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UConn needs to be the next team out, but damn. They look scary to me. Alabama is free to get their asses kicked ASAP too.

Never, ever forget that Rick Pitino is a narcissistic asshole. The BBN doesn't need to inflate or fellate (lmao) his ego any further. He practically told us all that it is not necessary earlier this season. He moved on in 1997. We all should do the same.

Today's brand of basketball at any level is a shooter/scorer's dream. If you don't have enough firepower, you're not going to be very successful. See, the University of Kentucky and the University of Tennessee. That's why I believe Houston is on borrowed time as well.

I'm honestly just ready to stop talking about our basketball program. It is what it is until there is an extreme makeover. The national media is torn on how they want to handle it so that's been funny to watch. On one hand, many hate Cal and want to show all of his coaching flaws. On the other, they want to bait and troll BBN as being unreasonable for clicks/attention. Well which is it, nerds?

Thanks for all the Savannah/Charleston recs. Go to Hilton Head instead and You're too poor has really helped us map this thing out.
It's not some kind of a fluke that the blue bloods are out. The game is changing. Getting the best freshmen is not a recipe to success, particularly the way Cal does it by promising playing time to the freshmen. Why would a top transfer portal guy go to UK if he's going to have to come off the bench behind a group of freshmen?
This year actually did turn out true - no great teams. Total tossup on who wins and I wouldn’t even be able to guess right now

Went to Charleston 5 years ago. It was really fun, I don’t remember a damn thing we did really, enjoy!

We’re in an offense first world folks, in all aspects. Adjust or be left behind
It's not some kind of a fluke that the blue bloods are out. The game is changing. Getting the best freshmen is not a recipe to success, particularly the way Cal does it by promising playing time to the freshmen. Why would a top transfer portal guy go to UK if he's going to have to come off the bench behind a group of freshmen?

How does the freshman thing apply this year? We were one of the most experienced teams in college basketball. Wallace was terrific overall and Livingston was like our fifth option.

Cal sucks using freshmen AND seniors.
How does the freshman thing apply this year? We were one of the most experienced teams in college basketball. Wallace was terrific overall and Livingston was like our fifth option.

Cal sucks using freshmen AND seniors.
Yeah, he's done a bad job at roster building overall. But his default solution is to bring in a star studded freshman class like next year. IMO, he'd be better off going out and using NIL money to get 5 of the best portal guys.
I love statements like “the game has changed”. They are so vague it’s laughable.

Edit: Tonight is the last chance someone has to knock off Alabama until the championship game.
How does the freshman thing apply this year? We were one of the most experienced teams in college basketball. Wallace was terrific overall and Livingston was like our fifth option.

Cal sucks using freshmen AND seniors.
In game coaching has become much more important than it was just a few years ago. Cal is at a big disadvantage, his skills as at basktball coach are recruiting first, then motivation, with game prep and strategy somewhere down the list.
Yeah, he's done a bad job at roster building overall. But his default solution is to bring in a star studded freshman class like next year. IMO, he'd be better off going out and using NIL money to get 5 of the best portal guys.

I disagree. He needs guys who can create their own shit. Wagner and Edwards are a step in the right direction. Maybe Dillingham although he’s a wild card.
Talked to Purdue fan yesterday who informed that while a little disappointed, he loved Matt Painter, he does things the "right way" and the issue is that they are built to win the Big Ten, not the NCAA. So North Texas, St. Peters, and Fairleigh Dickinson were put together to win the Tournament and Purdue did not the tools to overcome that Murderer's Row the last three seasons.
FAU is a really fun team, and don't appear to be going anywhere for a bit; they start a Freshman, 3 Sophs, and a Jr. Just wish Coach's name wasn't Dusty

I mean, they're 34-3. I don't care what conference you're in, in today's college basketball that's one helluva basketball team - and they're validating it. They'll be moving to the American next season to go after Houston.
Talked to Purdue fan yesterday who informed that while a little disappointed, he loved Matt Painter, he does things the "right way" and the issue is that they are built to win the Big Ten, not the NCAA. So North Texas, St. Peters, and Fairleigh Dickinson were put together to win the Tournament and Purdue did not the tools to overcome that Murderer's Row the last three seasons.

I mean- its Purdue. Maybe great regular seasons are all they need and that’s fine. Not everywhere is Kentucky.

Like we have fans tripping all over themselves to shit on Muss or Sean Miller because they’ve only made it to the E8, as if that somehow makes Cal look better.

Welp, I have much higher expectations for Kentucky than Arizona, Arkansas, etc. I believe Kentucky raises ceilings for coaches.
In game coaching has become much more important than it was just a few years ago. Cal is at a big disadvantage, his skills as at basktball coach are recruiting first, then motivation, with game prep and strategy somewhere down the list.
This… analytics coming into the game has magnified every possession. Can no longer rely on talent overwhelming the opponent over the course of the game, especially if the opponent is operating at 95%+ efficiency.

The good teams (Bama, Gonzaga) have both: talent and efficiency. If had to choose between the 2, I’d rather have the efficiency in today’s game. We’ve proven, at least the last 2 years, that talent < efficiency.
Couple things wrong as I see it:

-We ran a really fun and smart offense in 2011 and 2017. So Cal is literally a shittier coach than he used to be.

