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Boley is a larue county kid. His athleticism is shocking. May not be worth a damn as a high D1 QB, but he’s got the tools to get there.
Who was the SOB who climbed the sign at Woodland/Euclid after the 96 title?
I’ve got that picture framed and hanging in my office (as I’m sure half this board does) and I frequently find myself wondering how’d that sumbich get up there?
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I watched that maniac scale that sign from roughly 30 feet away. We were certain he was going to fall while attempting to climb to the top. Nothing mysterious about it. He just managed to do it like he was rock climbing. Once he got to the top, someone tossed him the flag.

I also remember who I think was a different person attempting to tear down the street sign and the crowd got pissed since the cops were leaving everybody alone due to nobody destroying anything at that point.
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I watched that maniac scale that sign from roughly 30 feet away. We were certain he was going to fall while attempting to climb to the top. Nothing mysterious about it. He just managed to do it like he was rock climbing. Once he got to the top, someone tossed him the flag.

I also remember who I think was a different person attempting to tear down the street sign and the crowd got pissed since the cops were leaving everybody alone due to nobody destroying anything at that point.
Think the fire department helped him down
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During the wintertime in the Netherlands it's basically dark until about 9 AM and then the clouds come out and you get this cold, 38 degree mist like we've had for the last 3 days. Then it gets dark again at 4 PM. So you know what they did? They built spas where 5'10 blondes go to all get naked and steam, sauna, cold plunge, hot tub and then do it all again. And they let us guys in there too, and thankfully it's still like a 2 hot girls to 1 guy ratio. I used to go when I was working over there. I went back this fall with my wife just to prove to her it was real.

My point is, the weather sucks here, but we could theoretically make it much, much better. But we won't. And that's the frustrating thing with this sad, cold, late January Monday.
$500 richer from ol’ Krazy soon enough!

Well I can assure you Stoops is still at UK and this, lol, wasn’t a bet I lost.

- That said, long evening, but wanted to touch on something someone posted about “bubbles”.

I honestly don’t think Bourbon is a bubble. I do believe this secondary insane prices are and obviously that won’t keep up, but bourbon isn’t.

I’ll take it a step farther too, NPB(non producing brands) are being priced out of the market right now as barrels that cost $2000 last year are now $4000 a pop for 4year old juice. KY bourbon is worse, and it’s getting worse by the day as far as barrel purchases.

Rumors of this spread last year but seemed unrealistic, but after getting voted down in Frankfort I began to doubt that I’d be able to reach my goal of starting my own distillery.

Since then I’ve had nothing but good luck with finding smaller hole in the wall distillers that have signed contracts with me and honestly help me with advice more than I’d ever expect. Then a land deal 1 mile from my residence fell in my lap and at that point I reached out to several possible investors.

That was back in August, and in that 6 months Wild Turkey, owned by Gruppo Campari, bought wilderness trail and Bardstown Bourbon Company bought Green River which eliminated 2 of the biggest contract distilling companies in the state.

That threw barrel prices thru the roof and now any small lot that would usually take a verbal commitment and get you samples in the past, now you don’t have time to even ask for samples, commit or on to the next one.

Now more than ever it’s become clear either you know the market/industry and become a producer or you may want to consider how long you can sustain your business model and selling product at $100-300 a bottle.

But that’s just here in the states! Globally, which is the cause of all the expansion at basically every distillery, bourbon is flat out insane and that absolutely will not slow down anytime for the next 20-30 years.

Beam, Heavenhill, Buffalo Trace all have 100 million dollar expansions. Others as mentioned above didn’t want to wait out state permitting etc and spent 100’s of millions on currently operating distilleries to get a jump on expansion.

Kentucky is doing a great job accelerating things to capitalize as much as possible with other states now also trying to jump in like the Wild West, but only Kentucky is governed tight because of the designation “Kentucky Straight Bourbon” brings such a prominent increase in quality and perceived prestige.

