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We aren't travel sports people. Further, if you think I'm spending my summer weekends at some shitty ass recreational ball park with a bunch of travel sports people in the middle of nowhere, false.
Same. We have solid rec league options for baseball and basketball. I guess maybe if he gets better at CC but plan is similar to what we did. Rec league + School league + HS teams. If he makes the team that can advance to LLWS we'd obviously make an exception.

Soccer is a pussy sport.
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Oh it starts so innocently...

"Hey, your daughter is pretty good, would she like to practice with our little team and work on fundamentals?"
"Hey, we are a couple short for the tournament this weekend and have an extra jersey would she like to play?"
"Hey, we've upped practice to twice a week and have booked 3 tournaments in the next four weekends, I'll get you hotel information when I have it."
"Hey we've decided to have a never ending season that grinds kid's will to play the sport that was so much fun 9 months ago into a pulp because we need another plastic trophy from a made up travel ball tournament!"

What we have done to kid's sports is wrong. Some of these travel ball parents and coaches are good friends and I tell them it's wrong. Nevertheless, I go along...I'm complicit, so is anth, Huber, Max, UCL, and the rest of you...

It's a snowball that got too big for just a few parents to stop. I blame social media, covid, and UKO.
My 2 nephews are both pretty awful at sports. Just following in the family tradition, tbh. But my brother (the one who's married to a very high earning doctor) is all in on golf, travel baseball, travel soccer, etc. Dude's on the road to Vegas, LA, etc about every weekend. Ya know, for "youth sports," and also to stay at a fancy hotel, lay around the pool, go out to dinner, get wasted with the dads in the lobby bar, etc.

Parents act like they hate it, but that's a lie.
Your kid being good at something changes - arguably warps - your mentality on this stuff. We set boundaries on what we do travel-wise with our youngest, but they’re largely based on how far he wants to go with it. And I’m not kidding about the high school thing. It’s stupidly competitive now.
So what is the breaking point? Everyone that does it hates it and says they said they'd never do it. What makes people do it?
My kids aren’t particularly good but they want to play in HS/on their middle school teams. It’s assumed if you want to do that you play “club” in the offseason for stuff like basketball or soccer. We held off on any club stuff until the end of middle school, which is apparently pretty late for basketball. And even low level club now means some travel. We have a trip to Cedar Point and a trip to FL on the books right now and frankly we’re probably getting off light compared to what I see others doing. And this is for the end goal of “making varsity at some point in HS”.

It’s dumb, it’s not healthy, I hate it, and I’m going to be sad when their HS careers are over but happy when club stuff is done.
-learn tennis*.

-segunda (there ya go, PTI) only played one or two AAU tournaments and was offered a spot at HC in basketball as a freshman...but the assistant coach was her private basketball "tutor" for a summer or two.

^she said no as she was burnt out on basketball from rec leagues/middle school.

*he says as he prepares to leave work early to drive to Madison Southern for a match.
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My 2 nephews are both pretty awful at sports. Just following in the family tradition, tbh. But my brother (the one who's married to a very high earning doctor) is all in on golf, travel baseball, travel soccer, etc. Dude's on the road to Vegas, LA, etc about every weekend. Ya know, for "youth sports," and also to stay at a fancy hotel, lay around the pool, go out to dinner, get wasted with the dads in the lobby bar, etc.

Parents act like they hate it, but that's a lie.
I’d be fine with the socializing minus paying for hotel rooms but I’m just built different.
Your kid being good at something changes - arguably warps - your mentality on this stuff. We set boundaries on what we do travel-wise with our youngest, but they’re largely based on how far he wants to go with it. And I’m not kidding about the high school thing. It’s stupidly competitive now.
Agreed. Its not just Lexington, its everywhere. These small towns have the starters defined for most sports by 6th grade for the high school team. regardless of natural talent in a lot of cases. Kids get literally locked out of playing high school sports very early by these parents and coaches that run in the same circles as all the high school coaches and teachers. Had a kid in our little town basically experience exactly that and played exclusively AAU basketball. Kid was unreal and if he was open and feet set, absolutely cash. On the high school team, he barely got run in practice and decided he couldnt handle not even being given the opportunity. Luckily the coach and a couple other high school teachers kids had a starting 5 covered and lead us to a strong 4-20 regular season. But those kids earned it playing in the school and travel leagues since they were 5-6. Thats what matters.
We aren't travel sports people. Further, if you think I'm spending my summer weekends at some shitty ass recreational ball park with a bunch of travel sports people in the middle of nowhere, false.

I remember saying this as the wife and I were looking at weekend lake houses and boats a few years ago.

