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You’d have a hard time convincing me we don’t need a 5 and let these FR start.

Any 5

Any bench combo

And I’m plenty confident we get back to what UK basketball is.
And I’m pretty confident HOFCJVC would read this and say lol nope
Maybe he holds Sheperd back some, but I don’t see how. All four kids play defense and are elite talent. These are Cal’s kind of players and I don’t think he’ll have an issue at all letting them go.

That was by far the best McD’s game I’ve watched and they all shined at times.
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Conference USA is going to win 2 of the post season tournaments and has a chance to win all 3

Charlotte won the CBI
North Texas and UAB are playing for the NIT
FAU is in the Final 4
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Maybe he holds Sheperd back some, but I don’t see how. All four kids play defense and are elite talent. These are Cal’s kind of players and I don’t think he’ll have an issue at all letting them go.

That was by far the best McD’s game I’ve watched and they all shined at times.

If Cal can bench Immanuel Quickley, the SEC Player of the Year, he can surely find a way to hold back Reed Sheppard. This, I assure you.
Liked what I saw last night in the McD game. All of our recruits showcased some good stuff on the court.
What I liked the most was the emotion from making big plays in crucial times.

Can't remember the last time I saw chest thumping, fired up emotion from a UK player.
^^I just disagree based on what I saw.

All four of those kids played defense last night, and Sheperd also naturally took a backseat to the “stars” and picked his spots ie let the game come to him.

That’s going to be the perfect role along side Wagner, Edwards and Bradshaw.

Bradshaw is not a center though so that all has to get figured out.

- As far as Quick goes, I remember it being obvious then but I think Sheperd is of the same mold and if Cal does decide to bring him off the bench it won’t affect Sheperd at all.

That said Quick is not the defender I saw Sheperd being last night.
As far as HS exhibitions go that was about as good as it gets for a Kentucky fan. Took my optimism for next year up to a 4 out of 10, much better than what it was 2 days ago

This weather needs to get its shit together, enough already

“Working for the Weekend”, the cheesy 80s song, has become more profound and deep the older I get.
Reed Sheppard is definitely getting all the “white boy” compliments you would expect. “What an understanding of the game! He really sees angles - probably got an A in geometry while not listening to the rap music!”
The surprise in the announcer's voice on his breakaway dunk was [laughing]

"The shooter can get up!!"
I just want to be relevant for the entirety of a basketball season (top 15), with a serviceable product on the floor and minimal injuries.

Crazy to think that that is a lot to ask for at this point but, alas, John Calapari.

If I was making a wish list, it'd be that we get on some burners and remind the SEC who the flagship is, guys genuinely have fun while also reaching their potential/dreams.
Also made harder when the guy in the post doesn’t understand angles either. For all that Oscar was, he was also not very savvy in what we used to call basketball basics!
If you paid attention to it during the tournament- inbounds plays aren't just faux pas for our team- there were others that basically just posted their biggest guy up and tried to lob it to him, or heaved it to a guard around halfcourt. Then there were teams who continuously got open looks off inbounds plays under the basket with very simple motion/screening.

Of all of the frustrations i've had over the last few years, and as an original Bitch Bus member- there were plenty- getting the GD ball safely in play is near the top.
I'm jealous of krazy and Vern's optimism, frankly. I tried. I just can't. I wish I could, though.
My optimism is not blind. I fully acknowledge the problems and struggles of the last three years. Our program is nowhere near where it should be. I also don't blame anyone who has major reservations going forward. There is a lot of work that needs to be done.
They are. We are. Some of us just don't feel the need to state it OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY.

Literally any mention of basketball turns into 3 pages or regurgitated and redundant Cal takes. Pretty sure we have everyone noted. I mean, we can't talk about DJ Wagner, who we've recruited for 4 years, for a second without having this exact same goddam conversation? JFC, it's nauseating.
I don’t care how many times the same posters spew the same shit about Cal.

What isn’t being spewed is that DJ Wagner is a closer and clearly is already the player ALL those kids were just waiting to take over. Because once he did, there was clearly no stopping him. He is the ALPHA.

That is the exact player Cal wins with and has won with and hasn’t had in nearly 6 years.

So yes I think this motivates that old bastard to let it rip and go down swinging with these kids. These are his type of players!
I don’t care how many times the same posters spew the same shit about Cal.

What isn’t being spewed is that DJ Wagner is a closer and clearly is already the player ALL those kids were just waiting to take over. Because once he did, there was clearly no stopping him. He is the ALPHA.

That is the exact player Cal wins with and has won with and hasn’t had in nearly 6 years.

So yes I think this motivates that old bastard to let it rip and go down swinging with these kids. These are his type of players!
So you’re saying Wagner’s gonna be better than Askew?
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