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-Anyone checked on Patrick Cantlay? Figured Brooks would've murdered him overnight. Was brutal to watch. Glad my man Rahmbo won.

-Liv sucks. F*ck their money. I'm a fan, I get to irrationally judge their decisions based on my entertainment experience. So f*ck those guys for ruining it. I want to watch Brooks, DJ, Cam Smith, Bryson and Phil play golf against the best in the world. Not on f*cking CW with Sega Genesis style team logos.

I get why Harold Varner would take 20 million because he is gonna struggle to keep his card. A few of the old guys cashing out. However, Phil and the elite guys are douche bags for it.

-So we're either gonna have everyone back or none of the guys back. 😭 If that isn't John Calipari's Kentucky Basketball in a nutshell and we wonder why things are so turbulent during the season. No continuity, no buy in, no pride in the jersey. It's built as a me first program these days. Hard to be a "brother" with 9-10 guys you'll only spend about 6 months with.

-Hit Austin up a couple weeks ago. It's still weird, ftr 🙄.
*Olamaies - Fantastic. Hush puppies with trout roe. Beef belly. Tile fish with polenta.
*Roosevelt Room - post dinner cocktails. great spot.
*Granny's Taco Truck - unreal street tacos.

-Charleston last week
*Tore the walls off the little local seafood market. Stone crab, shrimp, tuna for my sashimi and ceviche recipes.
*Weather was outstanding, typically 60's and at least a few days of cold wet. This week it was 75+ and bluebird skies the whole time. Felt guilty sitting inside for any amount of time.
*Vacation with 4 kids (2-7yo) isn't really vacation. Glad to be back to work.
*Husk - Meh. Food was pretty solid although my porchetta was overcooked.. 3+ hours for a table of 4 was a bit excessive. Magnolias was significantly better imo.
*Rented a bike and got 4 lil rides in while there. Very nice.

-Ate and drank like a slob the last 10 days. Time to grind.

-I'm not mad at a shitty weather day on a beach vacation. As long as it's only 1.

-"I love you, but you are not serious people." What a f*cking line.

-Super Mario Bros last night. It was really good. Not great or anything but solid effort and at 1:32 runtime. Efficient. I respect that. I'd give it an 8/10

-Paw Patrol can get pumped. It's just on constantly. All the time. Song stuck in my head. Why is chase the favorite?
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The “multiple shooter” is apparently someone at 8th and chestnut.

News is saying that it may not be related to the first shooting. This is at Jefferson Community College.
Sad F'n day here.

A good friend of mine I travel with and hang out with almost every weekend was shot at Old National this morning. He was shot in the calf so he's going to be fine, but was in the conference room where others weren't so lucky.

His wife text our group just as the news was starting to report it telling us about the active shooter and that he got hit, but will be ok.

I can't imagine what he's going through.
Have a buddy Josh that works there. His wife got a call saying he was a victim, but no other details. She has been back and forth between the scene and the hospital. Hospital says he isn't there, police can't give her any other details. She doesn't know if he is dead in the bank and hasn't been identified or hopefully rushed so quickly to the ER that he isn't in the system.
Have a buddy Josh that works there. His wife got a call saying he was a victim, but no other details. She has been back and forth between the scene and the hospital. Hospital says he isn't there, police can't give her any other details. She doesn't know if he is dead in the bank and hasn't been identified or hopefully rushed so quickly to the ER that he isn't in the system.

Damn. The not knowing has to be absolutely brutal.

Unfortunately, that doesn't sound good.
Have a buddy Josh that works there. His wife got a call saying he was a victim, but no other details. She has been back and forth between the scene and the hospital. Hospital says he isn't there, police can't give her any other details. She doesn't know if he is dead in the bank and hasn't been identified or hopefully rushed so quickly to the ER that he isn't in the system.

I could see this sending me into a very bad situation.

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We live in a gun culture. Just is what it is. I'm very anti-gun from a personal standpoint, and really don't want anything to do with them and don't want to be around them. But I also think banning any type of gun solves nothing. So many guns out there in the country that attempting to ban them is lol. It would probably make things WORSE. I totally and completely understand the types who want to load up for personal protection, especially given all these disgusting tragedies. But for me, in the meantime, I'll just stick with my baseball bat and my ability to run and just pray me and my family aren't next.

Puppies to all you Louisville folk. This is just awful. 😥
My sister and cousin work in that building. Luckily neither was at work yet when everything went down. Terrifying few minutes until we were able to contact both of them. Praying for all that weren't so fortunate. Terrible. :cry:
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I know we'll hear all the standard issue "mental health reform this" and "gun reform that" in the coming days, but it will never make sense. It just won't.

My concern is that the pro-gun side plays a game where they talk you in circles about how nothing will fully work thereby making perfect the enemy of better, and the anti-gun side wants to hear nothing about fixing other areas (locking up deranged people, stop and frisk, etc.). I don't know, how about we try a few things for four years and see how it plays out?
My concern is that the pro-gun side plays a game where they talk you in circles about how nothing will fully work thereby making perfect the enemy of better, and the anti-gun side wants to hear nothing about fixing other areas (locking up deranged people, stop and frisk, etc.). I don't know, how about we try a few things for four years and see how it plays out?

Well-said. What's worse is that pro-gun vs. anti-gun is a secondary issue. The primary issue is the heart of the person holding a gun. They have to believe that the life of the person at the other end of the gun has value. This belief becomes much less likely when we're constantly bombarded with tribalist inflammatory rhetoric. There is no grace, no nuance, no patience. Way too much power and money are to be had by having people at each others' throats. That's the kind of stuff that needs to be addressed, but it requires cooperation and compromise - a unity of purpose that is becoming much less attainable as time goes by. There's too much focus on what makes us different, rather than what binds us together. I know it's a naive notion in a world where evil exists, but no more so than believing that the pro or anti side will ever win the day.
-obviously hate to hear people here were so close to those affected.

-stopped at Hall’s On The River randomly today, neat little spot to look at some water and relax.

-Rudy Gobert punched a teammate in the CHEST. Is there anything more French than punching someone in the chest? Like, only a Frenchman would think, “I will punch him in the left pectoral to show him my anger.”
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