Now, those dreams have been crushed.

- Cross country, gang. Easiest sport for parents. Just a good pair of running shoes. You're finished on Saturdays by the time the noon football games have reached the end of the first quarter. No real playing time issues. Even if kids ARE involved in off-season clubs, many of the workouts are done on their own. And it's a sport they can enjoy years into adulthood, and still compete in road races as they get older.

Of course, I say this as I look over my youngest's club lacrosse schedule for the summer. But for her, it's a different story. She needs and wants the extra instruction. She's the only middle-schooler playing on a HS team, and she simply wants the extra practices in order to get better. It's not about the tournaments for her. Which is good, because they're only playing in two of them, and both are in June.

- When we were kids, did NBA players get hurt this often? I don't recall stars missing so many games in the playoffs due to injuries. Seems like at least twice a day, you read of an NBA starter who may/will miss time after getting dinged up. Now it's Fox, who was having a real star turn against the Warriors. Shame.

- Oldest's car is in the shop, so we've borrowed my in-laws' SUV for a few days. I'm doing everything I can NOT to drive it. Not many things make me more nervous than driving someone else's vehicle, even if they are family.

- Steven Wright is still arguably the most underrated stand-up comic of all time.
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- Cross country, gang. Easiest sport for parents. Just a good pair of running shoes. You're finished on Saturdays by the time the noon football games have reached the end of the first quarter. No real playing time issues. Even if kids ARE involved in off-season clubs, many of the workouts are done on their own. And it's a sport they can enjoy years into adulthood, and still compete in road races as they get older.
This is where he'll likely end up. He's really fast.

I'm sure we'll get roped into something and I'll eat my words. I just hate the idea of kids specializing at a young age. He's already doing spring and fall baseball, basketball, swim and cross country. Lol.
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05 definitely did the whole travel thing in both baseball and soccer. But he’s reverted to what he wants to do and is just having fun with football and now even loves soccer as long as he’s playing with friends. Granted he’s had a ton of training but he’s kind of just sitting back and enjoying the two sport recruitment life. He gets pinged almost daily from new college coaches. And he has the fallback of knowing he has a 4.0 GPA and can do whatever he wants. That takes a ton of pressure off.

Pro-tip: Let your kids do what they want to do and when they decide what they like and have fun doing, then double down on that and feed the beast.
07 plays lacrosse and is actually pretty good at it. Who knew?

08 is a freaking lanky giant and is probably the best of the 3. But also the laziest.

As 05 tells me all the time - it’s all going to be ok. Pretty wise kid.
This is where he'll likely end up. He's really fast.

I'm sure we'll get roped into something and I'll eat my words. I just hate the idea of kids specializing at a young age. He's already doing spring and fall baseball, basketball, swim and cross country. Lol.
Or you’re 100% gonna eat your words. Just like I did.
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Some of y'all need to move to South Central. It's been the best April down here in years.
Yeah but then your nightlife or eating options are an hour to Knoxville, an hour to BG, 2 to Lex, etc. Can’t eat at Happy Cow every meal now.

-Regarding stand ups, do yourself a favor and watch Stavros Hailkus (sp) and his new crowd work special on YouTube
One of the positives of living in DFW - you don't have to travel much to get great competition on a weekly basis.

Yes, as your kid progresses you will likely travel more but there are plenty of opportunities on HS teams for kids that didn't go that route.
Far as I know, cross country produced the first GYERO kid vs kid HS competition (my kid ran in a meet KL’s kid ran in)
My oldest does cross-country now and loves it. He’s not super competitive so he’s never going to be a star, but he likes running and the kids have become his best friends. That sport just has good vibes to it.
I never ran XC but every kid in college whether it be at LWC or UK absolutely hated it and just did it because they had a small scholly to keep. They were all unhealthily skinny too.

Not saying that’s what your goal is, I’m sure you’re just looking for an easy sport to keep the kid active.

@CAT Scratch FVR comedy is hotter than it’s ever been and in large part due to the fact of how many stellar acts there are now.

Sam Tallent, recently on Rogan, is another great lower level fame wise guy. Dude absolutely roasted me for 10 minutes at the KW Comedy Club one night.

It was hysterical, I at least, have watched enough crowd work to know to shut tf up unless he directly asks you a question. If you try and interject they’re only going in harder on you.
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I look forward to the weekends that my little girl has a softball tournament. There is nothing else I would rather be doing than watching her play a sport she loves and then run around and goof off with her friends in between games. Had a tournament rained out this weekend in Glasgow. I was pretty bummed
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