Not really a political topic per se, but I just read where WNBA players, namely Angel Reese, are contemplating striking unless their salaries are raised. Ms. Reese plays for the Chicago franchise and makes roughly $75k annually. She is quoted as saying her RENT, presumably in Chicago, is $8/month. I've never lived in Chicago but I'm going to go way out on a limb and guess there are places Ms. Reese could live in the Chicago area that aren't $8/month and she could possibly even find one that is within her budget. What sort of DA lives in a place where the rent is higher than her gross salary and then complains that her employer, which has NEVER in its entire existence made a profit, should pay her more? If I'm an owner of a WNBA franchise that is bleeding cash every single year, once I stopped laughing, I would call Ms. Reese up and plead for her to strike and to convince many other WNBA players to do so, also, so I could cut my losses.
At least now I know all of the DAs aren't located in Washington, DC.
Back to politics, Jasmine Crockett is surely the dumbest individual in DC. I mean, almost every utterance is stream of consciousness full of stupidity, racism, falsehoods and, quite often, incoherent ghetto ramblings (and she's not from the ghetto, btw). AOC is a special kind of dumb, imo, but JC surely is the queen of idiocy.