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Talked to a high school basketball coach, whom I respect, about the Covid-eligibility rule. The decision to allow an extra year was left up to each individual school district to decide. Many small county schools jumped all over that and some other districts did not do so. The county this man coaches in was not even going to discuss it and just allow it to pass by and do things "normally."

Then he went to a few board members to try to get it brought up at a meeting so they could vote. He essentially adopted the "their lives will never be better than when they're in high school" defense and that actually made perfect sense to these people. They went from not even thinking about using a Covid year to essentially saying . . . "yeah, being an adult in our hometown sucks so let them live it up while they can." Bold approach. And it worked. And it worked for many other counties as well.

Their middle school team looks like a great JV team and/or maybe even a mediocre varsity squad. They were beating people by 40-50 points all summer. It will stay like this until others catch up physically. There will be an entire generation playing against college aged kids.

Our team this year is loaded with sophomores (legit sophs; no Covid year in Warren Co). We played many teams that had 18-19 year old seniors. It was ugly at times.
My friend trains a high school weightlifting team in Florida and he says it’s ridiculous. All the old records that stood for years are being smashed because everyone is 2 years older than the person that previously set the record.

All the lacrosse and baseball players are doing it as well there.

Also, why would you even be proud of breaking a record when you know you had an obvious advantage?
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Here in our household, grades are what matters. (Lol as @anthonys735 spent the weekend evaluating 6/7 year old kids for baseball draft.) Anyways, somehow my July birthday kid has managed to do well in school and better than average in MAP tests despite his “late” birthday.

If you need to hold your kid back for maturity, school, etc. that’s fine. Do what you need to do. But this rampant hold back stuff (especially in private schools) boggles my mind. Like if you’re spending $25k a year to send your kid to the Lexington School, doesn’t it seem kinda stupid they need to repeat a grade because they “aren’t ready” to move on? Wtf are y’all learning? Nothing? Oh wait, I get it, you want to celebrate 10 year old Whitaker Ingram Cargill the fourth’s 2nd grade basketball title?

Proud husband.
I’m still trying to understand the “spend $15K+ a year + a shit ton of your personal time for 8 years to maybe have your kid get a partial athletic scholarship at bidirectional state” thinking.
Yeah. I'm a DINK so what do I know but it seems like it would be a far better use of capital to fully fund a 529 account for your kid's college rather than blow a bunch of money and time on trying to get an athletic scholarship for little Thurston or Katelyn'n.
No problem with being competitive, even at an early age for these kids. Losing, discipline, and teammates relying on you are really important life lessons. Shit, our group of kids are more competitive than the Dads.

I just get a kick out of the losers that are obviously bending the rules and somehow always end up with a stacked team. Random how it's always the same crew.
I need to start a business, sorry- *hustle*, where I charge gullible parents money to make them take time and more money to travel to FL during the school year or NE Ohio each summer to watch their kids study.

Hey- if they stick to my plan and study enough, they’ll have a shot at a college scholarship. In the meantime, let’s meet up by this hotel pool after dinner at Chili’s!
No problem with being competitive, even at an early age for these kids. Losing, discipline, and teammates relying on you are really important life lessons. Shit, our group of kids are more competitive than the Dads.

I just get a kick out of the losers that are obviously bending the rules and somehow always end up with a stacked team. Random how it's always the same crew.
I was coaching a team in UPWARD BASKETBALL and this was going on and there was an incident during a game where my team was, in my opinion, being tested unfairly re: rosters and such and yada yada yada ol Max wasn’t coaching no more
I enjoyed coaching my kids.

I was terrible at it and no doubt kept them from starting in the path to greatness, but it was fun!
I need to start a business, sorry- *hustle*, where I charge gullible parents money to make them take time and more money to travel to FL during the school year or NE Ohio each summer to watch their kids study.

Hey- if they stick to my plan and study enough, they’ll have a shot at a college scholarship. In the meantime, let’s meet up by this hotel pool after dinner at Chili’s!
Didn't that land Aunt Becky in federal prison?
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Didn't that land Aunt Becky in federal prison?
Their model skipped the study part and promised admissions into elite schools. It’s a flawed model.

