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I have a GD 6,4,and 1 year old. I’m building a f*cking giant PIA house, my job is unrelenting, I live in GD central Ohio. I’m asking for one thing - to enjoy March. How many f*cking stupid games like yesterday do I have to watch? How many times are we going to look tight, miss wide open FTs, dumb turnovers, HAVE THE MORE TALENTED TEAM, and lose. I’m sick of it. I’m fu*king sick of it. I’m sick of him ruining my Saturdays. F*ck off Cal, seriously just f*ck off.
My biggest beef with Cal is he completely disconnected any emotional connection to games. I remember watching every second of every game win or lose. Knowing tip time for every game to make sure I was somewhere to watch it. Now days, I watch it, but as soon as I can see where it is headed I have zero issue turning it off. Make no effort to stay up late (like last night, I get up at 3:30 am for work). I called it a night on Oscar's F1. I think what I am most pissed about is simply, he took my ability to give a shit about UK basketball away. Never thought that would happen.
Bc Iowa runs plays to get their shooters open shots. I’m not saying CJ is great, bc he’s not… actually he sucks. But I watched him last night and all he did on offense was run back and forth on baseline. Never saw one set designed to get him a clean look.

Which is the exact same thing Doron was doing in 2011-12….and every 2 since him.
Cal was amazing on the pregame:

“They’ll probably go really small on us, but we’re just gonna do our thing.”


Unreal. We literally knew *exactly* how gd Vanderbilt was gonna play us and still couldn’t do a thing about it. This isn’t exactly Pedro Martinez tipping his own pitches in his prime.
Need more of this energy in this fanbase.

Really need someone to take a for sale sign and slap it in front of his house. Boo him when he’s at Keeneland. Flip over his plate at Ruby’s like we’re some chick with armpit hair yelling at Mitch McConnell while he eats. We need to make his fat ass miserable, it’s the only possible (5% chance instead of 0) that we get him to walk away after another disappointment next year.
Can wildcat moving park out in front of his house for a day or two and see if he gets the hint?
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I have a GD 6,4,and 1 year old. I’m building a f*cking giant PIA house, my job is unrelenting, I live in GD central Ohio. I’m asking for one thing - to enjoy March. How many f*cking stupid games like yesterday do I have to watch? How many times are we going to look tight, miss wide open FTs, dumb turnovers, HAVE THE MORE TALENTED TEAM, and lose. I’m sick of it. I’m fu*king sick of it. I’m sick of him ruining my Saturdays. F*ck off Cal, seriously just f*ck off.

As a guy closing on one house in two weeks, showing my house to 20 people the last two days, dealing with a nutso toddler, my busiest time of year at work and wrapping my head around doing this whole baby thing again at 44, I feel you my friend. We haven’t gotten a chance to enjoy March drama-free since 2017.

In 2019, it was the whole “will PJ play?”

In 2018, we were marginal even though we had 4 bonafied NBA players because our outdated coach doesn’t know how to build nor manage a roster in modern times.

And those were the good ol’ days!

We can’t even enjoy the SEC Tournament anymore. 1-4 in our last 5 games!
If you think about it, a brick that leads to a putback is just like an assist, UCL.
You jest, but this is EXACTLY what he preached at his coaching clinic in 2008 that I attended. “Get it on the glass. We’ve got guys that will clean it up!”

That’s the system. Dribble drive (now weave) and toss something up there (preferably with less than 5 seconds on the shot clock) and then go get get it. Maybe we’ll get fouled and go 1-2, who knows?!?!

He runs the exact same drills now that he did in 08. He uses the exact same terminology, cliches, and motivational tactics. It is what it is and ever going to be with him.

He gets guys to buy in and play hard. I’ll give him that. That’s his strength. And because of that, his teams will luck up and gut one out in spite of him.

But most times we’ll be on the edge of our seat, shaking our head, all stressed out, and worrying about how his teams are going to throw it away in the final 3:00. That kind of anxiety is miserable and the aftermath of realizing that we are performing more like a mid major than a blue blood is insufferable. Give me something different.

He’s the same now as he was in 2015. In 2012. In 2008. In 2020. Sometimes he has enough talent to hide his warts. Other times you get what we’ve been experiencing since 2013. The “how is he gonna f it up” voice has always been in our heads. Now we are listening to that voice and seeing the results.
We already know we’re going to get a 6 seed, beat our 11… then watch our 3 lose in an upset, our 2 lose to our 7/10 and promptly shit down our legs against Iona in the second round while shooting 12-26 at the line.
Whoever we play next week, if that coach doesn’t go small, drive and kick, and put Oscar in a never ending blender of P&R’s then he should be fired because there is two seasons of film now showing a clear blueprint to beating this team and our 9 million dollar coach doing nothing but look like a confused maniac every time it happens.
Damn - didn't realize you were connected with them like that -

Kurry Barton - hes the older cousin to Derek
Harris & I remember Wes smoking and listening to NPR quietly & respectfully as we acted like fresh hatched heathen --

Kelly is his older brother though -

Karen B is your mom maybe?

I THINK you were a FR Yellowjacket when I was a SR in 1990 - but can't swear to it

I'm sure we know some of the same ppl and folklore - I moved back to KY about 3 yrs ago (Winchester) - but managed to reconnect to
Derek & Kurry in the last year or so

Do you regularly spend time at KSR Bar?
I may try to catch u there one day & piece more together

Signed this day by : Patrick Cox "Wyvern" - etc
Yes that is my mom. I haven’t seen either of them since Wes died but I was there at his house a lot growing up, especially when Wes was sick.

I graduated in 96. Would love to catch up sometime and please tell them hello. I didn’t know them well but their mom Sharon was always so good to me before she passed.
Whoever we play next week, if that coach doesn’t go small, drive and kick, and put Oscar in a never ending blender of P&R’s then he should be fired because there is two seasons of film now showing a clear blueprint to beating this team and our 9 million dollar coach doing nothing but look like a confused maniac every time it happens.

