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Guys, is it time to worry about IU yet? Most of our rivals aside from Kansas don’t have a prayer this year. But IU is going to have a 4 seed with a shot to win their way to a 2. How good are they? It’s hard for me to see it but . . .🤷‍♂️
Love seeing Reed behind the bench fist pumping after big plays. Him, Perry, and the kid from Woodford county on the same team in a couple of years too much for old BJW to ask for?

The mess that is our phone charger area on the counter is something to behold. Our phones, my work phone, breast pumps, tablets, and who knows wtf else over there. Got to be a better way.

Feels like GYERO is washing up on me right now, we spent the middle of the day at Whole Foods (scam) yesterday and now the wife wants to go to brunch. Just a royal flush of soft bitch boi behavior. My girls look cute tho.
It's been quite remarkable how many points we've been putting up lately considering we run a James Naismith-style offense.
Well, it took him months to finally bring Oscar off the block and run stuff through him at the top of the key, facing the basket.

Why do you think Topp finally has started to blossom? Because he has driving lines and space to attack the rim.

It's pretty cool when the paint isnt clogged.
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You guys think Matt Jones is a closeted Duke fan? I mean he did go to Law School there right?
Apparently Bama has been doing that intro all year but they need to switch it up immediately. The fact they hadn't is suspect.
I can’t believe a dude who thought bringing a loaded gun to a buddy at 1 AM and texting the heat is in the head thereafter thought getting patted down for a weapon during a warmup was a good idea.
So, I know everyone likes to shit on CJ for his lack of production around here, but I gotta share this.

CF and I were driving through the Liquor Barn/Oasis/Puccini’s/Josie’s lot going home, and it just so happened CJ and his parents were crossing our path to go to Puccini’s. I waved them on and CF said “Is that CJ Fredrick?!”

I rolled down the window so he could say hi and the whole family walked over, and CJ reached through the window and gave him a bump.

Made CF’s whole day and night, couldn’t wait to get home and tell Mom.

That’s the shit I miss right there, that magical fascination with the University of Kentucky Men’s Basketball team. Thank God he still has that twinkle in his eye.
I can’t believe a dude who thought bringing a loaded gun to a buddy at 1 AM and texting the heat is in the head thereafter thought getting patted down for a weapon during a warmup was a good idea.
At least he has a decent haircut, right?
It’s still there. The feeling I’m having.

It's called the stomach flu, food poisoning, the runs..... UK fans have had it every year around this time since 2015. It will sit silent for a while....ramp up here in a couple of weeks and then rip your guts out.
No joke... lifetime risk of colon cancer is 1/23 for men.
- 1 in 5 of people who get it is before age 50
- 30% of the diagnosed are under 55
- Averge age of diagnosis is 68
I got diagnosed with it at 39. They say that if I have kids, they should get checked at age 29. So far things look good after surgery and a precautionary 8 cycles of pill form chemo but it is definitely something to keep an eye on. I have my yearly colonoscopy set for May 6. Hopefully this one shows nothing.
I got diagnosed with it at 39. They say that if I have kids, they should get checked at age 29. So far things look good after surgery and a precautionary 8 cycles of pill form chemo but it is definitely something to keep an eye on. I have my yearly colonoscopy set for May 6. Hopefully this one shows nothing.
I hope your butthole is clean and clear WILDMAN.
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-Has to be frustrating to the 2-3 dozen real Auburn Basketball fans out there watching that guard play. Shesh. Basically the polar opposite of our recent guard issues. I get letting your guys play freely, but damn, that was brutal. Lol, at that dbag Johnson being benched.

-What the hell is going on with Wheeler? Thought it was an ankle? He was out there walking around with no boot or limp. Meanwhile, CJ is back after 3 weeks with a cracked rib.

-Nice to see this team get a win like that. Certainly deserved. Good to see our peak too.

-Bracket Matrix has us the 2nd 8 seed. Really need to get that to at least a 6.

-Big time 2nd/3rd grade basketball ended last night to a team full of held back should be 4th graders. Congrats on playing your 10 year olds in a non-age required league vs our 7 year olds. Dbags. Don't get that mentality. On to Big Time Coach Pitch.
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