MaxPowerrr’s Elite Thunder Fusion Squad doesn’t promise particular schools, only the showcase and coaching opportunities for exposure to regional institutions. It’s like our motto says “What? Don’t you love your kid?”
My friend trains a high school weightlifting team in Florida and he says it’s ridiculous. All the old records that stood for years are being smashed because everyone is 2 years older than the person that previously set the record.

All the lacrosse and baseball players are doing it as well there.

Also, why would you even be proud of breaking a record when you know you had an obvious advantage?
Well, I don’t know about you, but some in our country are ok with a man breaking a woman’s record while participating in a female sports competition, so I don’t see why we should qualify age anymore. Maybe we should allow high school kids to play middle school sports if they feel that’s what’s best for them..and if they break a few records, who cares.
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That hold back issue isn’t getting better, and it’s awful for football. My son is the youngest possible kid in his class(born 9/30 on last year of 10/1 cutoff) and one of the biggest. His coaches are begging me to hold back a kid with 5 A’s and 1 B.

Yea, um, maybe talk to his mother and find out what she thinks about your little football league. You want some money/donations cool! Need a sponsor I’ll give whatever you need, but I won’t talk about holding him back for football with his mother without a bulletproof helmet.
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I’m still trying to understand the “spend $15K+ a year + a shit ton of your personal time for 8 years to maybe have your kid get a partial athletic scholarship at bidirectional state” thinking.
That’s not the norm. At least the money part. Not even close.

Outside of a few isolated situations, I’ve loved just about every second watching my kid grow and excel in a sport he loves. For far less than 15k/year. Not sure I’d hit that figure if you combined all the years.

Now my youngest? He couldn’t care less about anything other than just being part of a team. But my oldest? He’s wanted to American History X style curb stomp any and all competition since he was very young.
We held my 11yo back in 5th grade, but technically we were just “resetting” him. We started him in kindergarten a year early and wanted him to be in class with kids his age. Was more of a social decision than educational, and it’s worked out. Dude has made a ton more friends, has had several girlfriends and is genuinely enjoying school much more this year. He’s not a big kid, even now, but it will also help him tremendously when it comes to middle school tryouts next year. He was already competing against kids 1 year older, but there were kids up to 2 years older than him in his previous grade.

I absolutely can’t wait for my 2yo to start Weeball. Dude is already ate up. Idk if he’ll be any good, but it won’t be for a lack of effort. He takes BP like a 5yo and has a total cannon for an arm. My 3rd lefty. He’ll have 2 big brothers to help coach as well. Gonna be a blast.
<---Parent of a "hold back" kid. Held our youngest back in 1st grade and it's been the best thing for him. He has a late July birthday and will be 18 his entire senior year. Our reasoning was that we wanted him to graduate at 18 instead of 17 and he was the youngest boy in his grade. We also get to keep him home another year. He's currently in 8th grade with straight A's and plays basketball, baseball and golf.

I would be lying though if I didn't admit that I was secretly excited about it from a sports standpoint when we made the decision. Around here, surrounding schools all have hold backs and you either play the game or get beat often in middle school and hope to catch up by high school.

That said, it's not quite worked out like I thought it would. His high school has around 1000 kids and he still had to get pulled up to play freshman and JV basketball both last year and this year. It's purely a lack of numbers thing and not because he was physically mature so he still had to go against kids much older than him the last two seasons. He doesn't even have armpit hair and played against kids with full beards a lot of nights. I'm not sure if it's made him tougher or worn him completely down.
I graduated at 17. I was 6'4 165 (sopping wet in winter clothes). I had a late July birthday. When I went to go play small college ball, I grew another inch and gained 15 pounds. If I could have been 6'5 180 as a Sr. . . well, I probably wouldn't have had any better college options, but I could have really helped my high school team compete for a district/region title.

