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My uncle passed away tonight. He watched pretty much every UK game at Dad’s since he finally finished his UK den a decade or so ago. Talked to Dad tonight and he was upset, and said, “well I hope we can get him a win tonight.”

Sounds ridiculous unless you’re a Kentucky fan. It really would have meant something to us if UK won, as silly as that may sound.

But of course we got this shit. I’m going to bed. What a bullshit season.
My uncle passed away tonight. He watched pretty much every UK game at Dad’s since he finally finished his UK den a decade or so ago. Talked to Dad tonight and he was upset, and said, “well I hope we can get him a win tonight.”

Sounds ridiculous unless you’re a Kentucky fan. It really would have meant something to us if UK won, as silly as that may sound.

But of course we got this shit. I’m going to bed. What a bullshit season.
I'm sorry for your family's loss.
Fredrick should have never left the bench. Thiero should’ve had those minutes.

Doesn’t matter cause we’re toast unless they get unconscious shooting 6 straight games and that’s not even conceivable.
Not really
Monologue time was. Talked about unacceptability, super pissed off, even Ryan was getting heated. But now they’ve kinda moved on, which.. fair, I couldn’t do a radio show right now and keep that energy the whole time either.

Whatever I’ll catch the rest on podcast.time to go to bed.
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Not really
I dunno -- the "this team takes way too many premature victory laps, especially John Calipari" line was pretty brutal. If we lose in the first round of the tourney, he's got an epic rant corked up.

As a great former podcaster once said Life's a bitch and then you lose to Vandy.

I can't wait for us to beat a scrub team in the first round by 7 and Calipari to act like that vindicates the shit results this decade. If we go to the second weekend, he's going to have Ellen hand-feed him peeled grapes during the postgame press conference while he addresses the peasants.
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Lunardi has us as a 7-seed in Des Moines.

Just the the thought of whatever terrible outpost we get stationed at against some middling second rate basketball program…
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Yes was it Kelly or Curry? Wes is my Uncle (Larry’s brother)

Damn - didn't realize you were connected with them like that -

Kurry Barton - hes the older cousin to Derek
Harris & I remember Wes smoking and listening to NPR quietly & respectfully as we acted like fresh hatched heathen --

Kelly is his older brother though -

Karen B is your mom maybe?

I THINK you were a FR Yellowjacket when I was a SR in 1990 - but can't swear to it

I'm sure we know some of the same ppl and folklore - I moved back to KY about 3 yrs ago (Winchester) - but managed to reconnect to
Derek & Kurry in the last year or so

Do you regularly spend time at KSR Bar?
I may try to catch u there one day & piece more together

Signed this day by : Patrick Cox "Wyvern" - etc
I know they’re down a starter but I’m cheering for UCLA this year because I t’ll prove they were better off with out Cal and it will make him miserable.

If we’re going to be stuck with him at least he can be miserable with us.
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"We play better when we have nothing to lose."

Then he should be at another school. "Nothing to lose" isn't what we do here. The entire point of Kentucky basketball is getting to and playing in high stakes games. We're supposed to have a LOT to lose, every game, every year. That's the standard. If you have a game as the Kentucky head coach with nothing to lose, something has gone horribly, terribly wrong.
What’s the going rate for an SEC tournament weekend now? For a couple, it’s gotta be $2500-$3000, right?

Do you think it bothers Cal in the slightest that the majority of fans that travel to the tournament’s are BJW’s and the time and money put forth are of significant value to them?

We are stuck in a perpetual loop of insanity as a program. Doing the same things, for years, and expecting different results. Cal is right about one thing, though. This place isn’t for everybody and it’s time he realizes that it isn’t for him either. It’s time to rip the bandaid off of this sore and deal with the consequences. We may not get anyone “better” as the media likes to put out but at least we won’t have to deal with his tired, worn out act anymore.
I know they’re down a starter but I’m cheering for UCLA this year because I t’ll prove they were better off with out Cal and it will make him miserable.

If we’re going to be stuck with him at least he can be miserable with us.

WTF - I’d seriously consider rooting for Duke, Louisville or Carolina in a title game against UCLA.

I found these on top of a stack of early-to-mid 90s Playboys.

Get me back to these days. I felt like I was a poker player dealt pocket aces every hand and just cashed in all the time.

Now, I'm just winging it with 2/7 off suits and throwing money to the wind; hoping we catch a lucky flop while our chip stack dwindles.

Stacy Sanchez (1996 'imagine that' Playboy Playmate of the Year) for the win, by the way.
WTF - I’d seriously consider rooting for Duke, Louisville or Carolina in a title game against UCLA.
I’m not saying it’s logical but my spite is strong right now. He’d also make zero progress on his goal to catch them.

Kentucky basketball is forever, we can catch them with someone else.
What’s the going rate for an SEC tournament weekend now? For a couple, it’s gotta be $2500-$3000, right?
At this point, if you're contemplating going for the basketball (rather than the communal BBN experience when it is in Nashville) ---> you're an absolute sucker.

What does cricket get drunk on? White claw spritzers with a jolly rancher?
Bc Iowa runs plays to get their shooters open shots. I’m not saying CJ is great, bc he’s not… actually he sucks. But I watched him last night and all he did on offense was run back and forth on baseline. Never saw one set designed to get him a clean look.
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Hey you guys wanna know something? F*ck Cal, that’s what. F*ck him. F*CK HIM
Need more of this energy in this fanbase.

Really need someone to take a for sale sign and slap it in front of his house. Boo him when he’s at Keeneland. Flip over his plate at Ruby’s like we’re some chick with armpit hair yelling at Mitch McConnell while he eats. We need to make his fat ass miserable, it’s the only possible (5% chance instead of 0) that we get him to walk away after another disappointment next year.
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