Anyway that is the long winded version as to why I think the term bubble for the bourbon industry is a little misleading, but if brand can’t get into a producing distillery or start one they are fighting an uphill battle.
There were a bunch of EKU Pikes that drove up and turned over the news truck in 96. IIRC a couple got expelled over it.
Just crazy how many stories there are out there of Anths ghetto ass neighborhood being ransacked by looters and criminals and rioters and vandals. Shocked anyone still wants to live there.
For the second time, just let me know where to send the $. I had totally forgotten about the bet. I lost fair and square. But since you keep on maybe the truth should also have its day too.

We never discussed anything about an investment in a distillery. You talked about a bourbon deal on here in November 2021. I congratulated you. Which in DM’s you explained wasn’t actually a done deal just yet. NINE MONTHS LATER(August 2022) you message me on Facebook to invest in a bourbon distillery. I politely declined. That’s the entirety of it. Literally that’s all of it.

We deserve to be broke if we invest in a business offer sent via FB messenger from a guy we have spoke to 0 times in real life.

As far as bourbon, ball cards and bubbles who knows what the future holds. It’s been a hell of a lot of fun.
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Honestly it started over me guessing the KU/UK line should be KU -4. Then Brady made a few remarks about the titans I had kind of ignored until I pointed out he had probably been to Nissan Stadium more than Paycor because we had at some point became Facebook friends which I’ve seen some posts. All typical GYERO banter.

Then the guy went in about how many bets I lose and how I reached out to him as a possible investor in a distillery……..not actually my brand as they are separate entities all together.

Which brought to light to me that the guy actually made a $500 bet with me that was about Stoops leaving UK like 2 years ago.

I’m not ashamed of much so someone getting real life personal when it comes to throwing jabs in GYERO doesn’t bother me a bit. I won’t throw that punch first, ever, but I’ll be damned if someone jabs at me and I don’t jab back.

I always thought Brady was a genuine good dude so I’ll drop it now.

I truly wish all of you nothing but the best!
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Brady seems angry sometimes (this was before his divorce) while I think Krazy is really big so idk man, it’s a pick ‘em I reckon.

-You're not getting an invite, Rob. Sorry.

-Another 9pm game @ Ole Miss. JFC. Not going to do it but man I'd like to skip that sucker.

-Props to private school on the Snow Day, granted the roads in our hood are just fine. What a kick in the dick "NTI" is? Shoot that sucker into the sun along with all the other nonsense that came out of virtuous covid measures that amounted to zero help. Right there next to #teamkentucky cloth masks, digital tickets, plexiglass and QR code menus. Just let the kids have a day off school.

-Krazy and Brady are eerily similar. Love booth those dudes. Glad they seem to be cooling off. Just glad a couple of you are spicing up GYERO. Only so many times WCC and I can go head to head before it starts to wear on us.

-Watched the 1996 NC at Bonnie & Clyde's. Hard to beat that pizza when it's fresh. Completely unique as well.

-Figured the non-producer bourbon stuff would have to regulate at some point. So many new places jumping in and those prices are silly.

-Speaking of, I love the Bourbon Bro DBags that get all bent over Justin's prices. Completely ignoring the reason customers pay those prices is b/c you assholes are willing to spend hours in a parking lot buying up all the allocated bottles. Wish half of those dudes would go nuts over beard grooming kits and leave bourbon.

-Mom/Dad/Parent/MCF style IG Memes keep me going. Complete dork humor but amazing nonetheless.
Chappelle's Show debuted in January 22, 2003 so its been 20 years. My Top 5 skits:
1. The N word Family
2. Popcopy
3. Charlie Murphy’s True Hollywood Stories: Prince
4. WacArnold’s
5. Charlie Murphy’s True Hollywood Stories: Rick James

HM: I Know Black People, Clayton Bigsby, ‘Law & Order’: Tron Carter, Nelson Mandela’s Boot Camp, The Racial Draft, The Mad Real World
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