-If guys didn’t go pro they seemed to enjoy their time here and wanted to come back up until 2018. So the environment the coach has made is shittier as well.

So ya, Cal is much shittier in all aspects of both coaching and culture creating. So, in conclusion, Cal should leave.

-Having two children means once the youngest is about 1.5/2 years old then they start playing with their older sibling and leave you alone a little bit.

-2 I think is probably the cutest age and I’ll miss it, but at the same time is rather exhausting and it’s really nice as they gain independence.
My wife, for some unexplainable reason, just let my almost 20 mo old back on the boob. Had her off of it for like 4-5 mos. She’s now like a drug addict, demanding it all f’n day.
My wife, for some unexplainable reason, just let my almost 20 mo old back on the boob. Had her off of it for like 4-5 mos. She’s now like a drug addict, demanding it all f’n day.

Maybe my favorite guilty pleasure movie.

My wife, for some unexplainable reason, just let my almost 20 mo old back on the boob. Had her off of it for like 4-5 mos. She’s now like a drug addict, demanding it all f’n day.
I’m no doctor but don’t women stop lactating if they go a few days without pumping / breastfeeding?
Having 24 and 25 year old grad transfers has also changed the game. There's a talent "backlog" right now.

We were discussing this with some other coaches last week. Unless you are a 4 or 5 star stud, where do you go play? The transfer portal, Covid, and NIL have all really "backed up" the talent in the Power 5 D1 programs right now. The NBA is "full" and paying players ungodly contracts. Pros are playing longer. So, where does a "good" high school player go?
What completely deflates me the most about the program, and I’m further piling on Dores stupidity here, is that I was 110% convinced that a more experienced roster with several very good shooters was the solution to our woes. Calipari went out and actually made that happen, and yet we still suck.
What completely deflates me the most about the program, and I’m further piling on Dores stupidity here, is that I was 110% convinced that a more experienced roster with several very good shooters was the solution to our woes. Calipari went out and actually made that happen, and yet we still suck.
The problem is he begrudgingly plays the shooters and pulls them after they hit OR miss a couple. Maddening isn't an adequate description.
Given that there is NIL and things like that already, colleges should move to the full professional model ASAP and start issuing contracts that set limitations on movement - including to the pros.

Example 1: You’re a 3-star. Want to come to UK? Fine. It’s a 3-year deal where you can’t transfer or go to the NBA. Don’t like it, go to NKU.

Example 2: You’re Brandon Miller. Since everybody wants you and you have more leverage, you sign a 4-year deal with a player option to leave whenever you want..

This would be a much more efficient mechanism for the schools and player.
Are you aware of the limits a scholarship had on players? And they just took those limitations away in the last 4-5 years I believe?

Why in the world would players now be ok with taking those limits back with added restrictions?
Cal has crushed the transfer portal and played an extremely experienced roster two years in a row so I have no clue WTF Dore is talking about.

Has he been quarantined and double masking since March 2020 or something?
"Crushing the transfer portal" is not bringing in guys like CJ Fredrick. Cal won't even fill out the whole roster. With the NIL money UK has, Cal could get an absolutely loaded team of guards/wings. Guys who would lead the team. For example, look at the guards from FAU. A couple of them will probably leave this year for NIL money. Do you think UK would be better off with players like that or freshmen?
The concept of the school and coach having complete, totalitarian, restrictive control over a college players career has been tried before. Thank god that ship has sailed.
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The concept of the school and coach having complete, totalitarian, restrictive control over a college players career has been tried before. Thank god that ship has sailed.
If it is a contract, it would not prevent a kid from actually transferring. It would just make transferring a breach of contract. The first school that tried to sue a kid for breach of contract would kill its recruiting in the future, so the more likely scenario would be contracts that have compensation built in for retention, performance incentives, etc.

Without getting into the practical issues of what such a system would look like, I think the schools directly contracting with the players and paying them accordingly is the proper route to go. The NIL is sham workaround to get the kids paid. It creates a bizarre situation for schools who have to try to control the situation without being able to actually do what is most important -- directly pay its players.

How nice would it be to have Chris Livingston under contract for next year where his base pay increases 33% every year he stays at UK and he gets incentive bonuses for wins, three point percentage, etc? I'd much rather have that instead of relying on local auto dealerships or NIL collectives to cut deals with the kids that don't involve the university.
Why in the world would players now be ok with taking those limits back with added restrictions?

If the NCAA came in and said "we're going back to the old way and that's that", then yes, I would agree with you. And btw, the current thing is year to year for the school too (meaning the player could have his scholarship removed at the end of each year).

Contracts are meant to be advantageous to both parties. For example, take the 3-star example. Why would I take a 3-star, invest time in him, and then risk him leaving to get more PT in year 2 when I could just pull a senior from the transfer portal? But if I can lock him in for 3 years, he and I both have an incentive to make it work.

Moreover, if he doesn't like the 3-year deal he can go somewhere else for a shorter contract.
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