My mom and dad both presented me with the option to hold back a year when I was in the 5th grade. I was offended and they never said another word about it. I just didn't understand.
I was 16 until Christmas break of my senior year. I don’t think my parents gave any consideration to holding me back so that I could play tennis against Harlan for another year.
I was held back in kindergarten. I’d like to think it was due to my prowess at tag and red rover but alas it was because of my age. I often wonder what could have been.
<---Parent of a "hold back" kid. Held our youngest back in 1st grade and it's been the best thing for him. He has a late July birthday and will be 18 his entire senior year. Our reasoning was that we wanted him to graduate at 18 instead of 17 and he was the youngest boy in his grade. We also get to keep him home another year. He's currently in 8th grade with straight A's and plays basketball, baseball and golf.

I would be lying though if I didn't admit that I was secretly excited about it from a sports standpoint when we made the decision. Around here, surrounding schools all have hold backs and you either play the game or get beat often in middle school and hope to catch up by high school.

That said, it's not quite worked out like I thought it would. His high school has around 1000 kids and he still had to get pulled up to play freshman and JV basketball both last year and this year. It's purely a lack of numbers thing and not because he was physically mature so he still had to go against kids much older than him the last two seasons. He doesn't even have armpit hair and played against kids with full beards a lot of nights. I'm not sure if it's made him tougher or worn him completely down.
Hey man try playing against Radcliffe Middle
or High School in Hardin County. Our 8th grade year we were like how come the other team drives themselves to the games…
Man I wish I was STILL being held back to high school. LOL!

Are we certain that Wheeler isnt suspended for bringing a handgun to a teammate seconds before a murder? Could that be the case? Is that something a player should sit for?

It was nice to have a decisive win over a local team. As a dad of a 1 year old, sitting down and watching games on the weekend is pretty much out of the question- I watched bits and pieces but we listened to it in the car a good bit- and the feed on Sirius was the home broadcast for Auburn- and man that made it that much better.

People are already staked to their side on the Miller issue- not much is changing anyone's mind. But I would like to think that after Alabama loses in the 2nd weekend with Miller playing, any rational fan at that point may start to think "ick.... maybe that wasnt worth it"
You all wouldn't believe the amount of $$$ folks down here spend for individual sports training on top of training for speed, agility, etc.. Calling it a cottage industry would be an insult. It's a full blown industry and probably 75% of the kids go to one or both. I laugh at the $15K figure Wayne tossed out.
We train the Lexington Sporting Club kids and pros (soccer) and a bunch of those kids take our girls or boys classes on top or PT as well. Part of the problem is if you don’t you’ll be passed up by the ones that do.
No wonder it's such a shock to kids when they get here.

After years of battling twenty year olds Frank, Leroy, and Tyrone their whole life you get to Kentucky where you find out it's all about "Are we having a ball out there?", "Hey we get to do this", and "I'm glad it's over I can go home and see my dogs."
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Do they not have a rule around here where you can't play high school sports after you turn 19? That was what we had where I was from.

EDIT: Just checked... Like all U.S. jurisdictions, Kentucky has an upper age limit for high school athletic participation. The KHSAA rule is that students must be under age 19 as of the July 31 preceding the current academic year.

Under age 19 by July 31 of the previous year? That's ridiculous. The oldest you should be your senior year of high school is 18, period.
Well considering you can be held back twice now due to COVID exception 19 could become the norm for a few years!
My parents never held me back because I'm not fu@king stupid. But congrats to those that couldn't pass kindergarten on the first try. Now can we move on?
Hence why you're posting on a message board and not in the NBA HoF, loser.
In the opposite, yet equally stupid option, my brother is suing his daughters school because they won’t let her skip a grade. Never mind the fact she doesn’t want to skip ahead, she wants to stay with her friends, suing your daughters school has to be a heck of a way to make friends around there.
In the opposite, yet equally stupid option, my brother is suing his daughters school because they won’t let her skip a grade. Never mind the fact she doesn’t want to skip ahead, she wants to stay with her friends, suing your daughters school has to be a heck of a way to make friends around there.
Is B Rax's father-in-law's lawyer handling the suit?
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