped QB transferring twice, etc. Especially for us sports snobs, very little was outrageous or didn’t pass the smell test.

- Every day since we bought the new house with a great deck/outdoor area, my 7-year-old golden retriever who’s never had much of an outdoor space and now spends 12 hours a day just laying on the deck, comes up to me, smiles and licks my leg as if to say, “thanks, dad.”

- I mention Gumballhead earlier in this very thread but perhaps Sierra Nevada Summerfest is actually the greatest summer brew.

- Speaking of Bama Rush, it immediately made me think of the most idyllic college scene I ever witnessed - it was April 1998 6 or so hours before Kentucky played Stanford, riding into Lexington to 70 degree weather, streets full of tan-legged lassies not stressed nor angry, dudes drinking Beast, everyone grilling out, people legit throwing frisbee and an electricity in the air so gelatinous you immediately got chills. We won that game when Reed’s old man curled off a couple screens, caught passes from Waybe Turner, didn’t look at the rim until he was 40” in the air and banged home some of the most clutch threes in Kentucky basketball history. He sat out his true senior season to hit those those F’ing 3s and when it was time, it was nothing but net.

- When people ask me what I do for a living, I don’t give them my actual job title. No, I say “I’m a storyteller and a thought leader.”
I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
I wanna like your post so bad. But I’m pretty close to putting Succession in that top tier category, even if it’s clearly behind the obvious goats. It’s worthy of a seat on an ALL SEC style first team, which has what, 8-12?

To me, the writing and especially casting is just elite. So Many classic scenes, it’s just hardcore tense drama masterfully sprinkled with timely dark humor. The score is also perfection.

It’s easily the best thing on Television going on 5 years, which in today’s landscape of endless options, is saying something. And they didn’t dick around. 4 seasons in 5 years, with at least 2 years (3?) dealing with Hollywood Covid. Jmo.

We’ll see how it ends…but I worship.

-FNL is timeless. Crazy to see what Michael P Jordan has become. He was basically a weird fill in to the storyline at the time, at least to start.

Kyle & Connie speak for themselves. My favorite (drama) show ever, overall. #TexasForever
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I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
I wanna like your post so bad. But I’m pretty close to putting Succession in that top tier category, even if it’s clearly behind the obvious goats. It’s worthy of a seat on an ALL SEC style first team, which has what, 8-12?

To me, the writing and especially casting is just elite. So Many classic scenes, it’s just hardcore tense drama masterfully sprinkled with timely dark humor. The score is also perfection.

It’s easily the best thing on Television going on 5 years, which in today’s landscape of endless options, is saying something. And they didn’t dick around. 4 seasons in 5 years, with at least 2 years (3?) dealing with Hollywood Covid. Jmo.

We’ll see how it ends…but I worship.
Me too
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- I like Succession a lot but I don’t see it as an all-timer. Simmons and the Ringer crew, true to their microwave kneejerk roots, are putting it in the same class as Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Mad Men. I don’t see that. Wonderful plot and some good acting though.
This is a good take and I can see DK’s take as well. It’s a top tier 2 show but just doesn’t feel like it’s had the volume to be up with those mentioned (which isn’t a knock). With that said, I’m absolutely jacked for the finale.

Some great shorts in that post.
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- Flew back from LGA Thursday of Derby week and Portnoy had the seat next to me. Dude was enveloped in his two phones the entire trip. Was both parts exhausting and impressive casual observe him text and post on social media the entire time, minus ascent to 10k ft.

Didn't want to be that guy so let him be but when the drink cart came by, offered to buy him a bourbon as a gesture of Kentucky hospitality. He declined, insisting he doesn't drink bourbon. K :rolleyes:

- No qualms stepping out in the isle to prevent the riff raff from pushing through everyone.

- 9/10 brown water aged in [insert seasoned barrel] is garbage and a marketing ploy to get consumers to buy young, unproven bourbon. Gussied up swill, if you will.

Maybe Krazy cracks the code and sticks the landing. If so, mazel mazel. Flagship distillers and proven brands is the preferred pour for El Baldo.

- Rhoback crushes the polo game.

- Memorial Tournament next Thursday in the company’s chalet. Gorgeous course. Impressive filed. Hitting up a few house saurezs along the perimeter, should be wodie.

- Bobby Axelrod's return to 'Billions' is the only thing that can revitalize that show. Like Logan Roy, Tony Soprano and Al Swearengen, that character is the embodiment of the series and dominates every scene.

- Going to attempt The Murph on Monday. Stupid. Worth it.

- Looks like the last mild weekend as we're in the 90's mid-week. Climb aboard the domesto train, head off to Cold One City and enjoy this Memorial Weekend Gyero!
- 9/10 brown water aged in [insert seasoned barrel] is garbage and a marketing ploy to get consumers to buy young, unproven bourbon. Gussied up swill, if you will.

Maybe Krazy cracks the code and sticks the landing. If so, mazel mazel. Flagship distillers and proven brands is the preferred pour for El Baldo.

Oh I agree 100%. I am hesitant on every finish because I don’t want to fall in that category. What’s worse is almost all of them are doing the same crap with the same MGP juice.

I can tell you Four Gate flat out has some of the best connections in the industry and that was their strategy from day one and they take their time and start with good stuff.

They are the exception. If Down Home makes it then it will be because this barreling contract I have in place that jumpstarts “my juice” as it is a custom Mash I selected and will the one I plan to keep for the long haul that hopefully keeps me out of the finishing game for the most part.

Bourbon - 75 corn 15 Rye 10Malted Barley

Wheated Bourbon- 60/30 wheat/10

Rye- 95/5 or 100% rye.

Not sure on the Rye and will probably source it as it’s the hardest to sell in every market so there is a gluten of it all over the market.

Anyway, until I can afford my equipment this contract is being produced by Craig Beam(28 years Heavenhill) and Terry Ballard(15 years Willet) with a guy overseeing it that has 27 years at Makers.

I can honestly say I’ve lost the excitement for this venture as the last 8 months has just taken its toll with work, personal life and maintaining any market significance while also pushing on the distillery.

But I’m in with the right people and my connections came when I needed them the most. Shit like this is THE example of why I think I’m doing right because things continue to happen out of the blue that keep me going like a sign.

I believe in higher powers but not sure I’d label it as “god” or what have that some are so for sure about. But something happens every time I need it exactly when it’s most impactful for me, and I could talk about that for hours about my last 5-6 years.

What a life! Enjoy the ride! Make the best of it because even what seems easy to some is hard to someone.
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Our almost 2 year old is still not sleeping through the night but we are going on an overnight trip to the Tampa zoo tomorrow. Staying at an embassy suites which has the separate bedroom but there is still a 98% chance she wakes us all up and keeps us up around 2am.

It’s been a nice ride if this is the end of it for me.
Feel for the big & tall, no doubt.

Repeat, but seeing Dan Issel sitting like row 20, WINDOW on Southwest, will never make sense to me.

He was early A group & chose that seat over endless aisle/exit options, and clearly had the means/reason to upgrade to 1st row if desired.

Possible explanation: I was an aisle guy for decades. Then I realized you don't *really* get extra room because if your body moves off the seat frame one inch, you get banged and bumped by FAs and others all flight, not to mention the stupid-ass, unnecessary drink cart.

Finally realized, window seat actually affords more room because you can scrunch your body up in between the seat frame and the side of the plane.

Just flew 10 hours in rare aisle seat and it again confirmed - window is 100% better and I'll never voluntarily choose aisle over window again.
Does anybody else get the felling that Cal is sabotaging this program just for spite?

…Nah, he’s too lazy for that kind of work.
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