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-Jackie Z leaving Olf Fo for Hidden Barn is still really odd. That first run of Hidden Bard is undrinkable. It makes the first batch of New Riff taste like King of Kentucky. Not joking when I say I'm pouring half a bottle out. As one of the most respected tasters in the game... she HAD to know that juice was terrible.

-Haven't even glanced at the program yet. Why would I? I've been shit the last couple years. Just gonna wing it.

-Played our worse game of the season last night. Just absolute disaster.

-Don't blame Dickinson at all. Go to a coach that knows how to use you correctly. Makes sense.

-Lot of Gyero babies popping out the last couple weeks. 'Grats to all.

-Really liked Ware. I get it, but a real bummer.

-Ok, Anth. Stick to the seltzers Saturday. Let's not stray into an all day brown water fest. Focus.
-point being: even the off-season is a slog for the fan base, it's joyless. I'll check in when the season starts...then if Cal holds form I will be disgusted and check back out til February...then get irrationally excited when the team shows a pulse and get suckered into thinking we have a shot in the tournament, and be disappointed *again*.

-go cats.
-point being: even the off-season is a slog for the fan base, it's joyless. I'll check in when the season starts...then if Cal holds form I will be disgusted and check back out til February...then get irrationally excited when the team shows a pulse and get suckered into thinking we have a shot in the tournament, and be disappointed *again*.

-go cats.
It’s fine, really.
Speaking of KSR, they've had him as a mortal lock to return since the moment the buzzer sounded in our KSU loss.
You have been a real piss mood for the last few months. Hope you get laid soon and feel better

I think most people felt like Lance was returning since he said when the season was over that he was returning. It would be hard to look a person in the eye as they are saying that and assume he is lying to you

I have no real connections with Cal but I do with some folks who were talking to Dickinson on the NIL front. They thought they had him after the visit. But the guaranteed NIL for Kansas won out. Not a shock I guess

I think this is how it’s going to be for next decade. We won’t really know until June who is on the team. Until there are some kind of guardrails, it’s the Wild West and you either play the game or not. I think Kentucky is going to be fine but the way we all went about this for a long time just doesn’t work anymore, both in recruiting and predicting what’s gonna happen
Losing a few bigs isn't going to be what kills us next year. We had/have a stable of bigs and always do. What will kill us is the same thing that's killed us since Cal has been here: a lack of guards, injuries and horrendous shooting heavily predicted by antiquated playstyles.

All that said, it's Hockey playoff season and they've been absolutely bonkers. Two times this week a player has scored 4 goals in a loss. Insanity.
Go look at any former college player who went overseas. They seldom play for the same team more than one year. I guess that’s gonna be college basketball now.
You have been a real piss mood for the last few months. Hope you get laid soon and feel better

I think most people felt like Lance was returning since he said when the season was over that he was returning. It would be hard to look a person in the eye as they are saying that and assume he is lying to you

I have no real connections with Cal but I do with some folks who were talking to Dickinson on the NIL front. They thought they had him after the visit. But the guaranteed NIL for Kansas won out. Not a shock I guess

I think this is how it’s going to be for next decade. We won’t really know until June who is on the team. Until there are some kind of guardrails, it’s the Wild West and you either play the game or not. I think Kentucky is going to be fine but the way we all went about this for a long time just doesn’t work anymore, both in recruiting and predicting what’s gonna happen
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Saw this in the tea leaves when Creighton outbid us for Baylor Scheierman… we give a package and potential, they come with a bag.

SPEAKING OF PISSY: f*ck Star Wars Day. They lost every bit of importance/credibility with Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks. Nerds.
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You have been a real piss mood for the last few months. Hope you get laid soon and feel better

I think most people felt like Lance was returning since he said when the season was over that he was returning. It would be hard to look a person in the eye as they are saying that and assume he is lying to you

I have no real connections with Cal but I do with some folks who were talking to Dickinson on the NIL front. They thought they had him after the visit. But the guaranteed NIL for Kansas won out. Not a shock I guess

I think this is how it’s going to be for next decade. We won’t really know until June who is on the team. Until there are some kind of guardrails, it’s the Wild West and you either play the game or not. I think Kentucky is going to be fine but the way we all went about this for a long time just doesn’t work anymore, both in recruiting and predicting what’s gonna happen

It definitely has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation/misinformation.
- weather
-Ok, Anth. Stick to the seltzers Saturday. Let's not stray into an all day brown water fest. Focus.
Shew, I don’t know. Couple of Miller Lite’s (gold medal winning true Pilsner) followed by a few pours of brown water on this ‘chamber of commerce day’ is hard to beat. Let it rip, buddy.
-Will is going to be #8 in Nashville. A bigger company is coming in with a multi-million dollar offer for Will. The catch is they won’t do it unless we let them buy us out of our NIL agreement / autographs owed. Not everything is about the almighty buck. After that draft, he deserves a big bag from a company that can do a lot with and for him. In addition, this is a big enough company they would just take him anyway.

-Get married next weekend. Heading to St.Lucia for the honeymoon. Have a bungalow in the water.

-Another attempted break in this week. This time he almost let the car drive off because he forgot to put it in park. The new front glass that won’t shatter stopped this dope.

-Son is packed up at UK and headed home for the summer. Kid didn’t know a soul on campus. It turned out pretty well. He loves UK baseball now too. I’m envious and proud that he gets to attend UK. I love that place.
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I think I found out why Netflix moved Mags wrestling show to August. Didn't want to go up against this:

They are definitely going to make some of these girls and the "southern sorority" experience look racist as f.
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Lance Ware great teammate, played with heart. No place on the UK roster.

Its not just the losses or real things to show for our basketball seasons we also have zero connection to any of these guys.

Give a shit. Spare me the off court BS win big next year or gtfo its real simple. I dont need the BS of facilities etc. You make 8m figure it the eff out.
Been holding off ordering his jersey until a number is announced. Interesting to hear the behind the scene story to the delay.
I like “It’s gonna be May.” It’s funny.
Honestly had ZERO idea what that meant or why people did it til I just asked my boy on IG the other day.

Why is it funny? Not being contradictory and my love of shitty pop is well documented so I’m honestly curious why it’s actually funny.
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You have been a real piss mood for the last few months. Hope you get laid soon and feel better

I think most people felt like Lance was returning since he said when the season was over that he was returning. It would be hard to look a person in the eye as they are saying that and assume he is lying to you

I have no real connections with Cal but I do with some folks who were talking to Dickinson on the NIL front. They thought they had him after the visit. But the guaranteed NIL for Kansas won out. Not a shock I guess

I think this is how it’s going to be for next decade. We won’t really know until June who is on the team. Until there are some kind of guardrails, it’s the Wild West and you either play the game or not. I think Kentucky is going to be fine but the way we all went about this for a long time just doesn’t work anymore, both in recruiting and predicting what’s gonna happen
you suk

end the curse
I appreciated Ware when he was used correctly, as a backup 5. The thought of a rotation at the 4/5 of Bradshaw/Ware and Ugo/Oscar clogging the lane for Wagner and Co. makes me cringe.

Quite frankly, I’m cool with missing HD and Oscar not coming back. I don’t give a crap what Bradshaw has been told, that dude needs to be our starting 5 and we desperately need a stretch 4 to fall out of the sky.
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