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This generation’s


Hopefully it doesn’t take Reed 4 years to win a title.
Poll after poll after poll shows that Kentuckians support legalized sports gambling, so this is a friendly reminder that we really do NOT live in a democracy.

What a bunch of corrupt, self important dickbags. Puppies scent, Kentucky. 🥺
We live in a republic, but we need to get the turds who are holding up sports gaming and med marijuana out of office.
The new Netflix documentary on the WACO/Koresh is worth a watch, imo. Was just 3 episodes and had some good content I hadnt seen before.

A couple of the survivors who left before or were able to get out during the fire are in it- and kind of still seem to be riding for Koresh. Bizarre yet fascinating.
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For the lawyers on here, Disney’s attorneys apparently kept their notes from law school re the rule against perpetuities. Your political views on this will vary, but from a purely nerdy legal perspective it’s kinda funny and will make for some interesting litigation.

Read about this yesterday, apparently lawyers everywhere are having a good chuckle over this. By the way, did they think they were going to start making major decisions for Disney when they took over the board? For real?

I'm just baffled by this whole thing.
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For the lawyers on here, Disney’s attorneys apparently kept their notes from law school re the rule against perpetuities. Your political views on this will vary, but from a purely nerdy legal perspective it’s kinda funny and will make for some interesting litigation.
I still have all my notebooks from college and law school. At UK, I would always buy that notebook from Kennedy's that had the old school Wildcat on it with "Wildcat Country" written under it.

The new Netflix documentary on the WACO/Koresh is worth a watch, imo. Was just 3 episodes and had some good content I hadnt seen before.

A couple of the survivors who left before or were able to get out during the fire are in it- and kind of still seem to be riding for Koresh. Bizarre yet fascinating.

Was hesitant to watch it b/c I've seen at least 3-4 others, but it was great & took a different angle focusing on the standoff vs the actual inner workings of the cult. I knew it was a shit show on 'our' part, but good grief.

Cult is probably my #1 Doc genre, just so fascinated by them all.
-tbh cult leader/spiritual guru sounds like a pretty good "2nd career" or retirement gig. I've got the land, facial hair, and the epistemological /ecumenical chops... just lack the cruelty, desire to manipulate the weak minded and/or deal with the general public. I can work on that.
Was hesitant to watch it b/c I've seen at least 3-4 others, but it was great & took a different angle focusing on the standoff vs the actual inner workings of the cult. I knew it was a shit show on 'our' part, but good grief.

Cult is probably my #1 Doc genre, just so fascinated by them all.
I liked that one of the tactics to drive them even more bonkers was basically the same thing that happened to us as pledges during Hell Week, playing ridiculous music and sound effects. Pink Floyd's Bike for the loss.
Speaking of cults, I'm an FLDS-loving OG. Actually was randomly thinking about this yesterday. Anyone in the market for a 19-bedroom pad in the holy land?

link: great for large families

This is THE house, right? The one where all the rapes went down? Warren Jeffs place? Sure seems like it. Nice crib.
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Good time to remind everyone that our government considered (maybe even still considers) Waco a success. They awarded medals and your current president even nominated one of their puppets from that day to lead the ATF. Thankfully his nomination was shot down and burned the same way they did American citizen that day

Anyone that still trusts believes or ****s with our government is certifiably retarded.
Watched the game last night. Wagner popped. His ability to get to the rim at will was expected but I was pleasantly surprised at his jumper in general and more specifically 3 pt shooting. He has good mechanics. No reason he can’t be a good 3 point shooter that can help stretch the floor.

Bradshaw looks like more of the super long and athletic big Cal prefers. Love his skillset and despite being rail thin he didn’t seem to mind to mix it up. High motor. Jump shot looks effortless. Cal better let him step out and take a few.

Edwards could be a lock down defender. Should be great in transition.

Lil Sheppard looked like he belonged on the court with the nation’s best.

I’m encouraged because this is the level of overall talent in one class that Cal would haul in during his initial run when we were going to Final Fours and or knocking on that door. They also seem to possess the intangibles of being highly competitive and really like each other.

I’m still so scorned over Cal’s style of play and or lack of ability to teach/coach a modern style of offense that places a premium on spacing and shooting. That’s going to be on the forefront of my mind until proven otherwise.

Unfortunately, this part of your post might cause the rest of your well written effort to become moot.
We’ve been watching a Scott Peterson doc this week. I was in high school when that case happened so I was following it only about as much as a 16 yr old follows murder cases, but it’s been pretty shocking to hear the actual details of the trial. I mean, he probably did do it, but it’s not at all the open and shut case I assumed it was. Basically the prosecution had zero physical evidence at all, and their theory about how he did it is impossible. Jury was corrupt af. Basically this dude got hosed during his trial.

Really not what I was expecting when we started watching it, tbh.
Would Prime Mike Tyson beat Prime Muhammad Ali?

I say yes and if you disagree you have Boomer Bias and also probably overrate the Beatles.

Well Tyson knocked out Holmes when Holmes was 38. Got killed by Lennox Lewis when they were both almost the same age. And of course was knocked out by Buster Douglas in his prime.

I don't think it's an open and shut case Tyson prime would beat Ali prime. Ali fought much more dangerous heavyweights than Tyson did IMO. And had a great defense because of that.

I think THE GREATEST, would figure it out.
Oh you thought it was a documentary about how successful and mundane the murder trial was?
Kinda just figured it would lean more into the circus of everything leading up to his arrest and the trial instead of basically implying he was an innocent man. That’s a take I had never really heard anywhere before. Butthole.
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