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You gotta be dominant to win this thing. Cal won’t get that next year. Hoping for a buyout or amicable departure. Is that realistic????
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Game was close and I saw the FAU player curl off the screen and nail a dagger 3 and I realized I’m not sure I’ve ever seen us do anything like that other than maybe once a year at the most. Just a pretty play and would be great if we utilized that. The difference in talent from these small schools to power 5 schools is so surprisingly thin.
Reminds me of Sheppard late here.

UCONN is going to win their 5th title to our one in the last 24 years.

FVCK our useless POS coach. It will be their 3rd since we hired that miserable, lazy, stupid mouth-breather.

Bill Curry is the only UK coach that even approaches the utter disgust I feel for JVC, and I am old as hell, so that is a lot of abysmal coaches

UCONN is what we thought WE were going to be when we bought what we thought was a Ferrari, but turned out to be a Plymouth Neon with rims and a red paint job.
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Anthony, I would love to move on, but our 2 digit IQ athletic director made that essentially impossible.
If he had set out to purposefully wreck 100 years of tradition he couldn't have scripted it any better. It's textbook.
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I sure hope Texas wins because that will be one helluva game and battle of the last two top 20 offense and top 20 defense teams left.

This big guy is what Cal structures a defensive game plan around. Without a big like this we are lost. Shew!

It’s easy to run EVERYONE off the 3pt line when that guy is protecting the rim.
Booker - crap, I forgot about that. so, n/m

I guess I'm just beside myself over the current state of affairs at UK. sorry.
-Has it been mentioned that Ken Griffey Jr is the 3rd highest player on the Reds roster this year? And to make it worse it’s only like 3-4 million?

-Was it just me or did one of the announcers claim he got the elite 8 right in his bracket last night? How many did you fill out bud?

Speaking of, I owe the pool my money I believe. How much was it again?

-This Rabbit Hole show on Paramount with Sutherland looks like it has real promise, have no clue what’s going on through 2 episodes.
The initial break-up of the Big East hurt UCONN or their record could have been better. Yeah, they won title in the AAC while one year removed from Big East. Big East sent them a lifeline for hoops After BC and Pitt, I believe, conspired to keep them out of ACC when they went in.
It also gave them an out to get rid of Kevin Ollie leading to Hurley.
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