Yep - also completely abandon the offensive glass and just get back to remove our transition game.

And we won’t scout or adjust to you either.
It's just so jarring to watch other games and see guys who would knife someone to death just to win the whole thing. It matters THAT much to them: Sean Miller, Nate Oats, Danny Hurley, Ed Cooley, etc. And then you watch a Kentucky game and our coach is like "WELP, hope we can get a few good practices in before we head off to Dubuque or whatever."

I just want someone who WANTS it. We don't have that. We have smoke and mirrors....recruiting rankings, NBA contracts, "WE ARE THE NEEDLE", etc. He's the great Wizard of Oz at this pull the curtain back, and he's just a dude pulling levers to project an image that long ago lost its validity. The reals know.

I don't care about offensive efficiency, recruiting rankings, draft picks, NBA contracts, preseason speeches, any of it....I want a guy who cares about winning. That's it.
It's just so jarring to watch other games and see guys who would knife someone to death just to win the whole thing. It matters THAT much to them: Sean Miller, Nate Oats, Danny Hurley, Ed Cooley, etc. And then you watch a Kentucky game and our coach is like "WELP, hope we can get a few good practices in before we head off to Dubuque or whatever."

I just want someone who WANTS it. We don't have that. We have smoke and mirrors....recruiting rankings, NBA contracts, "WE ARE THE NEEDLE", etc. He's the great Wizard of Oz at this pull the curtain back, and he's just a dude pulling levers to project an image that long ago lost its validity. The reals know.

I don't care about offensive efficiency, recruiting rankings, draft picks, NBA contracts, preseason speeches, any of it....I want a guy who cares about winning. That's it.

Nailed it. You'd have to be a fool to think Cal woke up today and his first thought was "how do I make this team better?" Lol.

There are are 50+ coaches out there in college that would've gotten so much more out of this team than Cal has this year. There are guys who live and breathe the game, who just obsess over the game and finding new ways and angles to be successful, who stay on top of what their peers and the elite professional leagues are doing. There are coaches who would kill for the opportunity to coach a group with the athleticism, skill, and potential our group has. Maybe Cal used to love the game like that, but that time has long since passed... now he doesn't love basketball, he only loves the lifestyle that basketball affords him. I'm sure there's nothing more he enjoys than going into an AAU event or some dinner and getting his ego stroked for three hours, or fraternizing with the famous and elite basketball circles and being a part of that club. That's the side of the game that keeps him going.

I just want a guy who is unhealthily obsessed with winning and who is genuinely pained by a loss. Because that ain't Cal and hasn't been him in a long time. And I'm tired of being in the perpetual purgatory of being just good enough to have hope, but obviously too flawed to win anything of significance. I would rather hit bottom and then pick up the pieces from there.
This might be a shitty take, but I’m to the point where I don’t care.

Everyone is in agreement on f**k Cal and Mitch. But f**k this University too if they don’t fire them both THIS YEAR.

I don’t want to hear any shit about how much it would cost. This school (and any SEC school really) can afford it. And also, it’s not like they’d have to pay the full amount in one lump sum anyway.
It's just so jarring to watch other games and see guys who would knife someone to death just to win the whole thing. It matters THAT much to them: Sean Miller, Nate Oats, Danny Hurley, Ed Cooley, etc. And then you watch a Kentucky game and our coach is like "WELP, hope we can get a few good practices in before we head off to Dubuque or whatever."

I just want someone who WANTS it. We don't have that. We have smoke and mirrors....recruiting rankings, NBA contracts, "WE ARE THE NEEDLE", etc. He's the great Wizard of Oz at this pull the curtain back, and he's just a dude pulling levers to project an image that long ago lost its validity. The reals know.

I don't care about offensive efficiency, recruiting rankings, draft picks, NBA contracts, preseason speeches, any of it....I want a guy who cares about winning. That's it.
This is a good take and the Wizard of Oz comparison is on point.

Willy- do your thing
It's just so jarring to watch other games and see guys who would knife someone to death just to win the whole thing. It matters THAT much to them: Sean Miller, Nate Oats, Danny Hurley, Ed Cooley, etc. And then you watch a Kentucky game and our coach is like "WELP, hope we can get a few good practices in before we head off to Dubuque or whatever."

I just want someone who WANTS it. We don't have that. We have smoke and mirrors....recruiting rankings, NBA contracts, "WE ARE THE NEEDLE", etc. He's the great Wizard of Oz at this pull the curtain back, and he's just a dude pulling levers to project an image that long ago lost its validity. The reals know.

I don't care about offensive efficiency, recruiting rankings, draft picks, NBA contracts, preseason speeches, any of it....I want a guy who cares about winning. That's it.

Rack 'em. Well said.
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Yes that is my mom. I haven’t seen either of them since Wes died but I was there at his house a lot growing up, especially when Wes was sick.

I graduated in 96. Would love to catch up sometime and please tell them hello. I didn’t know them well but their mom Sharon was always so good to me before she passed.

Sharon was a sweet woman - her sister Carroll lives there now and it looks great - very southern living warm place to visit

And by chance - Carroll is frequently accompanied by Jack Standifer - hes my cousin or something --- my grandad was first cousin to him ....

technically - maybe that DOES NOT make me a cousin

I will pass it along, Matt -

Be well dude - hope to talk again by football season
Nice pot of Jambalya cooking.

I can’t wait until the NBA draft when all the hype is the Wenbambalya kid, meanwhile Brandon Miller will be the best kid in the draft just like we’ve been through so many times.

Hopefully some dumbass GM doesn’t fall for the ESPN hype train!
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